XM Radio Suspends Opie & Anthony

While I agree it is not a free speach issue, I do thing that there needs to be a clear ling of what can and can not be said. When you advertise a show as "Totally Uncensored" then it means its totally uncensored. WHile what they said with the homeless guy was considered bad by many, it was tame to much of the other stuff they have done.

Why does XM encourage them to do stuff (and Eric Logan froM XM has been there at times when they have done some bad stuff) yet something as stupid as this gets them suspended?

As I said before its an ADULT COMEDY show, period. If you don't like it then dont tune in. Also as I said before, should I sue XM next time I am tuned to one of their comedy channels and the comedian comes on and makes fun of fat and ugly people such as myself?

Come on folks grow some skin, and the thing that makes me the sickest is that once again it was the Reverand Al Sharpton who stuck his nose out there where it didn't belong.

The way we are going today, I hope we all like the kids show Barney, as soon it may be the only thing that the government says is clean enough for us to watch on TV or listen to on the radio.
Well i canceled my 2 radios. They are not coming back to xm after a 30 day suspension its just not going to happen. O and A were the only reason I still had XM. WTF am I supposed to listen to for 30 days. Xms music channels have sucked for over a year. Xm tried to offer me 6 free months to stay, but I figured canceling may get the point across a little better. If they come back Ill reup with a code so I dont have to pay the activation fee. If they dont come back I'll reactivate that monster JVC Sirius unit we got from the deal here. Sirius's music channels were better anyway when we had both services.

SO it looks like I'll be taking my XM units flushing them down the toilet.....
Well i canceled my 2 radios. They are not coming back to xm after a 30 day suspension its just not going to happen. O and A were the only reason I still had XM. WTF am I supposed to listen to for 30 days. Xms music channels have sucked for over a year. Xm tried to offer me 6 free months to stay, but I figured canceling may get the point across a little better. If they come back Ill reup with a code so I dont have to pay the activation fee. If they dont come back I'll reactivate that monster JVC Sirius unit we got from the deal here. Sirius's music channels were better anyway when we had both services.

I cannot get through to XM. High number of calls I guess.
I have to disagree with you Scott. The show is called uncensored. But if that means that XM has to allow them to say ANYTHING there is something wrong. the only real question is what the line is.

As for Sharpton he probably WILL call for their firing but to say that the entire furor was caused by him is disngenous at best.
Forgive me if I am wrong but the first place I heard about this entire thing was Sharpton complaigning about it in the new york post a few days ago.

Up until then it really wasn't news.

As I said they have said a lot worse which they SHOULD have been suspended for.

WackBag.COM is reporting that O&A have now been FIRED by XM, but this has not been confirmed by anyone. Wackbag is the unofficial O&A site.
I have to disagree with you Scott. The show is called uncensored. But if that means that XM has to allow them to say ANYTHING there is something wrong. the only real question is what the line is.

As for Sharpton he probably WILL call for their firing but to say that the entire furor was caused by him is disingenuous at best.

The show is a COMEDY show, it isn't news. It is also rated XL for adults and can be blocked on any radio. Do you think Chris Rock, Lewis Black, ect should be thrown off HBO because of their controversial humor?

The bottom line is corporate America has completely lost its balls and cowers in the corner every time a special interest group with 10 members is upset.

The reason everyone should be concerned is this is setting a terrible precedent. First Imus, then JV & Elvis, now O&A. Do you really think it will stop there? Next up Stern, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, ect.
Sticked post from Zagman76 on Whackbag:

zagman76 Today, 12:00 AM
I have just received word that O&A have been FIRED from XM!!!

I was told this by an extremely trusted source, and not an employee/relative of an XM employee.

Get on the phone, cancel your XM. DO NOT take the 30-day credit - CANCEL it! XM will feel that much more on their bottom line than a 30-day dip.

If XM feels the sting of thousands of people canceling their subs, then there is some sort of a chance!​
Sorry folks, one person said something that offended (or could offend) someone else and the English language has been banned.

Really, it all comes down to a very few throwing a temper tantrum until the majority feel sorry for them, if anyone in the majority says anything that might be "offensive" to someone else, they are out. This is the new norm, just like filing a lawsuit against McDonald's because you spilled hot coffee on yourself, or lock yourself into the house that you just broke into and tried to steal stuff from, had to eat dog food and soda for a week until owners came home, and won $200,000 from said owners because you couldn't get out of the house you broke into! Hyper-sensitivity is what I'd call it. People are too worried about what someone else is doing or not doing, and therefore, what else are they going to do other than complain?

Scott, same kind of thing is present here too. Few are offended or don't want to get in trouble for using work computers for personal stuff, and therefore everyone have to follow what the few want.

This is the new way of life, and it will only get worse.
Unfortunately I think its going to get worse.

Thats sad.

I also think its stupid to smash your XM Radios because they suspended O&A, XM is trying to save face on this merger.

Ultimately what it boils down to for me, if I don't like people telling me what is good for me to listen to and bad for me to listen to, telling me what should offend me and what should not offend me. Let me decide what I like and don't like.
Unfortunately I think its going to get worse.

Thats sad.

I also think its stupid to smash your XM Radios because they suspended O&A, XM is trying to save face on this merger.

Ultimately what it boils down to for me, if I don't like people telling me what is good for me to listen to and bad for me to listen to, telling me what should offend me and what should not offend me. Let me decide what I like and don't like.
B I N G O !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:hatsoff: :hatsoff: :hatsoff: :hatsoff:
O & A are the only reason I have 4 XM radio's in my household... if they are in fact fired, Sirius is going to pick up my business...
That channel is labeled as Adult and Explicit. That is why I listen to them.... If you are listening to them and offended by anything said... what else did you expect, thats what they do, and i love em for it.
You know "Family Guy" has done way worse than that, and you know(and they also know) how many kids watch that show. Oh but they are not supposed too right. I like Family Guy, but there have been times that I was like whoa they let them do that or say that when it is racial or whatever. So WTF with O&A, nothing its just a way to get rid of them or something. 'cause like Scott said they have done much worse on their show and other show radio or TV has done way worse, why do they get to stay on the air??
Well...Family Guy didn't do it RIGHT after the Imus fiasco. Let's face it, it's all political correctness at it's worse.

Imus shouldn't have been fired. I don't like him, nor listen to him. But so what...what he said was offensive to some. Who cares! Those Rutgers players and myself would have NEVER known about it if some whiney crybaby didn't bring it to our attention.

I've never listened to O&A either. I'm a Stern nut and always have. The few clips I've heard of O&A bashing howard was enough to turn me off to them. But they had a homeless guy say stupid stuff. Geez...again, who cares?! I wouldn't have known about it again if someone wouldn't be a big crybaby. These people need to be slapped. Or even better, shipped off to a new country where they can live like the Amish.

I can understand wimpy CBS suspending them or firing them or whatever they did. But XM?! Wow. That is amazing that a satellite radio would freak about this. I could NEVER imagine Sirius EVER doing that to Howard. Although Howard at his old age knows when to tame it down when it could go in the wrong direction. But still. Who knows. If they get let go by XM, I'll be even more floored than I already am.
It pisses me off that these radio stations are pushing their hosts to be edgy, then throwing a fit when they're too edgy.

XM didn't hire Opie and Anthony because they're good role models for today's youth. In fact, XM initially marketed their show as edgier than terrestrial radio would allow.

Freedom of speech isn't really applicable here. I can't express my "freedom of speech" in my workplace without being summarily fired. I am expected to act as an agent of my company and behave in a manner to put our company in a positive light.

However, when you're trying to get someone to push the limits and they push too hard, should you throw them to the sharks?
That is the question, and what they said was tame compaired to the other stuff they have done on the same XM show.

No if and when O&A come back they will be on pins and needles wondering what they can and can not talk about, and because of this the show is going to suck.

Its an adult comedy show and is labeled as that.

I know that XM did it to save the merger, however I feel that the merger is DEAD. The NAB is too powerfull.

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