Actually, I have a 508 I rarely watch, so if I find the fee too much for it, I'll finish burning DVDs of what's left on it and sell it or give it away. But I'll wait until I see the actual fees in my bill, in black and white. Ok, in electrons onscreen.
And I'm under the 3 month free period for HBO. When that ends, and my son completes his chemo and moves out, I'll be dropping it. Dish will likely get a month or three of me paying for HBO, but my wife and I rarely watch it and will drop back to just our Gold HD package.
I just don't think I'll see much increase in my bill. And I can't get worked up over people with 6 receivers paying a larger share.
"I can't get worked up over people with 6 receivers paying a larger share"
I personally dont really have issues with reasonable, annual price increases but this just tastes bad to me... while watching the retailer chat, actually the chat the day before from the c.e.s. as the teaser was that the q4-09 promo has been so successful that it will not be changed for q1-10 AND we are proud to announce the whole house dvr fee. sounds good so far, dish just had a record breaking quarter so im on board with it so far. Then realized my bill would increase $17.00. I understand the basics of inflation and the economy but had to ask what am I getting in return for my extra $17.00 ? more programming ? Some cool new receiver features ? Nope, nothing but maybe im being ungrateful because "great news" my programming cost are not increasing AND now there will only be one dvr fee for the whole house which i never had all these years before with the AEP. I think a simple "hey , times are tough and we are raising your rates" approach would of caused less disdain than this "shell game" to bring me this "good news vauled customer"