Would you keep Voom on Jan. 1st if...

I believe STONE MAN put it as well as can be. Growing with a company is very satisfying...as long as the growth ends positively. I beleive VOOM will be the leader in hi-def (as it is now) as long as they are in bizniss. BTW, all the whiners who font like VOOM"s movie offerings, give it a rest. There are millions of people in the USA and all have different ideas of what "quality entertainment" is. I was watching a movie with Warren Beatty that I never heard of, saw of or could have imagined. It was like a fellini movie about a washed up piano player. I thought to myself.. "This is wonderful--HBO never would have shown this". It is very hard to please everyone but with 20 movie channels, ya cant miss all the time!!
No DVR reasonably in sight=probable Voom disconnect on Jan. 1 if they raised my rate. I'll write it off as a lesson learned and money lost.

I voted no.

They'll charge us $10 more per month, than another $20 for the PVR when ever that comes out. My old lady is bitching about the high price of $106 per month. I know I can't take another 10-20 bucks. Hell its embarassing telling people your cable billing is near $125 a month when this goes down.

They are getting us into the choke hold now and will only release just before they kill you off.

Most of the 21 exclusives suck, if they had 21 channels of kick ass programming it might be a different story.
I don't think Voom should raise the rates, because yes we are going to have to pay more when the DVR comes out.. My bill is already $107.00 a month, so when the new DVR gets here i am guessing i will be paying atleast $120.00 a month.. I love Voom and watching HDTV but if the price gets to much higher i might cancel and come back later when they wise up a lil on their prices..

OT but i have to yell

I think it's time I say goodbye...
