I have recently upgraded to 5LNB, H20 and HR20. Still use my 10-250, also, so I'm paying for 3 recievers/mo. I also have a SD tivo that is disabled just sitting around. There is a Spongebob marathon starting tonight and I was curious if I could get Dtv to transfer my acess card from the 10-250 over to my SD Tivo just for about 24 hours so I could fill it up with Spongbob episodes and then call again and get it transferred back to the 10-250? Then I could watch the Spongebob on the disabled Tivo later on?? Could this work? I do NOT want to actually have this Tivo hooked up and pay monthly because we'd rarely watch it, but just kind of want to get it 'stocked' with stuff. Could this work?