XBox and HD DVD

360 with HD DVD to be nearly 800 Bucks!

"Xbox 360 plus HD-DVD drive pricing at

Posted by Dan Bell on 17 May 2006 - 04:08 - Source: GamesIndustry

Here we have some insight from the GamesIndustry website, that gives us an inkling of the cost combination of the Xbox 360 with the external HD-DVD drive added. Of course this is very early and we can expect things to change, especially by the holiday buying season.

Currently, the Xbox 360 retails at GBP 279 in the UK, with the Core System version selling for GBP 209, while the 60GB model of the PlayStation 3 is expected to cost between GBP 399 and GBP 419 when it arrives in late November.

Microsoft's alleged comments to UK retailers seem to suggest that the HD-DVD peripheral, which allows playback of high definition movies using Toshiba's next-generation DVD standard, will be priced below GBP 130, making an Xbox 360 and HD-DVD player bundle into a potentially attractive option at Christmas.

In case you live in the states, this 130 GBP works out to about 245 dollars or so. Add on the 279 listed here for the Xbox 360 which is 527 bucks and you get a total of about 772 dollars US. This is a bit more than many were expecting, but, there you have least for now."
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vurbano said:
[/SIZE]In case you live in the states, this 130 GBP works out to about 245 dollars or so. Add on the 279 listed here for the Xbox 360 which is 527 bucks and you get a total of about 772 dollars US. This is a bit more than many were expecting, but, there you have least for now."
Why not use the current price in the states instead of doing a currency exchange for the 360? How about 399 for the core and about 250 for the HD DVD add on = $650. It looks like the xbox w/HD DVD GDB price will still be cheeper than the comparable PS3. (409 vs 419).
Basically Microsoft stated that XBox360 + HD DVD drive will cost less than PS3 (i.e.$599) Forget currency conversion!
teamerickson said:
Why not use the current price in the states instead of doing a currency exchange for the 360? How about 399 for the core and about 250 for the HD DVD add on = $650. It looks like the xbox w/HD DVD GDB price will still be cheeper than the comparable PS3. (409 vs 419).
Im not really familiar with the xbox configs and prices but not you need the more expensive one to get upconversion?
I think the price they were using includes Hard drive and extra wireless controller and a game. That sells for over 500 bucks at Best buy. Tack on 250 and you are at 750 bucks.
There technically isnt anything different about the core unit and the advanced one. I have both. One has a silver DVD tray and the other has unit cream color. The difference is the optional pieces. The core has wired controller and basic composite connection cable while the advanced one has wireless controller, 20GB hard drive, and component cable. But as the unit goes, not one single difference. I move my controllers and hard drive back and forth all the time. I also upgraded the core one with a component cable. No issues at all. I use my Xbox 360's for HD viewing from my Windows Media Center. Its awesome.
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Ilya said:
Basically Microsoft stated that XBox360 + HD DVD drive will cost less than PS3 (i.e.$599) Forget currency conversion!

So the 360 doesnt have DVI or HDMI with HDCP and will have to downrezz eventually? But the PS3 at $599 (info from Iyla post in another thread) will have HDMI? Its an apples and oranges comparison then. No way am I purchasing the 360 without DVI or HDMI output and risk having movies downconverted. As well as no hope of 1080p. That would make the HD DVD add on worthless IMO. Seems like a no brainer.
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sceavis, I corrected the links in your post.

Rumors about an HDMI cable for Xbox360 pop up in the Internet all the time. Some sites have been advertising HDMI cables, but after closer examination they all turned out to be mislabeled component cables. It is still not clear whether the Microsoft's proprietary connector is capable of delivering HDMI at all (most likely not), but so far there have been no official word on that.
Ilya said:
sceavis, I corrected the links in your post.

Rumors about an HDMI cable for Xbox360 pop up in the Internet all the time. Some sites have been advertising HDMI cables, but after closer examination they all turned out to be mislabeled component cables. It is still not clear whether the Microsoft's proprietary connector is capable of delivering HDMI at all (most likely not), but so far there have been no official word on that.
IF HD DVD movie providers turn on HDCP then the HD DVD upgrade for the 360 is doomed, correct?
vurbano said:
IF HD DVD movie providers turn on HDCP then the HD DVD upgrade for the 360 is doomed, correct?
Not doomed, but this will be dissapointing, at least for some.

Note, that so far not a single movie has been released with the ICT flag.
And even if there will be movies with the ICT flag in the future, all the player is required to do is to reduce the resolution to 960x540, which can then be upconverted to 1080i or 1080p. 960x540 is still 50% better than SD, so most customers will still enjoy the PQ, even though it is not HD.
Ilya said:
Not doomed, but this will be dissapointing, at least for some.

Note, that so far not a single movie has been released with the ICT flag.
And even if there will be movies with the ICT flag in the future, all the player is required to do is to reduce the resolution to 960x540, which can then be upconverted to 1080i or 1080p. 960x540 is still 50% better than SD, so most customers will still enjoy the PQ, even though it is not HD.

WIth all due respect, Bologna. NO HDTV owner wants to watched downrezzed HD. This will be a fatal flaw in HD DVD for the 360 if those flags are turned on, or if the 360 is forced to downrezz over component like 99.9% of all other upconverting DVD players. Only very few do not and those are ones like mine who have not upgraded firmware enforcing downconversion. Absolute bonehead move on Microsofts part!!!!!!
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vurbano said:
NO HDTV owner wants to watched downrezzed HD.
Most HDTV owners will continue renting SD DVDs, trust me. :D
(Personally, I have pretty much stopped renting or buying SD DVDs two years ago, but I don't think majority of HDTV owners have.)

Also, most people who buy game consoles, do this to play games. Being able to watch HD DVDs (or Blu-ray discs for that matter) is just an extra bonus for them. They will not stop buying game consoles just because some HD DVD titles may have ICT flag on them.
Well nothing is set in stone for this drive so who knows what will come about once it is all done and ready.I can not picture microsoft screwing themselves and not having some way around that flag if it ever comes to that point.The pictures we have seen of the 360 player on the net have all been dummy boxes who knows what it will look like and what it can or can not do. We just need to wait and see.
Ilya said:
Most HDTV owners will continue renting SD DVDs, trust me. :D
(Personally, I have pretty much stopped renting or buying SD DVDs two years ago, but I don't think majority of HDTV owners have.)

Also, most people who buy game consoles, do this to play games. Being able to watch HD DVDs (or Blu-ray discs for that matter) is just an extra bonus for them. They will not stop buying game consoles just because some HD DVD titles may have ICT flag on them.

I disagree. The only reason for these game consoles (360 and PS3) is High definition and the HD DVD player or blu ray player is THE new killer app. Im sure gaming will be a toss up, they will both be great for gaming. But because only HDTV set owners will want these two system, the two crowds are basically the same people, and the company that satisfies both will win a tremendous advantage in increased sales. I believe that the HDset owner looking for either an HD DVD player or an HD gaming system is going to take a close look at a system that can do both. Gates has potentially shot himself in the foot.

I too do not rent SD DVDs anymore. I record HD movies and play them over the network, go to the movies to watch big premieres. Rarely do I visit blockbuster for an SD DVD.
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teamerickson said:

As your buddy Lance stated, the general public will determine this war, not the gamers.

It would be interesting to know how many HD DVD player owners there are vs gamers with HDtv's