shadow_keeper said:
LOL, most of the people voting that network locals are a waste of space are mostly likely the same people that are getting them OTA. A LOT of people in the mountain areas can not get locals.
I don't get ABC because it is too weak (not because it is temporarily at low-power, it is at it's licensed power which was too low and now we are waiting on them to upgrade). I also don't get UPN because the station hasn't been built yet (still waiting on FCC aproval).
I receive CBS, NBC, PBS, FOX, & WB. I don't want to see locals uplinked on VOOM either and I'm missing a few nets!!
So people are missing some nets, it's no big deal. It's not the end of the world. Does anyone think people with only OTA go around complaining because they are missing a network? No, they don't, they really don't care, and watch what they get.
Just because a network is "National" doesn't mean me or anyone else is entitled to it. Telemundo, Univision, and PAX are national networks too. I've never heard anyone complain because they can't get them. Personally it would be nice if I could receive a PAX station (nearest is 90 miles away), but I'm not going to moan and complain like a spoiled little brat because I don't have PAX.
Perhaps it is only people like myself that has always had OTA that don't care if they have a full slate of the 10 broadcast networks.