WOW! Just noticed the new DISH Remote Access Feature


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Okay, now that is sweet, I was part of the beta for the slingbox side...but never saw this grid for some reason..

...any idea when the iPhone app will get approved? :?
That won't help if it works like the beta/sling part did. You have to use the receiver's menus to "activate" part of this and then get a code number from the receiver after activating.

Is that in response to my message about using DISH Remote Access Login ? The menus on these bundled receivers are essentially the same. The original poster mentioned going through a dish account stite to get to the site, which obviously a bundled customer can't. But I think he can go throught the site. Not sure, but it might be worth trying.
login to your dish account and look under equipment. it will have the receiver numbers there

That's just it... when you bundle service through a phone company, you don't have a "dish account" ... I mean you actually DO and I've written my dish account number down, but if you try to use that account number on Dish's web site it comes up as invalid... even though I GOT that number from dish tech support and it LOOKS like a valid dish account number. It starts with 1 number (or 2) that signify it's bundled and then you can't do anything on Dish directly.
Does it work if you go through the Sling site DISH Remote Access Login ? I don't think you have to get your service through Dish in order to use that site, just have one of the DIsh receivers that are supported.

This LOOKS like it's going to work.... so far... I have the right equipment, it let me create an account easy enough, but I got to the point where it asks for the R00 number from a receiver and I had to bail 'cause I'm at work and don't have a way to get that number right now.

It would be very cool if I can use it this way.
When I log in at the bottom of this page it just sends me to my account information page. If I click on the Dish Remote Access link on the left side of my account information page, it just takes me back to the above page and asks me to log in again. It's an endless loop. I'm using Firefox, could that be the issue?

edit: I just tried it with IE and it does the same thing. How do you set this up?

I have the same problem when I log in on this page (DISH Remote Access- DISH Network) it just takes me to my "Account Information" page.

OK - just realized that you have to click the "Dish Remote Access" link on the left side of the page under "My Account" to get it.
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This topic of this thread is just another copy of the same software that has been available since January on If you login to the sling-guide via your dish network account, it will show you the same kind of stuff as the beta guide, but it doesn't have all the settings that were made if you already had a login through It's basially a 2nd method to access your DVR using the same technology, but indepentent logins and settings. (At least that's what I'm seeing).

I'd love it if they would make a setting to sort shows by 'star' ratings. Because I get like 200 shows in a search for movies and would like to see the top rated shows first in the list instead of sorting through the crappy ones.

This is my 700th post! :)
I'm very close.... very close.... but keeping my mouth shut so nobody knows HOW close. :)
My dad just retired after 33 years with the same employer. He's much less stressed now.

Enjoy the remote DVR scheduling when you get a chance, it's the best.

I used it last night, instead of my normal receiver interface, because I have my internet connection through my LCD tv and I was amazed how much nicer the graphic interface is to use on the web-site instead of the receiver - especially when searching for upcoming movies that I want to record. You can sort, filter and get HD only. All the options are great.
No, we're on Frontier... whom I lovingly refer to as my Tuna-Cans-and-String phone company. They're a bit behind in some areas, but I have Ken so I won't complain.

Best customer service I've ever experienced. Maybe because they're not huge. I can actually call a local tech on his cell phone and he'll take care of any necessary work orders and get things straightened out like... right now.

Ahh ok. I know someone whom lives in wheatfield and they have Frontier too I believe. If not, some other little phone company. I ditched the landline at home, and in fact we just switch over to TWC Business phone here at work and are saving about $350 a month for the same service.
No, you can't use a USB adaptor, but you can use a wireless bridge or, even easier and cheaper, buy a HomePlug adaptor for your router (this uses the built-in HomePlug capability in your receiver). There are numerous threads on this subject in the Dish Technical forum.


Will the router and HomePlug adaptor give the receiver full access to DishONLINE
content downloads?
Log in to your remote access page, then try going to 'Preferences' tab and then click on 'Receivers' link. You should she a list of your receivers there. Figure out which is which, and then click on 'Edit' for each, and you can assign them an obvious nickname...
Thanks to you and Brad, I think I have this working. I was able to figure out which receiver was which by looking at the previously recorded programs. ;)

The sling web pages are still buggy as hell, though. You can't save a nickname unless you also check the Default checkbox. And then you can't do more than one receiver without first exiting the Preferences tab entirely, and going back in again. Otherwise it throws errors.
I still can't sign up for this. When you log in on the bottom of the Dish Remote Access page (in the Current Dish Customers area) what is supposed to happen? For me it just sends me to my dish account information page which has nothing at all on it about configuring remote access. There is a link and an graphic on the left side of this page for Dish Remote Access but clicking on either of them opens a new browser window with the same Dish Remote Access page that I started at with the same log in area at the bottom. I can just keep logging in over and over and nothing changes. I'm getting confused here. What am I supposed to see happen?

I keep having this same problem. It just keeps looping back to the original sign on page. Did you ever get yours to work?
All is working well with my ViP722.

As was mentioned a few times earlier, my wife would love this as she uses a ViP211 with the EHD.

Anyone know if the feature is coming to this receiver any time s!sadroll!sadrolln?
I keep having this same problem. It just keeps looping back to the original sign on page. Did you ever get yours to work?

When I first tried it, from my acct. page, I selected the graphic with two boxes connected by the net near the bottom left & got the same behavior. But on the main acct. page, there's just a text "Dish Remote Access" in the list over on the left. This worked for me.

Sweet....just set a recording (from my home desktop about 8 meters away from my 722). Can see it in the guide on the "real" tv now...this will be handy.
No, I gave up for now.
I noticed that there are two links once you sign on your main account page. The first link is in your account section on the left, the 2nd one is under "NEW ON DISH NETWORK" - dont try this one because it apparently does not authenticate you properly.

Use the "Dish Remote Access" link under the "My Account" Section - give that a try?

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