Why such poor picture?

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try setting your tv to 480i mode.

many hdtvs try to put the 480i signal from a non-hd source and display it in 480p format, thereby making it suck.

also, don't be a dork to use the "zoom" or "stretch" feature on a widescreen TV...you want the grey bars...they are your firend.

too many people deliberately DISTORT the picture then wonder why it looks so bad!!!!

gee, if I zoom in on a picture made of dots...why does it look grainy?

gee, if I stretch a picture, why does it look fuzzy?


If you force your tv to 480i and use pillarbox (gray bars) and still have abad pic qual, your hdtv was designed to be fully optimized for HD, so any non hd signal will suck shrivelled sack
No, I'm not stretching or zooming anything. Thanks for the advice... I have no idea how to set it for 480i. Nothing in the menu.

As for trading in the SAT for Cable being a bad idea, I agree... however it's SAT and no HD at all... or Cable, and some HD. So I'm pretty much screwed either way.

Thanks all!
savagea said:
Hi, I'm viewing Directv through a new 56" DLP tv. The picture quality is POOR to say the least. Through my smaller CRT's, it's fine. Now, the connection to the new DLP is S-Video, since that's the best connection I have out of my TIVO unit. I can't get the HD upgrade because of exposure problems... what do you think I should try to improve the picture? I think component video would look better, but I don't know of any non-HD receivers with this. Any other suggestions? Thanks! By the way, the best I can describe the video is "pixelated", and maybe just "blotchy".... if that makes any sense. Thanks again...

Hi Savagea, Welcome to the Forum... It's a shame that the salespeople don't fully explain what kind of reception problems you will come up against... There may be a way to change the TV setup, so that you are viewing the picture in a different mode. However try a couple of these things first...

1. Make sure that your "Yellow-Video Cable is NOT plugged in, at the same time that the SVIDEO is... (The Mfg. set things up so that if the cable is plugged in, it will override any other connection.... LOL

2. try to set everything at different resolutions, making notes so you can remember what setting looks the best...

3. If you can't get things to change, to your satisfaction, then call in a "Professional A/V Tech, and he will be able to show you what you will need...

BTW, if you decide to put up an "Off Air Antenna" (providing that you don't already have one) you will need a HD Converter to view those HD Channels on the UHF bands.... The HD Receivers that are available, will convert the "Off Air or Over the Air "OTA" Signals"....

PS, the next time you decide to buy something for your viewing pleasure, you might find the "Small Dealer" much more willing to help you out, and they are better trained to help you understand these new system, than ANY of the Big Box Stores... :yes LOL
Robert, I appreciate your very nice response to my issues... I will definitely look into some of this. Couple of things... My TV is a Samsung DLP with the integrated HD converter. So I'm pretty sure I don't need an additional converter if using the OTA antenna, correct? Also, not sure if you're familiar with these TV's specifically, but I've been through all of the menu setup options, and I'll be darned if I can find anywhere to set the resolution. I'm going to dig in a little bit more tonight. But again, thanks VERY much for your time and help!!
Doctor Bob said:
You have some other problems there, and will probably need a Professional to come out and find the problem...

His only problem is lack of reception capability for OTA and D* satellites to get HD signals. He doesn't need anybody to "come out".

There is no setting for resolution on your TV. Your TV displays everything in 720P. All signals get upconverted or downconverted to match that scan rate. Just ignore what 4408 said because it is not possible.

Bottom line, your picture is going to be less than spectacular until you can get HD. It sounds like cable is your only option given your line of sight problems. Have you checked if your local cable has HD channels availble yet?
Well Hey Bill, that ought to solve the problem in quick fashion... LOL...

Savagea, if you want some conclusive answers, and a hands on demonstration of what is available to you, in your area, then the only way to do that, is to get a Pro to show you...

I love it when the amatures get on a message Board, and try to resolve people's problems and give them answers that don't really help the poor Consumer out... Don't you just love that Savagea!!!

Did you feel warm and fuzzy, when Bill came on and told you to ignore somone, and also told you that you (and the rest of us, I guess) that you didn't need anybody to come out??? I didn't think so... ;)

We have some of these folks around our neighborhood, and they really try to help folks out... :shocked
Doctor Bob said:
Well Hey Bill, that ought to solve the problem in quick fashion... LOL...

Savagea, if you want some conclusive answers, and a hands on demonstration of what is available to you, in your area, then the only way to do that, is to get a Pro to show you...

I love it when the amatures get on a message Board, and try to resolve people's problems and give them answers that don't really help the poor Consumer out... Don't you just love that Savagea!!!

Did you feel warm and fuzzy, when Bill came on and told you to ignore somone, and also told you that you (and the rest of us, I guess) that you didn't need anybody to come out??? I didn't think so... ;)

We have some of these folks around our neighborhood, and they really try to help folks out... :shocked

Bob, You don't have a clue who I am. I've been in the AV/HiFI business since 1988 in one form or another. Your not going to make a lot of friends around here with your bold type and know it all attitude.

I told him to ignore what 4408 said because it was simply not possible for his TV. He could spend hours reading his manual and call in a "PRO" like you :rolleyes: only to find out that his TV only has one scan rate.
Oh, I'm sorry Bill, I guess you never considered that he might just need someone to go out and show him how he can set things up, without all the confusion... Yes it's going to cost him some money, and yes the Pro can and will in most cases, help him by giving him some hands-on help, so that he can really get a handle on why things are not quite what he expected...

1988 eh, well by golly that is quite early, for a youngster... You are the one who came about with the "Know-it-all-attitude" Bill... I don't know it all, and I never will... I only started in this A/V business in 1961, and I really do learn new things every day, so how do you know what I think I know Bill...

If you've been in the A/V business, and you are not promoting the "Profession", just what did you do Bill, retire and now you don't think people should make a living, or are you just trying to be a hero in your own mind...

Oh, and PS, I'm not here to make friends Bill, I'm not that insecure about who I am, and I don't need some punk kid telling me how much I know, or don't know...
The compression is WAYYY too high on D*, most channels look like *$#@, it's really starting to get to me.
Doctor Bob said:
Oh, I'm sorry Bill, I guess you never considered that he might just need someone to go out and show him how he can set things up, without all the confusion... Yes it's going to cost him some money, and yes the Pro can and will in most cases, help him by giving him some hands-on help, so that he can really get a handle on why things are not quite what he expected...

1988 eh, well by golly that is quite early, for a youngster... You are the one who came about with the "Know-it-all-attitude" Bill... I don't know it all, and I never will... I only started in this A/V business in 1961, and I really do learn new things every day, so how do you know what I think I know Bill...

If you've been in the A/V business, and you are not promoting the "Profession", just what did you do Bill, retire and now you don't think people should make a living, or are you just trying to be a hero in your own mind...

Oh, and PS, I'm not here to make friends Bill, I'm not that insecure about who I am, and I don't need some punk kid telling me how much I know, or don't know...

People come to this forum to get information and share knowledge, not to get professional referrals. The average person who comes to this forum is looking to share collective experiences and avoid spending money if possible. This is a place where DIYers thrive.
I didn't see anything in Savagea's posts that indicated he wasn't capable of setting up his TV and getting an acceptable picture. Today's consumer is empowered by the availabitly of vast technical information on the internet and is capable of much more than the consumers back in the day of black and white TV when you started. Sounds like you are the one who needs to retire.
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