Both the AZBox and the Openbox S9 receivers I have allow me to use the same position number for more than one satellite. I guess those folks realized that there are two satellites in one in some cases. I just checked and there are 31 satellites up there from 37.4 to 139W that are both C and Ku, which means they occupy the exact same position in the clark belt. Since you can't scan both from one satellite entry, you have to create one for C and one for Ku in the exact same position.
I'm sure it's just a firmware issue on the X2 but it's an issue just the same. Question is, will they modify it to address my problem.
I'm going to hook that X2 back up today and see if I can get the Diseq1.2 function to work by starting with P1 and programming the rest from there. I'll let you know what happens with that.
And on a positive note, I do like the blind scan speed on this X2 although it does seem to miss some stuff, ie, I scanned in 125W Ku yesterday and it didn't pick up OETA or Montana, which my Openbox S9 WILL pickup. It was overcast and drizzling rain though so I'll try it again in clear weather to see if that helps.