If some DSL service costs as much as $90 per month, that is not much different than a Hughestnet / Wildblue customer paying that much or more for their so called premium tiers. A lot of people would switch to DSL/wireless in a heartbeat and pay more for the privelidge. In many cases it will not cost $90 per month and DSL can be had dry loop without the phone service.
I am not saying that there is not a market for satellite broadband as there is and I do expect satellite broadband to improve and I think a major improvement is needed. If they improved enough then some providers would not look as much into growing into smaller areas where satellite broadband would be viable competition. The way I see it now, satellite broadband is not competition at all but merely a desperate move for people to get broadband in unserved areas where there are no other options.
Im not sure i could have stated this much better. Both HNS and WB are in the most part UNSERVED. Yea, in some cases we are a better choice that Wireless cards. But we have never claimed to compete with the metro providers. Thats not our business model. We will be creeping in to the burbs and we believe this takes our market from about 11M to 22-30M Nationally in Unserved and Undeserved...
Beta testing of our upgraded Anik and WB1: Beta customers that do have the increased speeds are very excited. So the rubber has hit the ground at least on our upgrades.
So all Broadband Sat is,,,,, is a pipe, no matter how one may slice it its just a pipe..
is it to early to say Happy Holidays?