Are you saying that Microsoft would release a product that is unfit? Surely you jest! All of Microsofts products are put through thorough quality assurance testing, delivering products that only a fine, honest, innovative, outstanding company like Microsoft, can deliver, I mean, games on a console!! Whoda thunk it!
Kidding, the X360, like most of these new consoles, are overpriced, disposable, badly engineered junk, enjoy it till the console, and the warrantee burns out, then buy a new one, wash, rinse, repeat, dealing with Microsoft support (on the OS server end), I know all too well about how their support works[not], based on that alone, I will never own a Xbox, even if Bill Gates came over and pulled one out of his ass just for me, I would rather get 400 dollars in quarters and pitch them down a sewer rather than put it down on an XBox, I would rather.... well, you get the point, before you get mad, remember, you said "All".