X-Men Origins: Wolverine


Hardly Normal
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Apr 14, 2006
Normal, IL
Lets use this thread to discuss the new X-Men Origins film on Wolverine. While the film has gotten pretty critical reviews, I would say that as someone who is not a regular follower of the X-Men (oh, I've seen the movies, but do not read the comics), this was an enjoyable film. It fleshes out the backstory of Wolverine presented in the first X-Men film fairly well.

I wonder, however, if Wolverine is really as indestructible as they present him, he becomes a somewhat flawed hero -- a character who can take anything, and the worst thing that could happen is for him to lose his memory if hit in the head with a bullet made of adamantium. Even Superman has krypton as an achilles heel.

That said, I thought the story was good, and it makes me want to watch more X-Men; and maybe start following the comics as well.

Thoughts? 3 thumbs up for me (out of 5).
After reading several negative reviews, I went to see it anyway. I was pleasantly suprised. I really enjoyed it. Like you, I had seen the other movies but never did read the comics. I thouht the history of Wolverine was helpful in showing how he became Wolverine. Thought the action PQ, and AQ were awesome. Liked the fast pace. I saw it in Digital and it really looked great.
One thing I didn't get was how "Sabretooth" or Victor Creed looked - and acted - so differently between Origins and X-Men. In X-Men the character really was nothing more than a growling animal; in Origins he was a nasty guy, but still a guy.

I get that Wolverine forgets that they are half-brothers at the end after getting shot int he head with the adamantine bullet; and by the end of the movie, Logan also forgets that Victor "killed" his girlfriend; but they did not do a good job explaining why the two are arch-enemies later on.

Its minor, but since watching Wolverine, I re-watched X-Men, and the differences between the characters was striking.
i really loved this movie. went to see it on opening weekend,something i usually don't do. i was disappointed in the last xmen but really loved the 1st two and this one was excellent. i highly recommend for anyone to see this movie if you're into this kind of thing. :D :up:up
One thing I didn't get was how "Sabretooth" or Victor Creed looked - and acted - so differently between Origins and X-Men. In X-Men the character really was nothing more than a growling animal; in Origins he was a nasty guy, but still a guy.

I get that Wolverine forgets that they are half-brothers at the end after getting shot int he head with the adamantine bullet; and by the end of the movie, Logan also forgets that Victor "killed" his girlfriend; but they did not do a good job explaining why the two are arch-enemies later on.

Its minor, but since watching Wolverine, I re-watched X-Men, and the differences between the characters was striking.

i think they did a good job too with that
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I wasn't as impressed with it as some of you. I read the comics in the past and I don't know if it was that or if I just hyped it up too much in my mind, but I was fairly disappointed. I think it was pretty solid up until the end, then it just got a little ridiculous.

Also: What they did to Deadpool is inexcusable. They had the perfect actor for him and then screwed the character by making him an over-powered science experiment. I really hope that they go back to Deadpools's past for his movie instead of moving forward from Wolverine.
Well, let me say that I thought it better than X3. But it was just OK.

I didn't care much for their portrayal of Gambit. I always liked his character. But could he throw a card, not just magically have 50 cards shoot from his hand? And could he be given some more to do?

Same with Deadpool. Can't find more for him to do?

Could they have explained how Wolverine met Silverfox and got this house in the middle of Canada? Or, heck, how did he get home from Nigeria?

Continuity? Why is their no hole in Logan's adamantium skull when Jean takes an X-ray years later? Or, heck, how about some continuity with the flashbacks from the first 2 fils. Blood? Styker standing over him with a creapy mask? And how does ransom injections of a liquid material lead to razor sharp claws (when they were merely bony protrusions before)?

Why is Cyclops the only rescued mutant to stick around with Xavier (so as to recognize Logan later)?

Where is Emma Frost's telepathic powers? Couldn't they at least have had Xavier talk to her telepathically, and maybe show she had some powers there?

So just some minor annoyances kept me from really enjoying it.

On the other hand, Tahyna Tozzi is hot.
The movie ruined Dead pool. Sabertooth climbing wall like Spiderman. Wolverine claws where bigger than his for arms and wrist.
Deadpool will be fine, his body will reject any powers they want to retcon and he'll don his trademark costume to hide all the scars from everything happened in XO:W.

So far this is a distant 3rd best, to me, of the big movies to have been released this summer(with Star Trek a more than solid first, and Terminator Salvation a mediocre second. Transformers will likely bump them all down a spot.


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