xm login error


New Member
Original poster
May 19, 2006
Hello to all:

WARNING, this question is rated "DD" for Digitally Dumb. If anyone is offended by an old guy who is smart about a lot of stuff but really dumb about the digital world, please skip this.

I am not able to get my timetrax running because I get an XM Login Error which prompts me to correct my email address and xm password in the configuration settings. I do this. It is correctly done, yet nothing changes. Support ticket has brought me this far, but no response to this problem. Help!
XM has changed the way the login routine works.

You will need to make sure you are running the latest version of TimeTrax.

At this time it is version 1.8


still no login

Running 1.8. Tried uninstall and re-install. Still same error message. I am inputting my xm password and email correctly. Derek asked for info on secuirty programs I'm running. Supplied that. No response as yet. Anybody else have any ideas? I'm not quite ready to chuck the whole thing, but getting close. I subscribe to two xm radios, and now a third xm direct for the downloads. I don't know if xm has a stake in timetrax, but if they do, you'd think I'd get better service.

I originally bought xm stock below ten/share, then sold it in mid-20's. Now I notice it's trading down around 16. I was going to buy back in, but now I'm not so sure that they are ready for prime time.

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