Their job is actually to be profitable. Their job is to provide a product that will sell to the overall masses. Their job is not to keep individuals happy but to keep the overall masses happy. If you're not one of the overall masses you don't mean much to their overall scope of things....
And I don't need to mean much to their overall scope of things. Again, I'm not sure why I would care about that. Like I said, it wasn't personal when I canceled. I wasn't thinking "this will show them" or "I bet they will regret losing me." I was just looking for a better deal.
Of course, the end goal of any corporation is the highest possible profit. As a customer, I don't care about their profits though. Either they keep me happy and keep my business or they don't and I take it elsewhere. It's not my job to worry about how they value me as a customer. That was the point of my last post.
I don't see the point of trying to be loyal to a giant corporation. Like you said, they don't care about my, or any individual customer's, happiness. They are only interested in getting the most profit they can. There is nothing wrong with that and there is nothing wrong with customers checking out other options.