Will you cancel Dish because of the new receiver pricing?

Stay or Cancel

  • Stay with Dish (accept the price increase)

    Votes: 243 69.0%
  • Cancel Dish (reject the price increase)

    Votes: 109 31.0%

  • Total voters
Actually, I have a 508 I rarely watch, so if I find the fee too much for it, I'll finish burning DVDs of what's left on it and sell it or give it away. But I'll wait until I see the actual fees in my bill, in black and white. Ok, in electrons onscreen.

And I'm under the 3 month free period for HBO. When that ends, and my son completes his chemo and moves out, I'll be dropping it. Dish will likely get a month or three of me paying for HBO, but my wife and I rarely watch it and will drop back to just our Gold HD package.

I just don't think I'll see much increase in my bill. And I can't get worked up over people with 6 receivers paying a larger share.

"I can't get worked up over people with 6 receivers paying a larger share"

I personally dont really have issues with reasonable, annual price increases but this just tastes bad to me... while watching the retailer chat, actually the chat the day before from the c.e.s. as the teaser was that the q4-09 promo has been so successful that it will not be changed for q1-10 AND we are proud to announce the whole house dvr fee. sounds good so far, dish just had a record breaking quarter so im on board with it so far. Then realized my bill would increase $17.00. I understand the basics of inflation and the economy but had to ask what am I getting in return for my extra $17.00 ? more programming ? Some cool new receiver features ? Nope, nothing but maybe im being ungrateful because "great news" my programming cost are not increasing AND now there will only be one dvr fee for the whole house which i never had all these years before with the AEP. I think a simple "hey , times are tough and we are raising your rates" approach would of caused less disdain than this "shell game" to bring me this "good news vauled customer"
Dish does not care about your wallet. They only care about their own.

That is what any business is in business for. You just don't stay in business without any income. Bottom line is, as had been mentioned in at at least 3 threads, if you can't afford the service or some part of it, you need to look elsewhere....
I will stay with Dish through this price increase, mainly because I'm so new with them (only 6 months), but this does make me put on hold my plans of leasing another 722k, and ordering the OTA mod for both units. I need to wait and see how these increases really turn out before I make any more commitments to Dish.
Staying, because (1) with a 722 as the primary and 508 as the secondary I'm expecting no significant price increase, and (2) it's still less than a comparable package with Comcast.

(I may get dinged with a $6 DVR fee, had it grandfathered out before since my 722 was a replacement for the 721. We'll see.)

But this does lessen the chance I will be adding another 722 or 722k anytime soon, if I need to add another receiver it will likely be another 508.
I suspect that most of us will stay with DISH. The bad thing is that this just puts a wedge between me and recommending friends to switch to DISH.

While DISH still has me as a customer, the good will is gone. I won't be talking with friends or co-workers about switching to DISH. Instead if the subject of satellite TV comes up, all I will feel like mentioning is how much DISH raised my bill this year. It would have gone up by $42 per month. That kind of an increase won't convince anyone I know to switch to satellite TV.
4 months into a 2 yr contract and this increase will affect me I think ......

Nice........ dropped Showtime and Multi-Sports trying to keep bill lower
It just reminds me of TWC which I left for Dish only to have raised equipment
fees 4 months into a contract ?

I'll probably keep dish till the contract is up but...........
OTA and a sub to Netflix and a couple of Tivo's ?.............

I got 20 mos for Dish to tell me why to spend $100.00 plus a month to keep me !
Maybe Dish Network does not value it's club dish program or maybe it is not working for them so they figured it wouldnt make much difference at this point. This certainly ain't going to help them retain customers let alone add them or to get new referrals. The only good thing I see out of this is if some only have one receiver on their account then they may actually switch to Dish Network.
With the unemployment rate over ten percent, its not the right time to raise fee. I am sure lots will down grade their programing to save money.
I'll stay because I only have one receiver and there ought not be a price increase from what I've gathered. But I'll be checking my bill closely, unlike many with auto-pay and paperless billing...(not necessarily those on this site, but it's a good way to sneak in extra charges and have them go unnoticed).
I am not a Dish subscriber yet due to the changes in the plans. In November I was hot to trot to switch from Comcast and install two 722 receivers and a third SD receiver. When the news about the rate increases started to surface in December I decided to put the project on hold. I am still holding although I intend to pick up where I left off. My decision to pull the trigger is pending and will hinge on the final monthly cost. It was doable before. I have to recalculate the cost now. The point is that the new rates may have cost Dish Network a $70 ~ $100 per month customer.
by not cancelling you are just encouraging be raped in the future.
If it wasn't for her who must be obeyed, and what she calls the need for the certain channels (Syfy, Nick, Disney), I'd go strictly OTA using the Echostar TR-50 DVR.

Therfore I must choose my poison from Dish, Direct, or Comcast. Since I have 3 HDTV's and 1 SDTV in service, Dish better suits my needs.

Current setup

Livingroom HDTV (fed by 722 & Bell 9200)
Bedroom HDTV (fed by 722 & Bell 9200)
Kids Upstairs Playroom HDTV (fed by 622)
Basement Playroom SDTV (fed by Bell 5900)

The 722, 9200, and PS3 go into a 4x2 switch that feeds the Livingroom & Bedroom.

If Bell's HD DVR's weren't so expensive, I'd probably switch the 622 for 1.
But as it is, even with Dish's new price structure, I'm better off with them.

btw, my prices will actually go down $1 with the new fee structure.

My complaint is based on paying $7/mo extra on a TV2 output that is basically worthless due to it being SD. Especailly since the 612 was not available when I bought the 622 and when they forced me to lease a 722 when they killed off my 942.

If I could save that fee by having Dish disable TV2, I would.

If I didn't think that 2 tuners in a DVR is a must have, I'd probably get rid of several and pick up some 211's and attach external drives to them.
I am seriously considering switching to Comcast. With the current offer in my area for a triple play package, I can save over $100 a month by combining phone, internet and TV. With my current E* plan (AEP + 5 receivers), my bill will soon be about $155. Add to that a phone/DSL bundle of $84/month. Comcast is offering the HD triple play for $99/month + equipment fees. (For 1 year and $115/month for year 2.) If I add about $30 for equipment fees, I'm looking at a savings of about $109/month for the first year. I am going to check with some neighbors that have Comcast and HD to see what the PQ is like. Comcast just recently became available on my street. It may be time to stop feeding the Satellite Pig.
I really wish this were a public poll so we could check back in a few months with the 30% who said they would cancel Dish to see if they really did, and for the ones that did, are you happy overall with your new provider??
With the unemployment rate over ten percent, its not the right time to raise fee. I am sure lots will down grade their programing to save money.

or do as I'm doing and dumping dish all together, cable guy's installing tomorrow..

from the words of our local retailer when we told him "if only more customers did that . that would make em stop doing this"

and the cable company (which hasn't raised rates in a few years but added programming too) and is a local carrier... Laughter, and responses of oh my gosh.

needless to say I suspect some bash ads coming out from our local cable company pretty soon...
Might be time for many to leave Dish for a while, while they figure out what they did wrong and give them a chance to fix their issues before coming back. Many will not come back in fear that they will pull this same stunt again or weary of what they will try to pull next.
I voted cancel, but it will not be today or even next week.

That being said, I am now actively looking at other options for the first time in years (I've been with Dish since 1999.)

Dish has pushed me to the point of no longer just being content and paying my bill. In this economy, television is low on my list of priorities and being that Dish feels the need to stick it to me every year (culminating in the current mess) I'm going to have to assess what is important to me and act on it...

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