Why we are not going to CES.

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Scott Greczkowski

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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Dave Graveline explains why his Into Tomorrow show is not broadcasting from CES this year. His reasoning quickly matches ours... waste of time and waste of money.

No Broadcast Booth On CES Show Floor: First Time in 23 Years

Here was my reply to Dave's post...
Very well said Dave. CES has turned into a NON EVENT. The past few years when I got home from covering CES for SatelliteGuys.US people would ask me what the coolest thing I saw at the show and I couldn't give them an answer.

We have pulled our coverage this year as well and when I decided not to go this summer I wrote my contacts at DISH who quickly wrote me back and said they were not going either.

What once was a great show has turned into a show that is both a waste of time and a waste of money.

Keep on doing what your doing, we love the show.
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What a shame for so many years think of how many looked forward to that show and how much innovative equipment and new technology could be seen at one place and reported on.
I said those very same things when COMDEX folded. I enjoyed the many years I attended it and Networld, but it was an expensive trip for everyone, especially those showing. Over the years the internet changed the importance of both of those shows.
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Yep, I want to go to Fall COMDEX.


Well, CES is still good for some folks for a grip and grin.
It's sad, same thing is happening in the consumer electronic market, satellite, television, etc. There's nothing much new and there really isn't many places to go. Higher resolution can only go so far, color depth can only go so far, we're at the point that it is all about content, and that is far from caught up.

Hard to get excited about it these days. Even cell phones are reaching this point.
After reading that article, I can't help but think CES is past tense.

Dish didn't skip a year. Dish realized there's no bang for the buck there anymore. Ever. If there's anyone that can spot value for money, it's Charlie.
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Back in the 1980s I would attend the Summer CES in Chicago, usually as an "employee" of one of our local stereo stores. Working at an company that did computer publishing, it was relatively easy to come up with the business cards needed to get in. When I went to Vegas three years ago there was a lot that was different and some things the same (like the need to wear comfortable, broken-in shoes) and I'm glad I had the opportunity to meet dfergie, wallyhts, ScooterS, & other SatGuys. But after having seen the 2016 and 2017 CES coverage from SatelliteGuys and the other Tech outlets, I don't feel like I've been deprived by not going. And reading the linked story from Info Tomorrow reinforces the feeling that CES is not what it used to be.
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It's sad, same thing is happening in the consumer electronic market, satellite, television, etc. There's nothing much new and there really isn't many places to go. Higher resolution can only go so far, color depth can only go so far, we're at the point that it is all about content, and that is far from caught up.

Hard to get excited about it these days. Even cell phones are reaching this point.

I was wondering if I was the only one starting to feel this way. I was just thinking the other day how exciting a trip to Best Buy has always been for me. Nowadays, I walk in and basically everything falls into two categories: "Got It" or "Don't Want It". :(
Yeah.... It all adds up.
While it is fun to gadget-watch and people-watch, It has become too durn expensive. A few years ago, I had a clean and fairly nice hotel that I could get for less than $100 per night. This year (I just looked), rooms are $419 at the same place! When you add that to the cost of taking vacation, airfare, etc. It is hard to justify. [Note: The cost at the "Silver Sevens" between X-Mas and New Years is $30!]

My son is getting married in mid-January, so that was my primary reason for not going this year. However, If Dish wasn't there and I couldn't snag a decent hotel deal, I'm not sure if I would go next year.... time will tell.

If It is bad for us, think of the cost for the vendors. I'm sure Dish had at least 25 people there a couple of years ago when I last attended. Multiply that out for their travel cost. Add in the required uber-cool booth design, production, shipping, setup, rent, etc. and I'm sure that the cost of doing business was close to $1 Million. Heck, for that, Dish could fly 25 of us to Colorado for a week as a "focus group" at a ski resort and still have about 90% of the money left in their pockets!
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I wanted to write more about why we were not going but haven't had time things have been very busy at home and at work. So I have not even been able to comment until now.

SatelliteGuys has been covering CES for 10 years and enjoyed doing it, when we first started going it was like Christmas Day. It was so exciting to hear and be able to report on things first. The technology was fresh and new and we were seeing groundbreaking technology.

But then we seemed to hit a technology wall. Yeah lots of 4K TV's.. even some 8K TV's. But to be honest with you, they all looked the same. Sure some had some better PQ than others but TV's were TV's.

Not only was the technology getting boring to me but being able to report on things first was also slipping out of our hands.

I remember waking up one morning at CES prepping for a 1PM DISH Network press conference, only to look at my phone to find out that DISH released press releases for everything that was going to be announced at 1PM Vegas time at 6 am Eastern Time (which was 3 am Vegas time). I couldn't even have a scoop from the show being at the show. The funniest thing about this was in the press releases they had quotes from the press conference which had not happened yet.

Now I will be honest, over the past few years I walked into CES knowing what DISH was going to announce, in fact in many cases I was already using the equipment which was going to be announced at CES. I was able to do this as I promised DISH I would not say anything until they announced it at CES. By the time I reported on it from CES it was already old news.

I always had to laugh as we have some members here (you can probably guess some of them) who would tear these press conferences and equipment announcements apart, and say that was was announced was vaporware or that there was no way that a device could record 16 things at one time.... and speak about it like they were quoting the gospel... all while I was using the device at home for months already knowing damn well it worked and worked well. Sure in the past DISH has announced stuff that did not make it to market, but there were reasons they did not make it. Remember when DISH announced a Sling Receiver for the 921 receiver? Yeah I had one. And the reason it did not make it to market was because it used your Network or WIFI to stream to it using Slingbox Technology. The only big issue was the picture quality varied depending on what else was happening on your Network. If you kid was playing a game or downloading a file, the PQ would turn to crap. They canned this product because of it and went with MOCA technology and turned the 921 added Moca to it and it became The Hopper.

Anyways back to CES.

While you didn't see it, it took WEEKS of preparation to get ready for CES. Each year we would purchase new technology and we had to test it to make sure it worked an worked well. We needed to make sure we had all the wires we needed, make sure all the batteries were charged, hell a few years we even took a full radio station setup to CES and broadcasted live from the show floor. As I mentioned as the technology changed we adapted with it, each year we got new equipment and as CES went on thankfully the equipment got smaller and lighter. I remember my first CES I was by myself, carrying 3 giant backpacks covering press conferences with 2 video cameras, all while live blogging it and taking pictures as well. You don't even know what it was like carrying all that stuff by myself through CES. At the end of CES, I literally could not walk anymore. But I did it with pride for SatelliteGuys. I was so thankful to get help over the years, from SatelliteGuys Staff Dfergie, WallyHTS, GoalieBob, RockyMtnHigh, Jcrandall, & Ramy (Hopefully I did not forget anyone!) Then also getting help froM ScooterS, Foxbat, Don Landis and other SatelliteGuys members was also a godsend! All of them flew out on their own dime to help! At our last CES we raised the bar with 4K Coverages from CES.

As we talk about the cost of the equipment. there were also the costs of actually going there. The costs were high. We had airfare back and forth to Hartford and then we had the Hotel Costs, its funny that a hotel room which was going for $49 a night before CES was now over $300 a night. In the early days Ad Revenue helped greatly with this but as time went on and ad revenue money dropped most was paid for out of my own pocket, and when I went I either took vacation time from work, or in some cases went a week without pay as I was out of vacation time. All the staff who came in did so at their own costs. To thank them I would take them out to a nice dinner where they ate like kings, took them to a show and also gave them some cash with my thanks as well. I can't tell you how much I appreciated these guys taking time out to help me and SatelliteGuys!

Let's be honest, ad revenue now is barely enough to keep us floating now, and with the support of our Pub Members we are still able to pull through, but paying to go to CES was becoming hard... real hard.

Finally when I went to CES I went there for one reason, and that was to cover the world of Satellite for you! Over the years satellite has faded out of view at CES. When I started we covered DIRECTV, DISH, XM, SIRIUS, Sky Angel and many FTA companies that were at the show. This year you won't find a single satellite company there. So why go if there is nothing for us to cover in regards to Satellite.

As Pub Members know I made the decision to not go to CES this summer. I listed a number of the above reasons for not going. After I made the decision not to go to CES I let the folks from DISH know and quickly got a reply back not to feel bad about not going... as they were not going either. (They asked me to not mention that as things could have changed between then and CES, so I didn't mention it.)

This past year I took my son to CES for the first time as a Christmas gift. He has been wanting to go for years. So he helped me at the DISH booth and at the DIRECTV even I was invited to off the strip. He got a day to roam around CES by himself. After we was done and came back to the hotel room, I asked him what he thought and he said it was a lot more boring than he thought it would be.

CES was so fun and so exciting, but something changed and it became more of a hassle to go. I do feel CES is dying, but I feel this is due to the fact that we are hitting a technology roadblock. I got to be honest the last great thing I saw at CES announced was the Hopper 3 from DISH. It is such a great piece of hardware that even to this day I don't see what they can add to it to make it better. (Software is another thing) :)

So when you add these reasons to the reasons that Dave Graveline mentioned you can see why I made the decision not to be at CES this year.

With that said I have been in preliminary talks with DISH to possibly do a SatelliteGuys event with Charlie and Vivek in Orlando Florida in May. Where members may come down and be part of things.

In closing I know its the holiday season, and I wanted to say THANK YOU to all our Pub Members for your assistance in helping keeping the lights on here at SatelliteGuys this year. Also thank you to the staff and members who helped me at CES all these years!

And now you know.
I wanted to write more about why we were not going but haven't had time things have been very busy at home and at work. So I have not even been able to comment until now.

SatelliteGuys has been covering CES for 10 years and enjoyed doing it, when we first started going it was like Christmas Day. It was so exciting to hear and be able to report on things first. The technology was fresh and new and we were seeing groundbreaking technology.

But then we seemed to hit a technology wall. Yeah lots of 4K TV's.. even some 8K TV's. But to be honest with you, they all looked the same. Sure some had some better PQ than others but TV's were TV's.

Not only was the technology getting boring to me but being able to report on things first was also slipping out of our hands.

I remember waking up one morning at CES prepping for a 1PM DISH Network press conference, only to look at my phone to find out that DISH released press releases for everything that was going to be announced at 1PM Vegas time at 6 am Eastern Time (which was 3 am Vegas time). I couldn't even have a scoop from the show being at the show. The funniest thing about this was in the press releases they had quotes from the press conference which had not happened yet.

Now I will be honest, over the past few years I walked into CES knowing what DISH was going to announce, in fact in many cases I was already using the equipment which was going to be announced at CES. I was able to do this as I promised DISH I would not say anything until they announced it at CES. By the time I reported on it from CES it was already old news.

I always had to laugh as we have some members here (you can probably guess some of them) who would tear these press conferences and equipment announcements apart, and say that was was announced was vaporware or that there was no way that a device could record 16 things at one time.... and speak about it like they were quoting the gospel... all while I was using the device at home for months already knowing damn well it worked and worked well. Sure in the past DISH has announced stuff that did not make it to market, but there were reasons they did not make it. Remember when DISH announced a Sling Receiver for the 921 receiver? Yeah I had one. And the reason it did not make it to market was because it used your Network or WIFI to stream to it using Slingbox Technology. The only big issue was the picture quality varied depending on what else was happening on your Network. If you kid was playing a game or downloading a file, the PQ would turn to crap. They canned this product because of it and went with MOCA technology and turned the 921 added Moca to it and it became The Hopper.

Anyways back to CES.

While you didn't see it, it took WEEKS of preparation to get ready for CES. Each year we would purchase new technology and we had to test it to make sure it worked an worked well. We needed to make sure we had all the wires we needed, make sure all the batteries were charged, hell a few years we even took a full radio station setup to CES and broadcasted live from the show floor. As I mentioned as the technology changed we adapted with it, each year we got new equipment and as CES went on thankfully the equipment got smaller and lighter. I remember my first CES I was by myself, carrying 3 giant backpacks covering press conferences with 2 video cameras, all while live blogging it and taking pictures as well. You don't even know what it was like carrying all that stuff by myself through CES. At the end of CES, I literally could not walk anymore. But I did it with pride for SatelliteGuys. I was so thankful to get help over the years, from SatelliteGuys Staff Dfergie, WallyHTS, GoalieBob, RockyMtnHigh, Jcrandall, & Ramy (Hopefully I did not forget anyone!) Then also getting help froM ScooterS, Foxbat, Don Landis and other SatelliteGuys members was also a godsend! All of them flew out on their own dime to help! At our last CES we raised the bar with 4K Coverages from CES.

As we talk about the cost of the equipment. there were also the costs of actually going there. The costs were high. We had airfare back and forth to Hartford and then we had the Hotel Costs, its funny that a hotel room which was going for $49 a night before CES was now over $300 a night. In the early days Ad Revenue helped greatly with this but as time went on and ad revenue money dropped most was paid for out of my own pocket, and when I went I either took vacation time from work, or in some cases went a week without pay as I was out of vacation time. All the staff who came in did so at their own costs. To thank them I would take them out to a nice dinner where they ate like kings, took them to a show and also gave them some cash with my thanks as well. I can't tell you how much I appreciated these guys taking time out to help me and SatelliteGuys!

Let's be honest, ad revenue now is barely enough to keep us floating now, and with the support of our Pub Members we are still able to pull through, but paying to go to CES was becoming hard... real hard.

Finally when I went to CES I went there for one reason, and that was to cover the world of Satellite for you! Over the years satellite has faded out of view at CES. When I started we covered DIRECTV, DISH, XM, SIRIUS, Sky Angel and many FTA companies that were at the show. This year you won't find a single satellite company there. So why go if there is nothing for us to cover in regards to Satellite.

As Pub Members know I made the decision to not go to CES this summer. I listed a number of the above reasons for not going. After I made the decision not to go to CES I let the folks from DISH know and quickly got a reply back not to feel bad about not going... as they were not going either. (They asked me to not mention that as things could have changed between then and CES, so I didn't mention it.)

This past year I took my son to CES for the first time as a Christmas gift. He has been wanting to go for years. So he helped me at the DISH booth and at the DIRECTV even I was invited to off the strip. He got a day to roam around CES by himself. After we was done and came back to the hotel room, I asked him what he thought and he said it was a lot more boring than he thought it would be.

CES was so fun and so exciting, but something changed and it became more of a hassle to go. I do feel CES is dying, but I feel this is due to the fact that we are hitting a technology roadblock. I got to be honest the last great thing I saw at CES announced was the Hopper 3 from DISH. It is such a great piece of hardware that even to this day I don't see what they can add to it to make it better. (Software is another thing) :)

So when you add these reasons to the reasons that Dave Graveline mentioned you can see why I made the decision not to be at CES this year.

With that said I have been in preliminary talks with DISH to possibly do a SatelliteGuys event with Charlie and Vivek in Orlando Florida in May. Where members may come down and be part of things.

In closing I know its the holiday season, and I wanted to say THANK YOU to all our Pub Members for your assistance in helping keeping the lights on here at SatelliteGuys this year. Also thank you to the staff and members who helped me at CES all these years!

And now you know.

Thanks again Scott for your past trips to CES, it was always great reviewing your you tube videos with the various DISH staff that were always willing to give some time to talk to you and address the questions us Satelliteguys had. I do remember all the negative feedback on how it was impossible for DISH to have a 16 tuner receiver.

It always felt like Christmas seeing what kind of new technology Dish had up there sleeve :)
Well said, Scott! Thanks for all your years of sacrifice to bring us the hottest Satellite news items from Las Vegas CES over the past decade. I was happy that I had a chance to make it, if only the one time.

Keep us posted about the Orlando event if you can align the stars for that!
Thanks Scott for all you have done. SatGuys site is awesome. I hope things work out for the SatelliteGuys event with Charlie and Vivek in Orlando Florida in May.
I presume hall commitments are already made for CES 2019. So when do you folks figure will be the LAST CES? 2019 or 2020?

Things seem to happen fast.
I can dream of Orlando in May. But I doubt my company would loosen the shackles long enough to let me go.
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I presume hall commitments are already made for CES 2019. So when do you folks figure will be the LAST CES? 2019 or 2020?

Things seem to happen fast.

They will go on for a long long time, in fact just got an email from them that they expect this CES to be a record breaking show.

From my view the past few years the number of people in attendance has been way down, but they say they have been record attendance. Not sure how they figure those numbers. I remember when you were talking and had a hard time moving in the isles, now most are easy to get through.
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