Will you drop VOOM tier if no New Content is added?

Sean Mota said:
Will you drop VOOM tier if no New Content is added?
I assume by "no New Content is added" you mean the same channels will remain and they will continue adding content at the current (slow) pace.
I certainly won't drop it! Sure, I hope for more content and I do miss having 40+ HD channels, but even the way it is right now, VOOM pack is definitely worth $5 for me.

And when La Liga season returns next month to Rush-HD, that channel alone will be worth that much or even more! For me, anyway.

On the other hand, if D*, Cable or SBC/Verizon offer a more competitive HD lineup down the road, I may decide to drop E* altogether, but that's a different story...
I'm giving VOOM until Jan 06. Although I'm happy with HDNews and the movie channels, I just hate to think that in the googd VOOM DBS days I used to do about 25% of my watching time on Rave, Equator, Rush and WorldSportHD. Now, without the addition of new content on those channels, it is <1% :mad:
Walter L. said:
I'm giving VOOM until Jan 06. Although I'm happy with HDNews and the movie channels, I just hate to think that in the googd VOOM DBS days I used to do about 25% of my watching time on Rave, Equator, Rush and WorldSportHD. Now, without the addition of new content on those channels, it is <1% :mad:

I agree with you. For as old VOOMer's the material is old and has been repeated over and over again. We need new stuff to maintain interest.
gutter said:
I agree with you. For as old VOOMer's the material is old and has been repeated over and over again. We need new stuff to maintain interest.
We new a lot more content on Monsters HD, Equator HD and Rave HD. If there goal is to put all the movie programming on Guytv, they should think about creating one movie channel and have a theme for each day, i.e. FamilyHD day, Fu HD day etc.. with DVR we all can time shift. This would give us a consistent movie line up consisting of 7 Voom movie channels. Also there should be 4 movies per day. I think this makes sense and can be implemented without MPEG4.

Voom/E* please think about this scenerio. It isn't as great as having 10 movie channels to choose from whenever you want, but maybe a short-term solution.
Just took at a look at all the new content VOOM added June-August 2004. To quote Archie Bunker, "Those were the Days!" VOOM, please bring back the new content. We will even put up with the VOOM Guide Guy and his summer of love...well, maybe not...but new content would be appreciated. To Jimmy Dolan, I would once again like to quote Archie Bunker when I say, "You Meathead You!"

GuyTv HD: The Sword of Doom ** (1967, Drama) 5:30pm ET

GuyTv HD: Manic (2001, Drama) **Premiere**

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