Woz has spoken.... Android to rule the world...

Sprint doesn't have one but they sure should. There coverage was the worst that I have ever seen the 6 months that I was a customer with them.

Problem with that is, as always, YMMV. Here in the New Orleans area, Sprint has blown even Verizon away. There were some places I couldn't use my VZW device that Sprint runs WFO. Now I dont have an Evo yet, I run a BB Tour, and not 3g either unless I am outside. But its been every bit the equal of Big Red. AT&T doesn't have a Prayer here.
stogie5150 said:
Problem with that is, as always, YMMV. Here in the New Orleans area, Sprint has blown even Verizon away. There were some places I couldn't use my VZW device that Sprint runs WFO. Now I dont have an Evo yet, I run a BB Tour, and not 3g either unless I am outside. But its been every bit the equal of Big Red. AT&T doesn't have a Prayer here.

You are very correct about YMMV. Around here AT&T is the best provider. Verizon is a close second but Sprint is a far distant third or maybe even 4th if you include T-Mobile.
My house is pretty much a complete cell phone dead zone. If I walk outside I'm fine, but inside just about nothing. My Nextel phone is out of service most of the time, my Verizon work phone gets one bar of service at most, the iPhone either had one bar or No Service and with the Evo I usually get one bar on Sprint. The difference is with that one bar on Sprint I can actually do stuff. I usually don't use the Evo for voice, but I was able to have and maintain an over 1 hour long conversation on Sprint without being dropped, disconnected or getting so much as garbled audio. Yesterday I did another factory rest on my phone, I timed it, with one bar of 3G service it took me 10 minutes to download about ~75MB worth of apps and updates, which is pretty damn good considering I never had AT&T service while sitting on my bed.

I haven't tested it yet, but for work, every Monday morning I'm in the basement and subbasements of downtown Buffalo's tallest skyscraper. My Verizon work phone is useless down there, AT&T coverage is nonexistent, security uses Nextel so that works, next time I go I'll have to bring my Evo in with me and see what I get. In the past few months I've been in many places in the southern part of the state where I'd have no AT&T service at all for miles and miles, but have full bar 3G coverage with Sprint.

For the most part, the only time I used the iPhone to make calls was when I'd call a buddy of mine who also had an iPhone since it was free AT&T to AT&T or when I'd look a phone number up on Google Maps or something and do tap to call. I could be in places where I'd have full coverage and he would as well, but yet calls would still drop. For as little as I used the iPhone as a phone I can't believe how many dropped calls I've had with the dumb thing. I live in a rural area, and Nextel wasn't known for their coverage up here, but it wouldn't be a lie to say I had more dropped calls with AT&T in 15 months then I had with Nextel in the past 8 years. But then again, the truth came out about Apples 'creative' signal strength mapping.
My house is pretty much a complete cell phone dead zone.
I share your pain. I can be on the phone and when I turn into my subdivision, my iPhone usually drops the call. Now, I can't blame the iPhone 4, because it hangs on to my calls better than my Motorola RAZR ever did. But inside my house, it's a double-whammy. I live on the wrong side of town, AT&T coverage-wise. And it's EDGE down here, too, not 3G like the area around Notre Dame and the 80/90 Interstate.
For the most part, the only time I used the iPhone to make calls was when I'd call a buddy of mine who also had an iPhone since it was free AT&T to AT&T or when I'd look a phone number up on Google Maps or something and do tap to call. I could be in places where I'd have full coverage and he would as well, but yet calls would still drop. For as little as I used the iPhone as a phone I can't believe how many dropped calls I've had with the dumb thing. I live in a rural area, and Nextel wasn't known for their coverage up here, but it wouldn't be a lie to say I had more dropped calls with AT&T in 15 months then I had with Nextel in the past 8 years. But then again, the truth came out about Apples 'creative' signal strength mapping.
I believe AT&T has to spend a lot more money to ramp up their 3G and so-called 4G coverage areas. I wonder what the iPhone 4 would do on other carriers' networks? Hopefully, we'll see next year (fingers-crossed).
I believe AT&T has to spend a lot more money to ramp up their 3G and so-called 4G coverage areas. I wonder what the iPhone 4 would do on other carriers' networks? Hopefully, we'll see next year (fingers-crossed).

AT&T doesn't have any areas today that they are marketing as 4G. Honestly the only way the iPhone will provide better service in my area is when it does go to a 4G service. I already get 3G speeds of over 3MB most of the time and I have seen as high as 5.25MB.
Doesn't ATT have a femtocell? I have the Sprint version and love it... they sent it to me for free with no monthly fee. Full signal in the house makes the battery last quite a long time.
Doesn't ATT have a femtocell? I have the Sprint version and love it... they sent it to me for free with no monthly fee. Full signal in the house makes the battery last quite a long time.
AT&T may have them in other areas, but I don't believe it is offered in my city. Also, there are a number of issues, like starting a call at home and then leaving the femtocell which causes the call to be dropped. I think AT&T charges a monthly fee, too.

Windows.old taking up a lot of space - Is it necessary?

iPad vs. iPhone: BOM, pricing gaffes, etc.
