SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
May 21, 2008
Verizon is rolling out a national feed of YES - HD. We got it in the Philly region yesterday (channel 595). It's supposed to be a real quick roll-out - all done this week. The downside is that they won't be showing any games outside the NY/NNJ market - those will be blacked out. I don't know what happens if you get MLB EI. From what I understand, on DirecTV, if you get the sports pack you get all the out-of-market RSNs, but games on those RSNs are blacked out. However, YES, e.g., will not be blacked out for you if you have MLB EI (unless the Yanks happen to be playing your local team).

Also, for folks in the NY/NNJ area, Verizon is rolling out YES VOD - apparently live games will be available on VOD.
I just noticed YES-HD (channel 595) this afternoon. :up

It's odd that there's no YES in standard def on channel 95- which is currently vacant (not that I'd watch SD any way).
We have it too!

Showed up yesterday in the Seattle area, I think 595 too. Was in with the HD national sports channels! The more HD the BETTER!:)

We have YES-HD in Boston! No listing on my Tivo as of today

I'll give it a day or two.

I also noticed MAVTVHD on 598

Have I missed it all this time or is it new?
I also noticed MAVTVHD on 598

Have I missed it all this time or is it new?
You've missed it all this time. That station's been on FiOS pretty much since the beginning (there's a corresponding SD stations too).

Just swithed to Comcast Cable - Stupid box?

5 days of Comcast, back to DTV
