Will you switch to Dish Network?


XXI Century Explorer
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Lifetime Supporter
Feb 16, 2004
Now, since Dish Network has announced its plans to pick up all of VOOM channels, are you planning on switching to Dish?
Please vote!
i have had dishnetwork for about 2 weeks now, since i got the news that voom was going out, so i dont know if i will still qualify for the deal or not until i call tommorrow, because i still have voom also until they pull the plug
Waiting until websites get updated with the complete offers, and I see reports about the PQ of Voom channels on Dish. Also, I am curious about developments with DirecTV in June -- might carry Voom channels plus a bunch of other new HD channels.

Probably will wait it out until I see what sticks.
Well I waited. Even though I had no HD alternative in cable in my area or even HD OTA, I decided there was no reason to hurry and see what will really shake out. Besides, this whole VOOM thing has had so many twists and turns I was not surprised to be surprised. All the hinting of DISH for months and especially in the last few weeks told me to wait. I will probably call DISH tomorrow and make the switch.

One this that was fun though. I went to a DISH Booth at a local mall on Friday and surprised the sh*t out of the salesman when he tried to tell me that $31.99 a month for DISH 180 for 3 months was the best deal DISH was ever going to offer. I pulled out a copy of the press release from that morning and sent him into a tailspin. He called his home office and they were fit to be tied. He tried to tell me that it was a misprint in the release. Misprint? I said "tell me that a multibillion dollar corporation is not going to send out a release with a bogus price." He just looked at me. I told him that I would not sign anything until the details became clear. He said that you believe all those rumors on SatelliteGuys huh? I said they are always labeled as rumors but this one comes with a corporate press release to back it up.

I will call the special number posted and not see this guy again. But it was fun. Thanks Scott and Sean for the opportunity to be entertained and have the upper hand.
The first 100 votes:

21% already have E*
25% are going to switch
15% are thinking about switching
15% not sure yet
17% probably will not switch
2% do not want to switch
5% are already committed to D*​
Based on this (not so scientific) poll, Dish Network might be getting more than 60% of ex-VOOMers!
The MODS (not to be confused with The MADS) should start this poll over, or have another poll. "Now that VoOM is gone, what changes in your programming have you made"? or some such.
I originally answered I was thinking about DISH, now it's a done deal.
Also, the ability to give multiple answers would be good. While I moved from VoOM to DISH, I also have had DirecTv for about 7 years, but no hd's or premiums with D*.

How about a new poll???
johnalan said:
The MODS (not to be confused with The MADS) should start this poll over...
This poll is less than 4 days old. How often do you want it to be restarted? :D
Ilya said:
Based on this (not so scientific) poll, Dish Network might be getting more than 60% of ex-VOOMers!
Thats on the order of 27,000 customers. Big deal. Doesnt Dish do like 350,000 a quarter?:rolleyes:
That's how I feel about D*. It would be hard for me to go back to them even if it were free. When companies go out of their way to screw you, it's hard to get rid of the bad taste in your mouth. (Same w/ AOL. D* and AOL are the two companies I hate.)

As for E*, I must admit they're awfully tempting w/ the addition of Voom programming. If it wasn't for Dish's HD DVR possibly becoming obsolete before the end of the year - which could mean I'd have to buy a new DVR w/o the benefit of new customer pricing - I'd probably sign up with E*.

Since cable offers free installation (no $100 fee for a 2nd dish), a free HD DVR, and no commitment, I'm leaning towards them until E* has their MPEG 4 ready HD DVR out.
It's just amazing how we can get worked up about a business. It seems everybody has a horror story about one of the providers and I'm not sure it that's funny or pathetic.
SO Charlie is adding all of the Voom 21 eventually but still thinks starzhd and cinemaxhd and uhd are not "compelling"???????????? Makes NO sense!!!
To get me away from Comcast would take a free couple of months. I switched to Comcast and am very happy... sure I don't get the Voom 21 but for about $38 bucks I got HBO & Showtime and all the silver package. I think that with that package I got about 12 HD Channels + locals. I can save money watching HD. :yes

I have never been able to save money :D :D :D :D :yes :yes :yes
Well change me from "thinking about it" to "I'm getting it". I can't stand the poor quality of the analogue channels from my cable company, and the addition of the Voom channels on Dish seals it for me. I have an install next weekend with an 942. I'm looking forward to getting Gallery and Equator back, as well as WorldCinema and FilmFest back later in the year or early next year. I also hope that Dish will also figure out that UHD is worth having.

If by early next year there is something better elsewhere I would consider buying myself out of my prorated contract with Dish.

Sorry, but no option for me. If I go with E*, it won't be a switch. It will be exclusively a supplemental HD service for my 4dtv system. Even if it becomes a more watched service like Voom became!
May 6 - Called special VOOM Conversion Number that was scrolling across VOOM marquee. Told CSR that I have 2 HDTVs & 2 surround sound systems (family room & bedroom). Asked for "dream setup" of two 942s which would cover 2 HDTVs and 2 "old school" TVs. CSR told me that limit is 1 per household for $250/lease. CSR told me I could buy the 2nd 942 (I don't think so). I then asked CSR for one 942, one 625 and one 811. Another NO-GO because of the 942. Settled for one 942, one 510, and one 811. Gave me an install date of May 18.

May 5 & 6 - Tried to get install date moved earlier. NO-GO because it takes about 10 days to get the 942 mailed to me for the install.

May 6 - CSR was WOW'd by all the "stuff" = equipment on the order. CSR said that even if I cancelled the 942 from my order, the earliest install date at this point would be May 20. CSR unable to figure out what company is actually coming out to do my install but she did say it was a local company. I'm thinking of contacting Installs, Inc. to see if they can do anything.
TV screen.

For what it's worth...

Idea: DVR Early Sign-Up
