mdram, why are you wasting your time with Dish Chat and on this forum? Just take your business elsewhere. If Dish Chat can't satisfy your one somewhat, not entirely reasonable demand, that you ought to consider it a red flag and MOVE ON to a compitior. You obviously won't be satisfied with Dish.
FWIW, the chat people are on the other side of the world who MUST conform to the PROCESS their 3rd world CSR company bosses TELL THEM TO. They aint got no worker rights. So, they HAVE to follow the posted procedure and REQUIRE all the info requested so they can build an order in the system to see how much it will cost you PER MONTH BOTTOM LINE because THE SYSTEM will compute everything anbd give a BOTTOM LINE montly cost, not a CSR's aproximation. If you WANT specificity from 3rd world CSR, then you should be willing to PROVIDE specificity to the 3rd world human who is just trying to keep their decent job that probably pays for the whole extended family needs in such countries. Otherwise, don't risk your hard earned money with a business that can't meet your demands. You are the consumer/customer; take your business to a company that can meet your demands, although in the MVPD biz, I don't think there are any who can meet your demands of spcificity bottom line w/o CC or SS$ because even if they say it is "bottom line per month" the computer system that LATER will build your order based upon CC and SS# will provide a monthly price that is different than the "Guess" you want them to make.
Try SlingTV, DirecTVNOW, or Sony Play or even the new YouTube service. They do NOT require credit checks, etc. to give you a "bottom line" price, and they are less expensive. But the way Dish or Charter (Spectrum), etc. does things to give you a "bottom line price" (unless they LIE and say it is, but know the system will add charges) is the way it is and if you don't like it, vote with your wallet and walk away. Maybe after doing that, they will change the way they do things, but certainly not before.
One last thing you can try is to telephone call Dish during the hours CSR's in the USA operate. When you call you MUST tell whoever answers that you want to speak with a CSR in the USA. Perhaps they can understand your demand better and come much closer to metting it. Good luck.