"Why stay with voom? Get HD DirecTV Tivo! "
Because V* offers so much HD...even after D* releases their new HD channels /w multiple channels of FREE over-the-air network broadcast most people receive via an antenna or will not qualify to receive without a waiver. I don't have a DVR nor do I really want one other than to record Michigan football and Red Wing hockey; I keep busy and VOOM, OTA and the premium movie channels offer tons of HD material. I can usually find something worth watching.
As much as I hate cable, I return to Adelphia cable long before I would switch over to D* if a HD DVR and price were my main motives:
- Digital Cable for $29.95 for six months
- 2 free premium movie channels free for 6 months.
No expensive HD equipment to buy
No commitment
- DVR rental fee $7.95 per month= (cheaper than VOOMs STB)
- DVR recording fee $4.95 per month waived for 1 year
- 13 HD channels (4 free OTA network)
- 14th HD channel (Discovery) being added Sep/Oct
- More HD channels by the end of the year
- HD Pack $5 per month (INHD, INHD2, HDNet, HDNet Movies, ESPN-HD, Discovery-HD)
- Plus, I would receive a $10 discount on my broadband internet cable bill.
So for the next 6 months, my cable bill ($49.20) will be $27 cheaper than VOOM service (minus VOOMs 21 Exclusives which I happen to like), but I will have a DVR and a fair amount of HD. Plus, I will also save $10 on my broadband bill ($39.20). Why would I pay $299 for an HD tuner or $1000 for an HD Tivo just to watch a few HD channels on D* when V* or cable provide better alternatives? If your answer is Sunday Ticket then forget it. I receive free OTA programming from 3 DMA and there are only so many games I can watch during a week (CBS, FOX, ABC, ESPN-HD, NFL-HD). I will more football that I can possibly watch and I really only give a crap about a handful of teams.
The wife already gave me permission to try the above special and maintain our VOOM subscription. There is no commitment so we will keep our options open pending VOOMs upcoming DVR release and network upgrades.
Oh, and since I can cancel a Plus Pack the real price of the above package is ($39.20-$14.90=
$24.30) per month. Double oh, did I mention the HD DVR comes with active FIREWIRE ports, by law? Since I have a Mits RPTV, and the wife has blessed off on our buying an additional Mits DLP (I used the, "Winter is almost here and you don't want to freeze downstairs in the HT room once again" excuse

) so FIREWIRE is huge!!!
So I see no pressing need to go with D* or HD Tivo. I just hope the Scientific Atlanta 8000HD box isn't too horrible...