Wiring up the receiver and confused!

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The 4dtv is pretty cool that once you program in the first 2 sats (example g1 and c3) the receiver pretty much knows where the rest of them are already located.
Now... stupid questions time. How am I supposed to know where the sats are? :) I wasn't really getting anywhere, so I did the reset. I set the East/West limits, and then went into satellite setup. I tried to set up G1 channel 5, but the little guided thing said to tune the dish right where it is now. How do I find the sat locations? I assume there's a chart somewhere :).

I traced the coax and am 90% sure I have the right one hooked up now. That doesn't mean of course that the cable is intact and hooked up right, just that I found it.
kbghdg said:
When you do end up doing the master reset. Do it while you are on G1 channel 3 with a dc lock(dc light on front of receiver lit) which after reset will be at 5000 (position). Then set both west and east limits, then return to position 5000 program g1 at that position allow unit to download channel maps while on galaxy 1 channel 3 call provider for hit, then program rest of sats that you intend to view.

DOH! Wish I'd seen that first :)
I'm starting to suspect my coax might be bad. I am getting absolutely NOTHING for signal strength. I'll have to get a tester and pray that the problem is somewhere between the house and the base of the mast for the antenna. Otherwise I'm going to need a lot longer ladder.
well it looks like you are now going to have to find it or some other channel on a satellilite thats in the clear. Are you able to pick up anything right now? If you can find out what sat the channel you are picking up is on by looking at lyngsat and then program in the corresponding satellite. Then try to find another channel on an adjacent satellite and then program that in too (for example: Find dicoverychannel on c4 21 and program in c4 then program g1 channel5 and move dish a couple clicks to east until the channel appears and then click save g1). The receiver will now have a general Idea where the rest of the sats are.
I'm picking up absolutely nothing :(. That's why I'm starting to think the coax is bad. There's a barrel connector at the base of the mast so I can at least test up to that point if I get a cable tester. My signal meter never budges above 10. You'd think it would at least blip or something if the coax was good, right? Is there a way to search for channels, or do I just have to go through the sats and pray I find something? :)
madpoet said:
I'm starting to suspect my coax might be bad. I am getting absolutely NOTHING for signal strength. I'll have to get a tester and pray that the problem is somewhere between the house and the base of the mast for the antenna. Otherwise I'm going to need a lot longer ladder.

Yes you may have to. You do have your C-band lnb plugged into the c/h labeled cable connector on the back of your receiver?
Yes you should have a signal better than 10 if the receiver is seeing your lnb. Do you have 2 coax cables on the ribbon coming into the house or just one?
If you have 2 try swapping them and see if you get signal.
I have 1 and then a seperate one. Looking at the dish the one that was attched to the ribbon looks like it was disconnected at some point, so I'm guessing this second one was to replace the first for some reason. Neither works however ;)
madpoet said:
I have 1 and then a seperate one. Looking at the dish the one that was attched to the ribbon looks like it was disconnected at some point, so I'm guessing this second one was to replace the first for some reason. Neither works however ;)

Kind of sounds like the lnb's bad or cable is bad. I take it you were not getting anything before the master reset either?

also is your receiver set to use c-band lnb or c-lnbf if you have one?
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God I hope it's not the LNB! It's set for c-banb since that's what I assumed I had. Not sure what c-lnbf is.
Got a coax tester on loan, so I'll test the line tomorrow. The installer finally called to apologize, and when I told him what was up he said he'd come test the LNB if I thought that was it. Just annoying because I won't be able to get him here for 2 weeks. If it is the LNB (or rather if it's not the coax) what should I be looking at price wise?
Ouch. Ok, some questions. C and Ku use different LNBs, right? Is the LNB located in the rear of the dish, or is it up in the feedhorn? Just trying to figure out if I change it myself where I need to go. Also, how do I know which LNB to get. The numbers are meaningless to me.

Again, I appreciate all the help. I am determined to get this thing working, especially now that I've actually seen it move!
They are on the FeedHorn and are different the Big one will be the C-Band smaller Ku... 4 bolts(7/16" wrench if I remember) a gasket or an "O"Ring and the Coax connection to replace. For C- Band the lower the noise temp the Better 15 degree better than 20 degree etc... Same with Ku I just ordered a 0.6 to replace the Years old 1.9.
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I wonder how strong that arm is... i.e. could I lean a ladder against it for support and not break it or the dish :)
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