Well, I remember when AMC used to be included in Welcome Pack. Then, they got kicked off Dish for awhile, and when they returned, they were no longer in Welcome Pack. So, maybe AMC's negotiators were not as good as Scripps's negotiators.I wasn't sure, maybe it is AMC. But still AMC is in the basic packs, so BBC World should be. Direct has it even in HD in their packs.

Directv has BBC World only in HD in their packages. So, Directv subscribers who were still using old legacy SD receivers could not even access BBC World at all, even if they were paying for it as part of their package. I am not sure what percentage of Dish subscribers were still using legacy (Dish Pro) receivers at the time that Dish negotiated with BBC World, but that could have played a role in the decision to carry it in SD. (I guess the theory being that most people who would be interested in BBC World are International subscribers, and many International subscribers were only using SD equipment since most International channels were only carried in SD at that time.)