

The Raw Nerve
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Jun 5, 2004
Park Slope, NYC
... is the winner of this Christmas?

Nintendo Wii pulls out ahead
Posted by Ed Burnette @ 12:01 am

In a recent ZDNet poll, readers said they would prefer getting a Nintendo Wii for Christmas over either a PS3 or XBox360. A Gamasutra survey of games industry professionals showed them favoring the Wii by a huge margin (Disclaimer: I used to be a game designer myself). News organizations questioning people standing in line for PS3's showed that most intended to sell them, but most of the people in the Wii line intended to play them.

Both casual and hard-core gamers are excited about the Wii. Here are some typical comments:

"I waited in line for 13 hours to get the Wii at midnight. It is by far the greatest interactive game console yet. By the way I am a 56year old mom."

"I'm all about the gameplay, and Nintendo's clearly going to deliver. Is Sony? I'm not seeing any evidence of that so far."

"I will be picking up a Wii for two reasons. First, Zelda, and second, it's the first console that I think I will be able to play with my 3 year old son"

"As of right now, there's nothing on the launch list for Sony's PS3 that catches my eye as a must-have title. Nintendo, on the other hand, is making a massive statement with releasing two of their 'older crowd' franchises at launch, Zelda and Metroid."

The poll is still open. What do you think?

Source: http://blogs.zdnet.com/Burnette/?p=207

I think the main question is how long will Wii be able to sustain its 'fun-factor'... the 4-5 years of a console's lifecycle is pretty long time...
And that is the question.

Nintendo & 3rd party developers have done a pretty good job, so-far, with the DS. The 3rd party developers will be the key after the "new" wears off.
The bigger question there should be how many who took the poll already have a 360... If i were to take the poll I'd select Wii but I don't see that diminishing the value of my 360 and the 25ish games I own for it.

That being said, there are more votes for 360 than for PS3 at the moment, that's gotta hurt.
I, as an HD DVD supporter, can't be happier. I'd love for the Fox and Disney people to wise up and make like Paramount and release titles on BOTH formats... For MGM and Sony discs, standard DVD will have to do until their format fails (OK, IF it fails........)
The bigger question there should be how many who took the poll already have a 360... If i were to take the poll I'd select Wii but I don't see that diminishing the value of my 360 and the 25ish games I own for it.

That being said, there are more votes for 360 than for PS3 at the moment, that's gotta hurt.

You rarely here of a 360 owner looking for a PS3 but the Wii is another story. We will be adding another 360 plus try to get a Wii for our house.
You rarely here of a 360 owner looking for a PS3 but the Wii is another story. We will be adding another 360 plus try to get a Wii for our house.

Ya, it's a big enough of a factor to make polls that ask you to pick between the three kinda of foolish to not consider. A lot of people have 360s that are going to be in the market for a Wii or PS3, to have them pick between the system they have and continue to purchase and the 2 new ones isn't really all that realistic.

We have a 360 and a Wii, the Wii is great and we will enjoy it for as long as we can, but I'll be buying my Maddens and whatnot for my 360. It's just a completely different form of console.
I have Wii,
Finaly got the Wii for the kids. Wifes cousin is a manager for EB. Hooked us up.
Ordered up a bunch of games also- build the tickect up so he has a better sales.

Will the PS3 accept IR universal remotes?

Half-Life 2

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