Would DTV let me do this? Change receiver for 1 day?

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Original poster
Jan 10, 2006
I have recently upgraded to 5LNB, H20 and HR20. Still use my 10-250, also, so I'm paying for 3 recievers/mo. I also have a SD tivo that is disabled just sitting around. There is a Spongebob marathon starting tonight and I was curious if I could get Dtv to transfer my acess card from the 10-250 over to my SD Tivo just for about 24 hours so I could fill it up with Spongbob episodes and then call again and get it transferred back to the 10-250? Then I could watch the Spongebob on the disabled Tivo later on?? Could this work? I do NOT want to actually have this Tivo hooked up and pay monthly because we'd rarely watch it, but just kind of want to get it 'stocked' with stuff. Could this work?

Doesn't the SD Tivo still have it's own card - if so, just have it turned on for the day, then have it turned off after. As long as it was existing on your account, you will NOT be subject to reupping another 2 years.
The installer took the card when he was here 'swapping' out my old stuff for the new HR20 and H20.
Doesn't the SD Tivo still have it's own card - if so, just have it turned on for the day, then have it turned off after. As long as it was existing on your account, you will NOT be subject to reupping another 2 years.

It would make more sense to turn it back on for at least a month, it's only $ 5 bucks
It would make more sense to turn it back on for at least a month, it's only $ 5 bucks

I TOTALLY agree, but since the OP was complaining about not wanting another $5 charge, I figured even ONE full month would NOT be acceptable to him. ;)

But, since I have 5 D* receivers on MY account, obviously it's not a big deal for myself :D
With programming they require one month, or charge for the full month, on premiums anyway. Would they do something like this on receivers too? I imagine they could. I don't think it's the $5 that is the problem, its that he has no access card. They'll send another for $20, maybe waive the fee, but may require a year or something if they go that route?
You can purchase Spongebob Squarepants DVDs from almost any on or offline store that sells DVDs, this would give you all the episodes without having to worry about D*.
Some HSPs make the installer turn in the cards now, why not just call in and "swap" your reciever for your DVR... if you have a 10-250 you are already paying the DVR fee so it will not caost you anything mroe if you replace a reg receiver with it. Call into Directv and have them re-marry the card from a standard box to the dvr box. If they say no, hang up, and call back in and pretend you are an installer on a service call swapping the box... No cotract re-up that way and no need to buy a new card.
You can move access cards pretty much at whim. I have a philips dsr708 that the hd died in, so I called tech support and moved the card to an inactive d-10 300 and used it for a day while i fixed the tivo. Next day I called tech support back and moved the card back to the original box. I can't imagine you having any problems doing that.
I'm not sure that you can watch programming once the receiver is de-activated. I had been under the impression that you could watch programs without the receiver being activated, but have heard stories where this is not the case. I called D* to ask about this and was told it had to be activated to play recorded material.
I have about 3 more programs to watch before I de-activate my old GXCEBOT receiver, just to be safe. Once I deactivate it, I'll let you know. (But it's probably too late anyway.)
Receivers and Cards are married ...

The installer took the card when he was here 'swapping' out my old stuff for the new HR20 and H20.

Report the theft to DirecTV. Receivers come with a specific smart card and cannot be used in another unit without DirecTV specifically making the change over the phone. The installer should have given you a receiver or receivers with smart cards for each present. Even if you deactivate a receiver, you still can keep the receiver with the smart card if you own it. Leased equipment has to be returned with the card left in the receiver when requested. The installers do not take back equipment any longer under the new leasing terms. DirecTv will send a return kit to you if they want it back. It doesn't cost a penny to do this. All you need to do is call a toll free number to have FedEx pickup the return kit once delivered.

Good luck on recovery, don't let that installer back into your house.:eek:
I'm not sure that you can watch programming once the receiver is de-activated. I had been under the impression that you could watch programs without the receiver being activated, but have heard stories where this is not the case.

They LIED to you - any deactivated D-Tivo can still play pre-recorded prog, BUT what the correct way to do this is, disconnect the Tivo from the dish, THEN have it shut down. You will have no problems playing back prog.
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