Why is it when I try to start a new thread here in the classifieds it sends me to some 3rd party sit


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 13, 2010
Sat Farm in NC.
Hi PIXL sorry to hijack ur thread..Glad ya sold it.....Question for the mods.Why is it when I try to start a new thread here in the classifieds it sends me to some 3rd party site..Panjo Marketplace???..

Would like to post my own thread for a Dish Network 625 dual tuner I have kept in the stream and it gets all the free previews but whatever reason I can`t start my own thread.:confused:.
Thanks qwert1515...I dont like it!!!..What is wrong with the old way of wheelin and dealin?..Kinda like a handshake with a person...Not a fan of going to a 3rd party and then to paypal...Old fashioned I am!.Were people getting taken advantage the old way?..Anyway I appreciate the link...Here is what I have...Dish Network 625 dual tuner I have kept in the stream and it gets all the free previews.Not sure of the size of hard drive in it but it will record without being subbed...I will take 50 bucks for it plus shipping...Shoot me a pm if interested so we stay away from this 3rd party.
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Got to be honest, I don't like it either.

When you come into the classified forum it is supposed to look like this... http://www.satelliteguys.us/classifieds.php

But its not working correctly and they can't figure out why.

The main reason for adding it was so that stuff for sale here was seen outside of SatelliteGuys, and that other electronics fro other sites would be seen here. But if it doesn't display correctly whats the point.

To try getting more people to use it I even let non Pub Members post stuff for sale in an attempt to build it up.

There has been zero ad exchange from our site to other sites or vice versa, but they tell me its coming... But I think it will be removed before they get their stuff together.

But for now I got other things on the burner. There are not enough hours in the day. Back to work for me. :)
The main reason for adding it was so that stuff for sale here was seen outside of SatelliteGuys, and that other electronics fro other sites would be seen here. But if it doesn't display correctly whats the point.

I never saw the point in the first place.

If I want to buy or sell camera equipment, I go to a reputable camera forum. Telescopes, to a reputable telescope forum. Radios, to a reputable radio forum. So why would we need to look further than SatelliteGuys for satellite equipment?
For me it worked just fine. Fastest I have ever sold anything here. For those who are complaining go somewhere else and sell. I agree with Scott though if they cannot get it to work right then something else would be fine, but i see no problem with using it. for those of us like me who HATE HATE HATE ebay I live it.
Well I have been talking with Panjo's founder and CEO in Email, and he tells me fixes are coming including the sharing of items between Panjo sites. So for now we will stick with Panjo.

The Classifieds Section is for the sale of all electronics, not just Satellite Equipment.

Also remember currently all members can place ads for electronics here FOR FREE normally this is a Pub Member only feature. There are currently no fees in placing an ad in our Classifieds section. When the bugs do get worked out we do plan on charging Non Pub Members a listing fee, however for supporting Pub Members there will be no fees.

So we will give Panjo a little more time and hopefully they get their kinks worked out shortly. :)
Why just electronics? I have batches of sandpaper, for example- why not list that, it might even bring the site to the notice of 1 or 2 new people, once the sharing gets fixed.

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I never saw the point in the first place.

If I want to buy or sell camera equipment, I go to a reputable camera forum. Telescopes, to a reputable telescope forum. Radios, to a reputable radio forum. So why would we need to look further than SatelliteGuys for satellite equipment?
I think Satguys is a great place to post all CE-related items. I'd feel better buying or selling a camera to someone I've known for years here, than some stranger at some other site. I always post all of my CE-for-sale items here first.
Well I have been talking with Panjo's founder and CEO in Email, and he tells me fixes are coming including the sharing of items between Panjo sites. So for now we will stick with Panjo.

The Classifieds Section is for the sale of all electronics, not just Satellite Equipment.

Also remember currently all members can place ads for electronics here FOR FREE normally this is a Pub Member only feature. There are currently no fees in placing an ad in our Classifieds section. When the bugs do get worked out we do plan on charging Non Pub Members a listing fee, however for supporting Pub Members there will be no fees.

So we will give Panjo a little more time and hopefully they get their kinks worked out shortly. :)
I notice that there is a direct link here as a sub-forum. Why not make Panjo the sub-forum, while they're working out the bugs. Or, at least, make the link to this "sub-forum" a little larger font, so it's easier to find?
I notice that there is a direct link here as a sub-forum. Why not make Panjo the sub-forum, while they're working out the bugs. Or, at least, make the link to this "sub-forum" a little larger font, so it's easier to find?
Read the Pub... not going to be an issue here much longer.:D

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