Wow terrible service with Dish moving to Directv

I've been through the audit process and I am still a DISH customer if you calm down and follow the procedure you might just find you don't have problems. If you want to stay hot under the collar by all means switch to Directv or any cable company in your area it is your right. You must have given DISH some reason to suspect you were not following DISH rules.

If you don't play nice with DISH you may never sell those owned receivers that are now boat anchors.
Years ago when my boy was little and we had the 921pvr and 811 receiver along with 721 pvr and 501pvr in my bedrooms, I got a call on my cell phone. I was in my car headed to town to eat lunch and go to a movie with my family. I told them that and that there would be no way I could run an audit till that evening. When we got home the only receiver I had on was the 501 pvr. I called the number back on my cell and they were rude and acted like someone that had little man syndrome or short man complex. After I did all the numbers and jumped through all their hoops , they finally turned my receivers back on. This was after 5 years with DISH at the time. I now have 18 years come January and they have never called back since. I also have all my receivers hooked into my wifi and bridging enabled to my joeys & super joey. Even my unactivated 211k receiver, that I use to power my ota antenna, is still plugged into my internet connections so there will never be a reason for the DISH AUDIT NAZIS to call me back.
I still don't know why they do this? Surly there can't be that many stackers out there. At least not enough to waste money on a whole department doing this full time? It seems like those resources could be better spent elsewhere. I don't know of any other cable or satellite provider that has an audit team. If fact I recall hearing about a DirecTV customer that had 16 yes 16 receivers on one account for years and has yet to be audited or maybe D* doesn't care.

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I still don't know why they do this? Surly there can't be that many stackers out there. At least not enough to waste money on a whole department doing this full time? It seems like those resources could be better spent elsewhere. I don't know of any other cable or satellite provider that has an audit team. If fact I recall hearing about a DirecTV customer that had 16 yes 16 receivers on one account for years and has yet to be audited or maybe D* doesn't care.

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Correct directv doesn't do this, seems like the only people directv go after is businesses, mainly bars showing nfl Sunday ticket with a residential accounts.
When you get an audit you cannot make any changes on the account past the time the audit team is until 4 or 5 pm and only Monday through Friday because you have to go through them to do it. A regular customer service rep cannot help you anymore.

Also, even if you get the receivers reactivated, when they get sold to someone else, they are red flagged so they are also subject to audits.
Dish should be ever so happy they actually got a loyal customer who is happy and is paying their bill.

When I had Dish they audited me 3-4 times, and even went as fast as to shut down one of my 2 accounts because I was using my address at the UPS store as my primary address as I got tired of them shipping stuff to my house instead of the billing address.

Then I get everything straightened out and they shut me down again because they said I couldn't have 2 accounts.

So you know what I did. Took a receiver from the one they allowed me to keep and took it to my other place.

Then they audited me again and I still passed with flying colors.

Try to do things right and they still play satellite God and shut you down.
That's fine they can do whatever they want I purchased all my receivers.
I'll just verify all my receivers tomorrow over the phone and move to DirecTV on the weekend.
I don't appreciate the way they just shutdown receivers since I'm not home real nice customer service.

And no Hall I did not threaten anybody in retention.

All I said was I got a better offer from Directv but I wanted to stay with Dish since I love the hopper receiver and if it would be possible they could match Directv so I got some credit end of story and this happened today

One less customer for dish even doe they don't care.........
I've been audited by the Dish Audit clowns. It's not fun and they do make you jump through their hoops in a limited amount of time. After the audit is over and you still feel angry, demand to be transferred to retention and cancel your service. Tell them specifically it was because of the audit and the fact they (the Dish Audit clowns) turned off your receivers without cause. I would also ask for a refund for the time they were off. There is no reason to put good, paying customers through this nonsense.
After the audit is over and you still feel angry, demand to be transferred to retention and cancel your service. Tell them specifically it was because of the audit and the fact they (the Dish Audit clowns) turned off your receivers without cause.
Dish has been doing audits for as long as I've been a member of this site (10 years !) and no doubt longer. Customers cancel every day.... Retention may keep track of the "reason" people give and it's probably safe to say that the number who do because they were audited is extremely low. Obviously low enough that Dish isn't stopping this process. Plus, many will huff and puff and threaten to cancel but in the end, they don't.
I would also ask for a refund for the time they were off.
You realize the time they were off isn't likely to be more than hours, right ? 24 at best. If I were the rep, I'd be tempted to get the calculator out, divide the monthly charge by (30) days - let's presume they have a $79.99/mo package - and offer a refund of $2.67 ! :p
Surly there can't be that many stackers out there.

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Yes, there are. I'm not defending Dish or approving of their tactics. However, there are lot's of stackers out there. When I retired and started living in RV parks around the country, I ran into stackers everywhere, retirees, construction workers, pipeline workers, etc. They had a receiver off their kid's account or former neighbor's account or whatever. I met several who had a maximum number of receivers on their account and then "rented" them to other RV'ers.

One guy had five receivers on his account with the Dish Everything service. He rented four of the receivers for $50 per month each. So, he got the best service and made about $60 profit each month and his renters got the best service for $50 each. Pretty lucrative for all.

I thought that the new equipment rules would eliminate most of this, but saw this guy again a few months ago and he's still doing this with legacy receivers. Eventually, the Hopper system will eliminate this type of abuse I suppose.
I understand an audit would be a huge pain and I can see why you would want to cancel after being treated that way. You need to understand the purpose of an audit though. It's already been stated here as to why Dish requires audit in order to prevent customers from account stacking and basically stealing from Dish.

The OP says that he would be fine with an audit as long as they could arrange a time for it but that totally defeats the purpose of the audit. The audit does not do any good if the customer knows it's coming. Just pretend that you are actually cheating Dish and have a receiver at a family member's house so they don't have to pay for TV. If you knew Dish was going to call you tomorrow you would just bring that receiver home that day so Dish would think that's where it's been.

If you are not doing anything wrong then just go through the process the right way and prove it. The problem you seem to be running into is that Dish is not talking to the right person to verify everything though which is making a huge pain in the butt for you.
One minor note, why would Dish run an audit for a Hopper system? Joeys are useless without the Hopper. They wouldn't be the best things to use to stack with, would they?
If there are multiple hoppers, and at least one is not online, it could indicate something with multiple solo nodes. Just one reason. Say you have two hoppers, and one is online, and the other is not, or running two separate IP addresses. That would be fishy.
...why would Dish run an audit for a Hopper system? Joeys are useless without the Hopper. They wouldn't be the best things to use to stack with, would they?
You could share a second Hopper and/or Joeys to your neighbors (even in a separate dwelling), in a duplex, apartment, etc. The old way of account stacking where the person using "your" other receiver(s) could be anywhere, as long as they installed their own dish, are not applicable with Hopper/Joey setups, yes.
So yesterday I had a chat with a customer employee for retention to stay with Dish network

today while I'm still at work I get a call from my son complaining that dish didn't work in his room.

I log into my account and to my surprise all my receivers have been removed.

I go back to chat and they say I have to verify my account this and that.

I really don't have all time in world for making calls to dish to verify this and that.

Who do they think they are the satellite police?

Not only do I pay over $100 a month and never missed a payment for over 2 years.

They have the nerve to cancel my service

Cancelling dish moving on to Directv
Welcome to the "guilty until proven innocent Dish fraud team bend over and grab your ankles inquisition".
If account stacking is such a problem they need to use a different approach instead of running off customers who probably won't ever come back.
The bean counters have most likely calculated the potential negative effect of auditing accounts vs the potential of eliminating account fraud and decided that there are 'acceptable losses'..
Again, it is a companies right to have that perrogative. If it's to negative, their revenue stream would tell them so.
Personally, I'm not against it. It seems like a legit thing. Funny thing is, people only have a problem with it when they are affected by it, but it has been in the RSA for years.
The part that galls me is these audits appear to be done at random. The approach seems " you are committing fraud unless you prove otherwise".
Innocent until proven guilty is only applicable in government situations. Companies can treat you guilty until proven innocent if they want, it is on the people to make a stand. I dont see this ruining dish, as again, it's been an active policy for many years.
It doesn't make it right.

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