Why is this man not in the "Hall of Fame?"

I agree with you about Jack Morris. What about Tommy John. Granted he missed the 300 win plateau, 12 short, but he has statistics in other categories that are better that 16 pitchers that are already in. Of course... I am prejudice, we went to the same high school.
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MY guess is that it has to do with his relationship with the press. the wild pitches and failure to rech 300 wins don't help either but if he had been more accessible to the press that might oot matter.
MY guess is that it has to do with his relationship with the press. the wild pitches and failure to rech 300 wins don't help either but if he had been more accessible to the press that might oot matter.

So accessability to the media is merits to keep you out of the Hall of Fame ?
I agree with you about Jack Morris. What about Tommy John. Granted he missed the 300 win plateau, 16 short, but he has statistics in other categories that are better that 16 pitchers that are already in. Of course... I am prejudice, we went to the same high school.

i believe tommy john's greatest gift is that a career saving surgery was named after him. how many athletes have been blessed to continue after having tommy john surgery? i'm not downplaying tommy's career at all. or what it coule have become without a devestating injury.

but sometimes the greatest gift is the one that keeps giving!
MY guess is that it has to do with his relationship with the press. the wild pitches and failure to rech 300 wins don't help either but if he had been more accessible to the press that might oot matter.
That and the fact that most scratch their heads and say Jack who???
How about Alan Trammel and Lou Whitaker? Sadly, Whitaker is not even eligible anymore, since he didn't accumulate enough votes to remain on the ballot (also taking him out of consideration by the veteran's committee.) The longest playing SS/2B combination in baseball history. I believe they also hold the double play record as well.
So accessability to the media is merits to keep you out of the Hall of Fame ?

I never said that. I rasied as an explanation as to why the media (who votes) has not put him there but I never said that it should be that way. and the originall question was why isn't he in the Hall. That is the best answer I can come up with.

As for most scratching ther heads well I HOPE that the media is more informed than that but who knows maybe they are not.
i believe tommy john's greatest gift is that a career saving surgery was named after him. how many athletes have been blessed to continue after having tommy john surgery? i'm not downplaying tommy's career at all. or what it coule have become without a devestating injury. but sometimes the greatest gift is the one that keeps giving!

I agree with what you say. Tommy was a very gifted athlete. Some say he was a better at basketball than baseball. During the 1960-61 he scored a record 61 points in one game. A record that still stood when our high school closed in 1971. If he had chose basketball there is a chance that rotater cup surgery, as we know it would not have been available until years later. No doubt had he not missed time due to the injury he would have made 300.
So accessability to the media is merits to keep you out of the Hall of Fame ?

NO but it IS the media that vote for these guys to be elected. AND they will and DO hold grudges. Think about this, when Maris broke Babe Ruth's single season record for most homers, Ford Frick wanted to put an * on the record because he was buddies and beat writer for The Babe. So IF a commissioner is willing to do this, imagine a bunch of writers.
NO but it IS the media that vote for these guys to be elected. AND they will and DO hold grudges. Think about this, when Maris broke Babe Ruth's single season record for most homers, Ford Frick wanted to put an * on the record because he was buddies and beat writer for The Babe. So IF a commissioner is willing to do this, imagine a bunch of writers.

i think that he thought I was agreeing with the media's action. I was not but he may have thought that.
Back to the original question and jumping in a bit late; I think the qualifications for getting into the hall of fame have been far too relaxed. Thre are too many people in the hall for reasons other than their sports prowess. When I think of the hall of fame, I think of players who were "great" not just "good". There are many good players who've played the game, and a few dozen who were great. I think the hall has lost its allure and meaning because of all of the "good" players who've been elected.
Back to the original question and jumping in a bit late; I think the qualifications for getting into the hall of fame have been far too relaxed. Thre are too many people in the hall for reasons other than their sports prowess. When I think of the hall of fame, I think of players who were "great" not just "good". There are many good players who've played the game, and a few dozen who were great. I think the hall has lost its allure and meaning because of all of the "good" players who've been elected.

Of course when you go down that road, a player that I thought was GREAT might only be GOOD in your mind, so the whole thing is opinion anyways.

Look at all the players that cheat and lie and bad character guys in the Hall. The Hall is filled with them.

Pete Rose should be in the Hall, in the Baseball Wing, not the Managerial Wing, but because of what he did as a manager he will never be in ....
18 years now, come on ....

No I did not want to turn this into a who's in and who's not thread.

As for Trammel, Yes I think he should have gone in as well, but he was a victim of who he came up with and someones stupid idea (writers) that if you were not THE best player of your era you don't belong in.

He played with Cal Ripken and Ozzie Smith.
Cal was the top and Tram got left off MANY all star teams BECAUSE of the God Cal, there were time when the all star team only carried 1 SS when Tram was playing, because of Cal.

Ozzie was below ave offensively and great defensively.

Tran was ave offensively (over his entire career) and above ave Defensivly.

Cal was above ave Offensively, because he was the first SS to start hitting HR's, that made him great in many minds .....
Personally I hate HR's, I would rather see a triple than a HR.

I would but Cal and Tram on the same level defensivley.

After looking at the career stats of the two defensively, they are nearly the same .
Offensivley Cal was a power hitter, Tram was not and Cal played in a substanial number of more games that Tran did.

I would put Tram in the Hall definatly after comparing the two players, sadly Tram will not make it ....

The Official Site of Major League Baseball: Stats: Historical Player Stats

The Official Site of Major League Baseball: Stats: Individual Player Stats

1. Pete Rose should be in. He paid his debt to society.

2. I don't believe in the "veterans committee," If a player can't make it in his five years of eligibilty maybe he doesn't belong there.

3. I don't put much stock in all star appearances anymore. I have always felt that the all star game was played to honor the players having a great season. I think it a joke when a player is voted to the team when he has been on the disabled list most of the first half of the season.

4. I don't believe in having the fans and the media decide who is in the all star game and the hall of fame. Let their peers decide.
How has Pete Rose paid any debt to society? He did serve time for tax evasion charges but that is a separate matter. At this point the Veteran's committee is the only way Pete will make it in but at least this year they did not put him in
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Gotcha! i guess the phrase threw me but that is my problem.

Now back toa discussion of Jack Morriss.
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