Why X-Men Will Make Major Franchise Changes After Apocalypse

'X-Men: Apocalypse' Leaked Photos Reveal Jean Grey, Cyclops And Nightcrawler In Uniform http://www.idigitaltimes.com/x-men-...-grey-cyclops-and-nightcrawler-uniform-473883
The first look at Jean Grey, Cyclops and Nighcrawler in the X-Men uniform from the upcoming X-Men: Apocalypse movie may have leaked online.Images for the X-Men characters recently surfaced on Tumblr and Twitter. The alleged photos appear to be from an editing room for the production. Actors Sophie Turner, Jennifer Lawrence, Tye Sheridan, Kodi Smit-McPhee and Nicholas Hoult are featured in the photo. Check out the alleged behind-the-scenes images from X-Men: Apocalypse below.Little is known about the X-Men: Apocalypse plot, but Turner recently spoke to Spinoff Online about joining the cast. The Game of Thrones actress expressed her excitement to take on the iconic Jean Grey in the X-Men film universe, especially after she saw the script.
X-Men: Apocalypse Photos Offer Better Look at Archangel & En Sabah Nur http://screenrant.com/x-men-apocalypse-photos-archangel-en-sabah-nur-costumes/
If you thought Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice or Captain America: Civil War were attempting to squeeze in too many comic book characters into a two-hour live-action feature film, you have another thing coming with X-Men: Apocalypse.Rounding out the period-set trilogy that began with 2011's X-Men: First Class, Apocalypse brings back all the core characters and many, many more, including younger versions of the characters from the first film in the series. Most of these characters fans have been able to see glimpses of via social media, set photos and early bits of marketing, but some we've only seen through production art.New images from what looks to be an editing bay or post-production special VFX house reveal low-res teases of several X-Men: Apocalypse characters, including the new main X-Men team and the titular villain, while another behind-the-scenes photos gives us our best look at Archangel yet.We met Warren Worthington III a.k.a. Angel in X-Men: The Last Stand where the character didn't really participate as a member of the team, and we me another character, entirely unrelated, by the name of Angel (Angel Salvador) who could also fly in the '60s set X-Men: First Class. In X-Men: Apocalypse, we finally get a version of the original Angel who will be front and center, and this one will become Archangel.
See Olivia Munn Pull Out All Her Learned Psylocke Skills In Impressive Fight Sequence http://www.cinemablend.com/new/See-...e-Skills-Impressive-Fight-Sequence-82377.html
We're all patiently waiting for X-Men: Apocalypse's debut trailer - and have spent a good amount of time wondering what will be featured. Perhaps how the Four Horsemen are assembled? Maybe the titular villain showcasing some of his metamorphosis powers? Another possibility is that we see more of Olivia Munn's moves as Psylocke - and if that's the case, the actress has given us another little preview of what to expect:Munn has been training very hard all throughout the course of production on X-Men: Apocalypse, and she has been using her Instagram feed fairly frequently to show fans her new skills. This particular video showcases some of the sick moves that she has learned to perform with a sword - and it's pretty damn impressive. She definitely earns the fun little wink she adds at the very end.Thanks to Olivia Munn's social media prowess, we've had some fun watching her progress and get better with her swordplay. Admittedly she started off pretty damn great:
How Marvel Is Sticking It To Fox Over The X-Men http://www.cinemablend.com/new/How-Marvel-Sticking-It-Fox-Over-X-Men-82997.html
Marvel is trying to put more pressure on Fox to sell back the X-Men properties by phasing out mutants within the comic book universe. Since Marvel doesn't have the film rights to the X-Men, why dedicate as much attention to them when they could focus on characters they fully own? Hence, mass eradication… if the disease spreads further, that is. However, it's doubtful that would affect Fox right now since they are moving forward with their X-Men cinematic universe - from core franchise films like X-Men: Apocalypse to spinoffs like Gambit. Unless something drastic happens (like a Fantastic Four reboot-level bomb), the mutants aren't going anywhere. One should consider that this Extraordinary X-Men surprise may just be a simple plot twist within the comics and isn't actually representational of ulterior motives by Marvel.While the X-Men and other assorted mutants are still roaming around the Marvel universe, the Inhumans, who made their debut in 1965, have gained more prominence in recent years both in the comic book world and live action. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Inhumans are effectively substitutes for mutants as the race of "naturally" powered superhumans on Earth. They were introduced during Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 2, and will play an even bigger role in Season 3. On top of that, an Inhumans movie is finishing off Marvel's Phase Three slate of films in 2019. It wouldn't be surprising if the Inhumans effectively become the new "mutants" to reflect what life is like in the MCU, though we find it hard to believe that most of the main X-Men characters will ever be permanently killed off (these are superhero stories, after all).It's worth noting that Extraordinary X-Men is only one of the several X-Men related titles that are emerging from Marvel's "All-New, All-Different" relaunch. Others include All-New Wolverine, Old Man Logan and Uncanny X-Men, so it's clear that Marvel hasn't given up on the X-Men entirely, comic book-wise. That said, fans will want to keep an eye out in the next year or so for any other developments by Marvel (deliberate or just appearing that way) to move characters they can't use in their films to the sidelines.
'X-Men: Apocalypse' Trailer Is Hyping 'The Martian' http://www.forbes.com/sites/scottme...rtian/?utm_campaign=yahootix&partner=yahootix
If the rumor mill is to be believed, and in this case it makes sense, 20th Century Fox will be debuting the first much-anticipated teaser for X-Men: Apocalypse over the next week alongside the theatrical debut of Ridley Scott's The Martian. I saw The Martian on Monday, and it's pretty great. The only reason I'm posting my review later is because I'm crunched for time this morning due to kids school stuff, and this piece is much shorter. Anyway, Heroic Hollywood reported last week that Fox was premiering the first official (outside of SDCC) look at Bryan Singer's X-Men: Apocalypse alongside their big would-be blockbuster of the fall.The timing is right (X-Men: Days of Future Past trailered with Thor: The Dark World in October of 2013) and not everything can wait until Star Wars: The Force Awakens. That's refreshingly old-fashioned, if I may say so myself. They aren't dropping it with another studio's big movie or on television during the season premiere of Gotham or during a football game. But here's the 2015 twist. In this case, whether the new X-Men trailer debuts with The Martian or not, the mere rumor that it might provides a huge publicity boost for the Matt Damon/Jessica Chastain/Chiwetel Ejiofor/Kristen Wiig/Kate Mara/Michael Pena sci-fi adventure.When the superhero movie gossip/rumor site dropped word of the would-be trailer debut, large swathes of the Internet picked it up and jump-covered it, as the Internet tends to do when news or rumors about a geek-friendly property breaks. On September 12th, and several days thereafter, the Internet was filled with blog posts discussing whether or not the new X-Men trailer would drop with the Ridley Scott tentpole. Every single one of those articles mentioned The Martian in the article text and/or the headline of the piece. If that trailer drops online this week or next, the Internet will be flooded with trailer posts (yup, me too) that will surely mention not just the X-Men movie being advertised but the literary adaptation to which said trailer is attached.
Hugh Jackman Wants Tom Hardy to Be the Next Wolverine https://www.yahoo.com/movies/s/hugh-jackman-wants-tom-hardy-next-wolverine-200310976.html
With Hugh Jackman's time as "X-Men" muscle Wolverine nearing its end, questions about who will replace him have become more frequent. Fortunately, Jackman has weighed in on the debate with his choice for who should don the adamantium claws in his stead in an interview with MTV News."I haven't really given it a lot of thought," Jackman said. "I've been asked that question a lot, and I'm always like, 'I don't wanna make it too easy on the studio to replace me,' you know? I've still got one more to do. I'm sure they're already talking about it, and there's some actor [they've told] 'shh, keep it quiet but we want you next.'"After a bit of thought on who could play a younger, re-imagined Wolverine, Jackman made his choice."He's younger than me for sure," Jackman said. "I think Tom Hardy would be a great Wolverine."Hardy, who is no stranger to the comic book genre thanks to his role as Bane in "The Dark Knight Rises" and an upcoming adaptation of "100 Bullets," seems to be Hollywood's choice for any big role with a potential vacancy looming.UK oddsmakers have Hardy as a frontrunner to take over the James Bond franchise following Daniel Craig's eventual departure. Though some actors believe others could portray the suave spy, and the Internet still seems pretty invested in Idris Elba for the role.Jackman will star in an upcoming sequel to "The Wolverine." It's unknown whether he'll make cameos in the upcoming "X-Men: Apocalypse," or impending spinoffs "Deadpool" or "Gambit."
Hugh Jackman Wants Tom Hardy To Star In A Wolverine Reboot | MTV.........Pan star Hugh Jackman tells us that he wants Tom Hardy to play him in the inevitable Wolverine reboot. Pan is in UK cinemas 9th October.....
Final Wolverine Movie To Explore Character's Relationship With Professor X http://news.yahoo.com/final-wolverine-movie-to-explore-characters-100306171.html
Hugh Jackman has revealed that his final 'Wolverine' movie will focus on the paternal relationship between his adamantium-clad mutant and Professor Charles Xavier.Other than Jackman's retirement from the role he first played in 2000's 'X-Men', little is known about the character's third solo movie beyond the return of 'The Wolverine's James Mangold to the director's chair.sides of particularly Professor X that have not been seen before. So we have some really, really cool ideas."Indeed the relationship between the two characters has been one of the most interesting for Wolverine, who has spent most of his time pining for and mourning Famke Janssen's Jean Grey. Xavier has also seen the potential for good in Wolverine, even when he himself has not."I'll be really honest with you," he continued. "The actual script in its full form we're up to about Page 60. Obviously there's a treatment, so it's not fully done yet, we're not fully there."Jackman also spoke of a desire for his 'X-Men' send-off to be perfect, even saying he'll put off the film until it can be done properly. "This is the last time I'm playing him, and I have just made the commitment to myself, really, and told everyone that until that script is perfect, until it is that perfect way to sign out, I'm not gonna start shooting."Speculation has suggested that the film will be based on the 'Old Man Logan' run of comics, which has the title suggests, follows a much older Wolverine.The film is set for release on 3 March 2017.
What Tom Hardy Would Look Like As Wolverine http://www.cinemablend.com/new/What-Tom-Hardy-Would-Look-Like-Wolverine-84737.html
Hugh Jackman may only have a few years ahead as Wolverine, but the man who has embodied Logan for all these years has had a hard time letting go. Finally, Hugh Jackman opened up about the idea of a new, younger Wolverine filling his adamantium claws, and there was one specific actor that Jackman thought would fit the role well--Tom Hardy. So of course, the internet answered, mostly in agreement, and one fan even went so far as to create an epic image of what this new casting could entail. Take a look: The image itself posted by Twitter user BossLogic, is absolutely stunning. And from the looks of it, Tom Hardy certainly could pull off a badass Wolverine. It's not that far-fetched of an idea either. Jackman's fellow Aussie action star has been building up quite the resume in the past few years. From scoring the role of Bane in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises to his recent role as Max Rockatansky in Mad Max: Fury Road, the 38-year-old actor has had no problem finding his way to the spotlight.
Michael Fassbender Made Bryan Singer Cry Shooting X-Men Apocalypse http://news.yahoo.com/michael-fassbender-made-bryan-singer-cry-shooting-113142923.html
Few of us these days are in any doubt of Michael Fassbender's acting abilities - and now, his 'X-Men: Apocalypse' director Bryan Singer says that the master thespian brought tears to his eyes whilst filming the upcoming superhero sequel.Speaking at the San Pedro International Film Festival, Singer - who marks his fourth film as X-Men director with 'Apocalypse,' having previously helmed the first two installments in the series and 2014?s 'X-Men: Days of Future Past' - recounted the incident to the crowd, without revealing too much of what the scene actually entailed (quotes via Comic Book Movie)."Michael Fassbender did something so wonderful in this movie… We're at the end of the scene, and he asked me not to call cut and when the scene was over, he continued and did something that made me cry in the tent; I've never done that before. "The head of my company grabbed a Kleenex. Simon Kinberg, the writer who has no emotions at all, actually became emotional. It was so beautiful, I've never seen an actor do this for me and [Fassbender] just took the scene to a whole 'nother level. It's a heartbreaking scene, not a typical comic book movie scene at all, so let's hope it makes the cut."
Bryan Cranston Wants To Join X-Men Franchise As Mr Sinister http://news.yahoo.com/bryan-cranston-wants-to-join-x-men-franchise-as-mr-103506436.html
'Breaking Bad' star Bryan Cranston hasn't just revealed he wants to play a Marvel supervillain, he's revealed which specific villain he wants to play.The 59-year-old actor revealed at New York Comic Con this past weekend that he wants to portray X-Men villain Mr Sinister on the big screen.Cranston was asked directly which character he'd want to play and answered directly back, then asked the audience at the 'SuperMansion' panel what they thought of the idea (via Buzzfeed).Naturally, they sounded very excited by the prospect. Explaining why he'd want to play the character, Cranston said: "It intrigues me to be able to play a character that hasn't been on film before, so you can create it from the beginning."Mr Sinister is the creation of Chris Claremont and made his comic debut in 1987. His real name is Nathaniel Essex, a man from the 19th century who discovered that humans were mutating, an ideal rubbished by his idol Charles Darwin.After the death of his son he becomes engrossed in his work to the point of obssession. He meets Apocalypse (the villain of the upcoming 'X-Men: Apocalypse) by chance, and the ancient mutant offers him powers of advanced strength, healing and longer life.After the death of his wife, Essex takes Apocalypse up on the offer and becomes Mr Sinister.
What Bryan Cranston Would Look Like As Mister Sinister http://www.cinemablend.com/new/What-Bryan-Cranston-Would-Look-Like-Mister-Sinister-87807.html
Breaking Bad star Bryan Cranston has been itching to play a Marvel villain, and now we know who he has his eye on. This past weekend at New York Comic-Con, the actor revealed that would relish the opportunity to play longtime X-Men nemesis Mister Sinister on the big screen. Thanks to the Internet, we now have an idea of what Cranston would look like as the pale-skinned super villain.Twitter user BossLogic has posted this image of Cranston in Mister Sinister form (via Comicbook.com), and it looks spectacular. Known for his photorealistic style (recently showing what Tom Hardy would look like as Wolverine), the artist has taken the actor's visage and captured Sinister's spirit both in look and attitude, from the glowing red eyes and forehead diamond to the elaborate cape swooping over him. Aside from voicing James Gordon in the animated Batman: Year One movie, Cranston hasn't had the opportunity to delve into comic book projects, so playing Sinister in live action would be a great score for him.The X-Men movies have already introduced many of the superhero team's biggest enemies, but Mister Sinister is one of the few that hasn't been adapted yet. Making his comics debut in 1987, Sinister was originally Nathaniel Essex, a biologist from Victorian era England. Believing that morals were holding him back from making true progress with his experiments on evolution, he allied himself with Apocalypse and was genetically mutated by the ancient Egyptian, giving him abilities like prolonged life (allowing him to antagonize the X-Men in the present), regeneration, shapeshifting, energy projection, and more. Sinister has previously appeared in animated shows like X-Men: The Animated Series and Wolverine and the X-Men, as well as video games like X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse.
Hugh Jackman Reveals His Favourite Wolverine Scene http://news.yahoo.com/hugh-jackman-reveals-his-favourite-wolverine-scene-042442195.html
Having played Wolverine for seven films now you'd have thought that picking a favourite 'X-Men' scene as the beloved character would prove to be impossible.But that couldn't be further from the truth, because Hugh Jackman had no qualms admitting that his favourite scene as Wolverine came in 'X-Men: First Class', and it's easy to see why.Speaking to Digital Spy, Jackman admitted, "I think, ultimately, my favourite moment is the came in 'First Class'."And anyone who has seen 2011's 'X-Men: First Class' will immediately understand why Jackman has picked out his one moment in Matthew Vaughn's prequel.The scene in question sees Wolverine sat at a bar enjoying a tipple when Charles Xavier (James McAvoy) and Magneto (Michael Fassbender) walk in and prepare to ask him to join their growing gaggle of mutants.However, before the pair can even get their words out to ask Wolverine, he immediately declines them by exclaiming, "Go f*** yourselves."It's quick, pithy and downright hilarious, and it's immediately understandable why the Australian actor picked it out as his favourite moment.
Rumour: Hugh Jackman On Board For X-Men: Apocalypse Reshoots http://news.yahoo.com/rumour-hugh-jackman-on-board-for-x-men-095513030.html
Hugh Jackman's days as Wolverine are numbered - so if makes sense that 20th Century Fox would want to make the most of him while they can.To date there has been no official confirmation that Jackman will appear in the upcoming 'X-Men: Apocalypse,' but word has now got out that the iconic actor will indeed reprise his signature role in the 2016 sequel.According to Le Journal de Montréal (via ComicBook.com), some reshoots are scheduled for the Bryan Singer-directed film in the Canadian city in the new year - and Jackman will allegedly be involved. Again, it should be stressed that 20th Century Fox have not officially confirmed that Jackman will appear in the film - and even if he does, it will almost certainly be in a far more limited capacity than his lead role in the previous X-Men movie 'Days of Future Past.'Following on the pattern from the 1962-set 'X-Men: First Class' and the 1973-set 'Days Of Future Past,' 'Apocalypse' takes place in the early 1980s.As well as seeing the return of James McAvoy's Xavier, Michael Fassbender's Magneto, Nicholas Hoult's Beast and Jennifer Lawrence's Mystique, 'Apocalypse' will also reintroduce several key characters from the original X-Men movies as teenagers.
X-Men: Apocalypse May Focus A Lot On 2 Classic Mutants http://www.cinemablend.com/new/X-Men-Apocalypse-May-Focus-Lot-2-Classic-Mutants-91887.html
Among the many players that will be involved in X-Men: Apocalypse next year are Michael Fassbender's Magneto and Evan Peters' Quicksilver. The two were among the most popular characters in 2014's X-Men: Days of Future Past, and although together their time was short, their interactions were memorable. However, when we follow up with them in the 2016 blockbuster, their journeys will be directly connected.When we meet up with these characters again in X-Men: Apocalypse, Evan Peters explained to Details that the silver-haired speedster will be looking for the Master of Magnetism. According to Peters:
Quicksilver's X-Men: Apocalypse Storyline Revealed http://screenrant.com/quicksilver-x-men-apocalypse-magneto-father/
If there was ever a lesson in not judging a book by its cover, then Evan Peters' portrayal of super-fast mutant Quicksilver in X-Men: Days of Future Past was it. When images first emerged showing Peters sporting grey hair, a silver jacket and a pair of goggles no one knew quite what to make of the character design, but after the movie's release the general consensus was that Quicksilver's slow-motion takedown of Pentagon guards was one of the best scenes in the movie, and that the worst thing about the character was his lack of screen time.Needless to say, many X-Men fans are eager to see Peters back, in what will hopefully be an expanded role, when X-Men: Apocalypse releases next year, with Bryan Singer once again returning as director. The sequel will see another jump forward in time, though whether Quicksilver will have matured at all remains to be seen. One thing we do know, however, is that he has found new purpose in life, and that purpose will bring him back into the X-Men fold.Speaking in an interview with Details, Peters said that Apocalypse will be "the biggest X-Men film" of all, since "it's about the apocalypse, so the scope of the film is huge." He also explained just why Peter Maximoff decides to join the X-Men team.
X-Men's Wolverine: Why Tom Hardy Should Replace Hugh Jackman http://www.cheatsheet.com/entertain...ould-replace-hugh-jackman.html/?ref=YF&tpl=op
Arguably, the current age of superhero cinema owes a lot to the X-Men franchise. After all, that first film kickstarted the future of Marvel heroes on the big screen in 2000, paving the way for the Marvel Cinematic Universe to rule the box office nearly a decade later. However, Fox's X-Men films are gearing up to lose one of their core players in Hugh Jackman, who will appear in a third solo film as Wolverine before hanging up the claws for good. In an MTV interview, Jackman recently name-dropped Tom Hardy as a good choice to take over the role once he vacates it, and here are five reason why Hardy could be an inspired casting choice to breathe new life into the iconic Wolverine.

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