I had cable for a while, and then switched to satellite, and I don't think I will be going back to cable any time soon. Sat has better equipment, better picture quality, and more channels. You may loose your signal a couple of time a year for a few minutes due to a heavy downpour, but for the most part, it can rain all day and you won't have any problems.
One good tip if you do choose satellite, and live in a place that gets snow. Have them put the satellite at a spot on your roof, or side of home, so that you can get at it, to get the snow off. Not every snow storm, but a wet sticky snow, with the wind blowing just the right way, will build up on the dish and you can loose signal that way. They do make heaters that you can install on the back of the dish, but we can reach ours with a long broom, so we just use that. There are other solutions like being able to squirt water on the satellite, and some people on here even use a supersoaker squirt gun with warm water to solve their problem. I don't want to scare you away, because it only happens to me once or twice a season, and I've only had to clear it off a couple of times a day when it does happen. I live in North Eastern PA, and we tend to get quite a bit of snow, and like I said, it only happens once or twice a winter.