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I have a Hitachi 57F510 RPTV. Native resolution is 1080i. Trying to figure out what the better 360 setting should be, 720 or 1080i. They both look the same to me. The TV does accept 720. Here's what I'm trying to figuire out. Is there any converting going on if the 360 is set to 1080i and the game supports 720p?
I have a Hitachi 57F510 RPTV. Native resolution is 1080i. Trying to figure out what the better 360 setting should be, 720 or 1080i. They both look the same to me. The TV does accept 720. Here's what I'm trying to figuire out. Is there any converting going on if the 360 is set to 1080i and the game supports 720p?