Wish List of DVR Features - Next SW Upgrade

one feature of the dvr i really miss from my old time warner dvr is

record a show only on a specific channel at a specific time

this is handy when a chanel, (scifi, usa, hdnet) plays a show in prime time them repeats it 2 hours later.

I used to set it to record the later show to avoid missing recording other shows

(i used to record blade the series at midnight every week to avoid recording 2 other shows at the 10 timeframe)

and i ditto the folders on the EHD what a nightmare the current method is...
also would like the play a set of shows at a time.

You can still do this by adjusting your priority on the show you want to record late. In this instance, you would set Blade's priority lower than both of the shows in that time slot that you are recording that do not repeat. Then the DVR will automatically record the one that repeats in the middle of the night (morning). The first one would be skipped by priority. It works!!
A very simple change, one which TiVo has:

Press play to show the timeline.

As far as I can tell, the only way to see how much time is left on a recording is to press pause. WTF?

This should work for live broadcasts, too.
Press CANCEL to see the time in minutes left of the recording or of the show, when live somewhere in the upper left, usually.
Press Pause to see the time left in minutes and seconds or of the buffer, when live, and Pause again to release it. If under a second or so, it may go live to live.
As a corollary to the above request; sometimes I pause to see something I missed and that dang status bar covers up what I was looking for. Is there a way to 'remove' all the display stuff so you actually see an unadulterated paused frame?
When I press the pause button I will also press the frame advance button once. This removes the status bar from the bottom. It does leave a small icon in the top right, but you can at least see virtually all of the screen
aha. Ok, I guess I'll need to map that button to my harmony as well. I only have ffwd/rwd and 30-second skip/10sec back.
When fast forwarding, and I hit play... skip back a few seconds. And, how many seconds it goes backwards is dependent on how fast I was fast-forwarding.

I was always under the impression that this was a pretty popular tivo feature, so since I haven't seen it mentioned in this thread yet I'm hoping that means shortly I'll be called a stupid newb and told how to turn it on. So, thanks in advance. :)

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