Wow folks so many great enteries! It has become hard for me to pick a winner based on what you have written alone, so here is what I am doing.
(First off the deadline for enteries has passed)
I am currently printing each reply individually.
I will be placing each entry in a bag, then when all of the enteries are in there, I will shake the bag up and will have a co worker pick in the bag and pull out the winner.
I should note that this weekend I installed one of these LNB's and I must say I am impressed! For my setup only one set of outputs for Circular and Linear was needed, it still has a second set of outputs so I can hook up two more recievers!
The pickup on this is better then my old LNB! When I hooked it up I was on IA5 where I was getting a 60 signal. By just taking the old lnb off and putting the new LNB on my signal on IA5 was up to 97!
This folks is an amazing LNB! I look forward to reading the lucky winners review!
Good luck to all who have entered!