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I see where some stores were selling bundles that came with wireless kits, and several games for up to $1,999 retail. Some cheaper bundles were around $1,200. Those did not sell out yet unless it was not updated quick enough. I wonder if the PS3 is going to be in short supply like this as well when it is released in six months.

Something seems aweful suspicioius with the bidding with what is in the bidding history. Either someone got mad because they could not get the buy it now price or someone was trying to make sure they got the earlier bid and had someone else go in and make a fraudulent bid (or the same person with a different name).
If these guys really wanted to sell the units, they'd sell them for 700 bucks. The people who start their bids at 2000 just aren't thinking. Fake bidding, ebay is slowing down as a result, what a waste of time...

There was a lot of "Green Screen of Death" reports on the original xbox. Very early units and it was fixed quickly. Before release I think, so it's not surprising that there are problems but I'm sure it's not random. If it was someone would have noticed it.

Ps3 is a year away and will have hardware issues as well. Say what you will about microsoft, but sony is infamous for hardware problems. MS is for software problems. Software can be fixed via a freaking cd...laser's frying themselves have no fix...

I'm glad I decided to wait. Not sure how long, maybe when better games come out. Nothing really tickles me just yet...
I had had an original XBox that was received on launch day and never saw a Green Screen of Death. After 2 years of heavy use, discs weren't reading properly. Opened it to clean the lens, butit still didn't cure the problem. THEN I found out that they wouldn't repair it since I opened it. No biggie, just wound up buying a new one for $149. The newer seemed to have faster load times (better DVD drives?), but otherwise felt equal to the original one.....
I played it at a game stop here in Miami the other day, graphics look good computer video card on an lcd monitor, the game play was the same as my current xbox except for the stagger that showed up once or twice. I dont see much diference other than somewhat better graphics though that was on an lcd monitor and I play mine on a crt.
i don't know if i believe this, but i went to best buy and i heard one of the workers say no one would be getting anymore 360s until after xmas.
korsjs said:
i don't know if i believe this, but i went to best buy and i heard one of the workers say no one would be getting anymore 360s until after xmas.

I was able to get one of the premium one's from my co-workers that spent the whole night at Walmart on the 22nd for the actual cost of $399.99 plus tax.

Paying double or triple is just plain insane and stupid.. when reports from a source say that Walmart will be releasing around 800 units per store in the coming week or so. Could be true or could be fake. But for anyone wanting one of these units.. it's worth the wait if indeed it's an actual fact. :yes
mike123abc said:
Manager at the local walmart said they had 800 in the warehouse for that store. But, they were only allowed to get so many a week between now and Christmas. He thinks they will get 200/week released to them between now and Christmas.

They need to keep a close eye on the bank accounts of all of the walmart managers.
I was in a Local TARGET here in Omaha NE today (wed) and they had at least 8 of them in the locked case ready for anyone with the cash. They were not on hold for anyone.
jesus, he means anyone who wanted a 360 could just buy one, there's nothing to read into there...There's no reason to pay 1500 if you live in omaha, just walk into target and pay 399...

Graphics are NOT going to make huge leaps forward anymore folks, the technology just doesn't allow it anymore. It's more about making the games load faster, work better, and sort of fine-tune this technology now. There's no real untapped gameplay experiences left, there's no untapped graphics experience left, to expect these new systems to be 'must-haves' is unrealistic. You won't get some radical new experience from buying a 360. You won't get it from a ps3. You won't get it from the revolution no matter what nintendo claims. It's pretty much baby-steps from here on out. Get used to it.
I know that I wouldn't pay an inflated price just to get it now. I'm going to just stick with my computer for a while. My last gaming system was a Super Nintendo and the ex had an N64. The computer and satellite keeps me occupied enough.
Stargazer said:
When you say if someone had the cash, were they marking the prices up for them?

No. Just the "normal" price. Just made that comment becasue there were three young teens standing there drooling over them and if they had the "cash" there would have been three more gone.
The only reason why I thought they would have marked the prices up on them was due to the fact that they are actually still there. I would have thought that someone would have gotten them by now.
I got a call from GameStop today and they asked me if I was still interested in the unit I said yes, they said I would have my unit within 2 weeks. :)

I addition I went out and purchased a bunch of things for it, wireless adapter, a Harmony XBOX360 remote a few games and a few other items.

One question though, do I need a component HD cable for the 360 or does it come with it?
Assuming you got the complete set and not the basic model, yes it does come with the component cable
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