Will I ever get my NY Mets back on Dish?

Does anyone need to be reminded of the 07 mets.:eek::wtf:

I'm just waiting for the implosion it's coming it always does. :eek:
and 2008....This is a different team, different time. Mets were on paper the on of the elite teams in the NL...Their biggest handicap was Willie Randolph's inability to manage a pitching staff.
If there is one thing I've learned from being on this site it is is that Dish subscribers are apparently not allowed to voice any desire to have NY RSN's. Whether its the ones we had but lost (MSG & SNY) or the one we never got (YES). It just touches a cord with those that don't like sports. I watched the ones we had dissappear and never did I see my bill go down. Never once did they contact me or offer me a credit. Those that dislike sports see no reason whatsoever to pay for something they don't watch but its okay for people like me and those that do enjoy watching sports to pay for channels they enjoy. & of course we are to remain quiet. I do hope all you non sports fans turn out to be huge AMC fans and when you can't watch your Walking Dead or Breaking Bad and Dish tells you to pony up $8 a month to subscribe to Netflix. Lets see how you all feel and how quiet you remain.
If there is one thing I've learned from being on this site it is is that Dish subscribers are apparently not allowed to voice any desire to have NY RSN's. Whether its the ones we had but lost (MSG & SNY) or the one we never got (YES). It just touches a cord with those that don't like sports. I watched the ones we had dissappear and never did I see my bill go down. Never once did they contact me or offer me a credit. Those that dislike sports see no reason whatsoever to pay for something they don't watch but its okay for people like me and those that do enjoy watching sports to pay for channels they enjoy. & of course we are to remain quiet. I do hope all you non sports fans turn out to be huge AMC fans and when you can't watch your Walking Dead or Breaking Bad and Dish tells you to pony up $8 a month to subscribe to Netflix. Lets see how you all feel and how quiet you remain.
oh yes. Non sports fans ALWAYS whine and bitch just because sports programming exists.
If a sports fan chimes in, they are told to shut up..
Me, I go right back at these niche channel bandwidth gobbling, 3,000 viewer per month channel watchers.
These peons love the baby channel, the tennis channel FSTV and these other dopey services that get about 15 viewers an hour. And God forbid anyone have the audacity to say anything about the plethora of children's programming. These people go bonkers...They threaten to run you over with their mini vans.
If there is one thing I've learned from being on this site it is is that Dish subscribers are apparently not allowed to voice any desire to have NY RSN's. Whether its the ones we had but lost (MSG & SNY) or the one we never got (YES). It just touches a cord with those that don't like sports.
I like sports but I don't see it that way. People are just being brutally honest, partly because the same question keeps popping up here on a regular basis. Bottom line, there is a next-to-nil chance that NY RSNs will ever again be available on Dish. Your only real option is to switch.
I like sports but I don't see it that way. People are just being brutally honest, partly because the same question keeps popping up here on a regular basis. Bottom line, there is a next-to-nil chance that NY RSNs will ever again be available on Dish. Your only real option is to switch.

Those of use who's RSN is available but isn't carried (so you-know-who can keep a few more bucks in his pocket) can opt stick with Dish for the other advantages it offers but mollify our pain about this issue by annoying Dish fanboys every now and then. ie: No justice, no peace.

Those of use who's RSN is available but isn't carried (so you-know-who can keep a few more bucks in his pocket) can opt stick with Dish for the other advantages it offers but mollify our pain about this issue by annoying Dish fanboys every now and then. ie: No justice, no peace.
Ah yes, the random ficticious fanboy comment. The only thing I'm a fan of is presenting an intelligent, logical argument...which yours is not.
and 2008....This is a different team, different time. Mets were on paper the on of the elite teams in the NL...Their biggest handicap was Willie Randolph's inability to manage a pitching staff.
I guess it goes back to what Gary said.

Ya gotta believe!
Cause I still haven't seen a world series win. :eek:
But don't worry the implosion is coming it always does.:D
So many of you just miss the whole point of my and others responses. If the original post was " Will I ever get my NY Mets back on Dish" I would have simply said "Don't count on it at this point" I have always said someone losing their RSN in a contract really should be allowed to break the contract at some point. Simply asking if it will ever come back, while it does gets old because if it was known it would be posted here, is no big deal. And yes, I can and do ignore some of those posts.
It's what followed in this case. Whining about not getting what you pay for when you could have been watching your team with a different provider, with no penalty. The OP knew for over a year there is no SNY, yet even out of contract stays with Dish. To me, at that point your ARE getting what you pay for, and in NY that is no RSN. In parts of CT that's less RSN's than you should get. In Philadelphia it's missing an RSN. In areas that get MASN it's no HD. It's hard to see the problem when you know this yet continue to blame Dish, Blame yourself at some point. I don't want to pay Direct TV prices which are higher for me for sure if I had Direct, and on top of that lose channels in HD that we watch, and appear to be so because of sports including the extremely high contract cost to Direct to carry the NFL Sunday Package.
And by the way, with Direct for a very few now, you pay a premium now to get the NY RSN's no matter if you watch them or not. It's in a very select area, but you just know if they do it there, it will expand when prices go up disproportionately with other DMAs. With LA getting yet another RSN apparenlty look there for the next problem of cost.
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And by the way, with Direct for a very few now, you pay a premium now to get the NY RSN's no matter if you watch them or not. It's in a very select area, but you just know if they do it there, it will expand when prices go up disproportionately with other DMAs. With LA getting yet another RSN apparenlty look there for the next problem of cost.
Wow didn't know that, so how much is the premium?
Why didn't I leave dish?
Well, It's simple.
Because I didn't want to leave dish....

That does not mean I don't want to watch my hometown team
like every other person in MY area can that does not subscribe to Dish.

Get it? It's two different circumstances. I like dish for lots of reasons and have
an issue with them for only one reason.

And F.Y.I.
I was told on numerous occasions from dish that they were still in negotiations
to get the channel back and was given a website from dish to voice my opinion.
I joined a petition with thousands of others. Not that it will help.

Please don't call me a whiner for expressing my opinion. I thought that is what a forum is all about.
I asked a simple question and gave an opinion.

I'm done. Have a nice day.
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Ah yes, the random ficticious fanboy comment. The only thing I'm a fan of is presenting an intelligent, logical argument...which yours is not.
There are indeed Dish fanboys on this site. Denial ain't just a river in Littleton. You can start with the first guy to like your post. And, me thinks thou doth protest too much, whenever the subject is brought up.

If the fanboys are offended by the term "fanboy", an unoffensive term can be used instead, if they will suggest one. I don't think those of us who use the term mean to offend them. But, there can be no argument that there is a core group of members here who defend every, or almost every, Dish decision and business practice, without fail. Off the top of my head, I can think of screen names that begin with the letters, K, S, T, N, and D that fit that description.
There are indeed Dish fanboys on this site. Denial ain't just a river in Littleton. You can start with the first guy to like your post. And, me thinks thou doth protest too much, whenever the subject is brought up.

If the fanboys are offended by the term "fanboy", an unoffensive term can be used instead, if they will suggest one. I don't think those of us who use the term mean to offend them. But, there can be no argument that there is a core group of members here who defend every, or almost every, Dish decision and business practice, without fail. Off the top of my head, I can think of screen names that begin with the letters, K, S, T, N, and D that fit that description.
I don't deny that there are fanboys on this site or those who have exhibited fanboy behavior in the past, but when it is brought up within the context of the current thread or discussion when no such behavior is currently being exhibited, it's just an ad hominem, and as much as I doth protest, it is precisely because of its frequent use as a crutch to deflect the current debate.

I don't find the term offensive, and even though I don't fit the label, I wouldn't if I did. What's offensive is its tired use as an ad hominem soundbite in an argument, whether I'm directly involved in the discussion, or not. Just as there are spelling and grammar police here (of which I can be), consider my protests as "debate police." :p
I don't deny that there are fanboys on this site or those who have exhibited fanboy behavior in the past, but when it is brought up within the context of the current thread or discussion when no such behavior is currently being exhibited, it's just an ad hominem, and as much as I doth protest, it is precisely because of its frequent use as a crutch to deflect the current debate.

I don't find the term offensive, and even though I don't fit the label, I wouldn't if I did. What's offensive is its tired use as an ad hominem soundbite in an argument, whether I'm directly involved in the discussion, or not. Just as there are spelling and grammar police here (of which I can be), consider my protests as "debate police." :p
Ah. I thought you meant "fictitious" in general, not just in this thread. You must admit, though, that you are quite a strong Dish defender, stronger than most, if not an actual fanperson.
Show me where. I'm a defender of logic, first and foremost. You might be taking some of my "fanboy" reactions and projecting that as me being one. Like you, I call them as I see them, credit where due, criticism when called for.

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