Well i had my 811 replaces by a 211 by a dish contractor then today i was supposed to get my 311 replaced but i get a call saying if i can reschedule for tomorrow i was pissed cause i got off work early without pay cause no body was going to be home. I now have to have my mom home to sign/let the installer in tomorrow cause i wont be home. Now the dish people told the contractor friday when he called in for the 311 to be replaced to tell me if today was good i said yes i would get off work early to be home. Now im out 4 hours of pay and no working dish on my moms 311, I have the dish extra warranty for $6 a month and i lease the dam things what the hell does that even give me extra?? I dont see why they wont just let the installer swing by real quick he is only 15 miles from my home in the next town over but they said he cant come today. Sorry to b**** but im anrgry with dish why cant they have a better system like comcast? :devil: