win directv for life sweepstakes

I always enjoy reading the fine print on these things:

One (1) Grand Prize winner will receive DIRECTV service for life (Terms and Conditions apply to DIRECTV service). The Approximate Retail Value ("ARV") of the Grand Prize is $198,000.

Terms and Conditions: "For life" terms are defined as thirty (30) years or death of winner, whichever comes first. DIRECTV service will not transfer to another provider in the event of DIRECTV dissolution or similar. The Grand Prize winner is eligible to upgrade to a package that includes for Satellite and Stream: PREMIER, up to 4 major league sports packages. For Satellite only: Advanced Receiver, lease fees, Genie for 4 rooms (wired or wireless), 2 HD DVR receivers, and 2 HD receivers for up to 8 TV's.
I always enjoy reading the fine print on these things:

One (1) Grand Prize winner will receive DIRECTV service for life (Terms and Conditions apply to DIRECTV service). The Approximate Retail Value ("ARV") of the Grand Prize is $198,000.

Terms and Conditions: "For life" terms are defined as thirty (30) years or death of winner, whichever comes first. DIRECTV service will not transfer to another provider in the event of DIRECTV dissolution or similar. The Grand Prize winner is eligible to upgrade to a package that includes for Satellite and Stream: PREMIER, up to 4 major league sports packages. For Satellite only: Advanced Receiver, lease fees, Genie for 4 rooms (wired or wireless), 2 HD DVR receivers, and 2 HD receivers for up to 8 TV's.
I believe you will be responsible for paying state and federal sales tax on the retail value of the prize. I suspect it will be charged yearly. Let's see here, divide $198,000 by 30yrs is $6,600 per year and at my tax rate that would be about $2,500 per year in tax. Nothing is free.
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Terms and Conditions: "For life" terms are defined as thirty (30) years or death of winner, whichever comes first. DIRECTV service will not transfer to another provider in the event of DIRECTV dissolution or similar.

The Grand Prize winner is eligible to upgrade to a package that includes for Satellite and Stream: PREMIER, up to 4 major league sports packages. For Satellite only: Advanced Receiver, lease fees, Genie for 4 rooms (wired or wireless), 2 HD DVR receivers, and 2 HD receivers for up to 8 TV's.
Since I have a good gut feeling on whats coming later this year for DIRECT, this lifetime of service may not last too long.

And "Eligible to upgrade" to HD receivers? How much does that cost? And what no 4K?
What's your gut feeling? Merger?
I get those rumors right now from all the finance newsletters I receive, thought Ergan would hold off till after this year to get a better deal after all the ST subscribers left.

By the way, they list the stock as a strong buy ( this is public info also), but I would not touch it or any other video provider, streaming or Traditional, the next two years is a make it or break it for them, after the two years are up, we should know what the future will look like for receiving content.