Using SDR# and a discone antenna, here's what 29.1 looks like at this QTH (pic 1). The signal fluctuates from about -13 to -5 dB. I've used an in-line preamp to boost the signal and it works provided it is installed at the antenna.
Soon will be the TV DX season, and the dongle will show you signals drifting in and out from Tropo openings.
The DTV band goes as high as 698 MHz, used to be higher but those higher frequencies got auctioned off for the 700 MHz rebanding.
In the old days of UHF TV the channels were from 14 - 83 but over the years it got whittled down by other users and channels were chopped off.
Some DTV channels are still on VHF such as WPVI Philadelphia that is on 82 - 88 MHz (pic 2). Another is WACP from Atlantic City on 66 - 72 MHz.
The Atlantic City channel only comes in here when the band is open, and I switch to my regular rotatable TV antenna.