Why do we stay with Dishnetwork????


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 5, 2003
I've been a customer for about 5 years and have always been very happy with E*, but lately even I have been voicing my dissatification with all that's been going on with Dish. Yet, I stay and I don't know why. I read the D* threads and they're all Tivoing away with few problems, and yet I still don't jump ship.

Why do you other Dish customers stay????
I am honestly thinking the same thing myself.

My bill with Dish is $140 a month (Plus extras like MLB) and soon I am thinking my money will be better spent someplace else.
Unfortunately, I have to stay with Dish. My mother-in-law needs her international package which is not available anywhere else.

I always thought that Dish's market is the international viewers and DirectTV's market is everybody else.

I pay too much also, Aep, hd pack and cbs-hd +3 recievers . Not counting my d*sub for tc and playboy. I got E* originally because C-band lost upn(went digital) and E* did not have. (Btw I rarely watch those supers now). I migrated all my programming to E* as they had more stuff and have stayed because of the locals. Kept D* because of the distants, with the launch of D7 my locals should appear pretty soon. I will wait till the dust settles on the current hearings in congress to make a decision, if I lose my distants might stay with E*. But with football looming and the Sunday ticket showing some hd games the D*hd tivo looking good too. :) To sum it up, I stay for cbshd for now. But If I could get it with D* who knows?
Well, I shifted most of my programming to comcast after being a E* sub for 6 years. I was paying $100 per month. Now I only have HD/CBSHD/HBO/SHO and pay $28. The moment I get my hands on an HD DVR from comcast (1-3 weeks) E* is GGGGOOOOONNNNEEE and I am selling my 921.
AJF said:
I've been a customer for about 5 years and have always been very happy with E*, but lately even I have been voicing my dissatification with all that's been going on with Dish. Yet, I stay and I don't know why. I read the D* threads and they're all Tivoing away with few problems, and yet I still don't jump ship.

Why do you other Dish customers stay????

The 921 was the straw that broke the camels back for me. I love Dish, always have , but now checking out the HDTivo threads I am going to go with direct tv.
I kept asking myself why am I prepared to buy this piece of crappy hardware?
What a total fiasco. I can't think of an analogy that would do justice to the difference between the 921 and the HD Tivo.
Over 5000 posts so far on the bug report thread 5000!!!!
Tivo posts?
"pretty boring, works just like my last Tivo"
If Dish thinks satisfying customers is expensive, it should consider not satisfying them."
I compare it to really stupid people who think they need AOL to get on the net. When Dish runs out of blind users who don't know the HDTivo exists they may never sell another 921.
I stay because I get good service and the channels I want for a good price.

But I always wonder why the people who are constantly complaining about Dish stay. If you're that unhappy with them, then just leave already and move on with your lives.
I dumped all of my Dish SD except for locals, I need to be able to PVR a few things. I still have the Dish HD Pack for HDNET. If Voom gets their PVR out and picks up HDNET, I will have no use for Dish anymore.
Don't like your service.....then move on..

dbronstein said:
I stay because I get good service and the channels I want for a good price.

But I always wonder why the people who are constantly complaining about Dish stay. If you're that unhappy with them, then just leave already and move on with your lives.

I second that! I have had few problems with Dish. My 301, 510 and even my 811 works well. I get some channels that D* could not give me, so I am happy. Hey, later down the road, if D* has a better deal providing me with more HD, DVR and the contect I want then I may consider moving. Same goes for Voom. I honestly don't think that anyone else can beat E* total service for me. It will probably be some time before anyone else comes close. Hey, but you know, that me. Forums are about opinion and fact. So there is my opinion and what I know is fact.

I guess it is easy to say you've got good service if you never call the CSRs...and opinions are blurted as facts...because you feel that everyone else has it as good as you...

I am dropping dish on Tuesday and switching to D*. I've read enough posts to know that stuff like this gets the "don't let the door hit ya on the way out". Why do we still post, though? We post because we didn't want to leave dish but felt we had to in order to receive the service we expect and are disappointed. Just a few simple changes and dish could be a great company that I am proud to be a part of.

Like someone else posted...the 921 was my final straw. The lack of communication, the CSRs telling me I can pick it up anywhere, the local retailers not knowing what is going on. It was a large combination of things.

For me, it was a giant roller coaster. I was behind Dish 100% on the Viacom dispute and I applaud them for their stance with Victory Sports in Minnesota but it wasn't enough. For the $$ we spend per month, I had to reach the conclusion that it went further for me somewhere else.
I pre-paid my HD package and have a 1 year contract thru E* DHP.

After that..... Swish.... bye bye!

Also waiting for Springfield MO locals on DTV and HD-TIVO.
I have been with Dish for almost 2 years now and a total of 4 years...never had a problem
have used 301's, a 5000, a 4000, and now a 508

3 reasons why I don't change
-locals are on Dish and not on Direct
-Im in a Pegasuck area for Direct
-Direct wouldnt allow me to get just locals

other reasons I have kept Dish
-WPIX for baseball games
-Club Dish credit
-due to Dish's goofup, I get Minneapolis & Duluth locals..Aint gonna get rid of that :D
AJF said:
I've been a customer for about 5 years and have always been very happy with E*, but lately even I have been voicing my dissatification with all that's been going on with Dish. Yet, I stay and I don't know why. I read the D* threads and they're all Tivoing away with few problems, and yet I still don't jump ship.

Why do you other Dish customers stay????
One of the reasons I stay is that I have quite a bit invested in Dish hardware.
Another reason is that, for the most part, I have been very happy with Dish.
I have a couple of PVR/DVRs, a 721 and a 501 and they both work great. A 301 that just runs. A 6000U that, although not perfect, does a creditable job and an 811 which I like better than the 6000U. There have only been a few times when the darkness issue has been a problem and I am on the far edge of getting OTA reception but I do get some channels and hopefully that will improve with time and more playing with antennas.
HD is still in its infancy for most transmitting channels and also for DishNetwork but I expect that will improve with time.
If the next release of software doesn't help my OTA, I may look into getting a dedicated OTA receiver....input from users here will then be requested...
I subscribe to Directv two TiVos and 3 basic receivers. I get DISH because I have Club DISH credits that have been paying my bill for at least the last 9 months and will probably last another 6 months. I have a 6000,501 & 508 and only keep them active because cancelling would just be giving Charlie my credit balance and he dosen't need it. DISH service STINKS including customer service, I make my living selling Satellite systems DISH has gone from 90% of my business to 30-40% it takes a Masochist to stay with DISH as their service provider.
One of the reasons I've always liked Dish over Directv is that D* was a big, faceless, corporation when I signed up. With E*, there is a face. Charley. Whether were are happy campers or a lynch mob we at least have a face to associate it with. Now D* has a face too. Rupert. But, can you call and ask him a question, live on-air?
What's angering me lately is that even though Charley still makes himself available to us on the chats, we know that (more than ever), they're not letting our calls through because he'd be called on the carpet with all the complants that we have.
D* can't give me the channels I have now - so its no contest. I've been around close to 8 years (maybe longer - signed up when the 4000 was released).

My 6000, 501, 301 all work pretty darn well. Used to want a 921 - now I'm on a wait and see.
Been with E* for close to 7 or 8 years. Had a 5000 up until about 3-4 weeks ago and was always statisfied with it - no problems with it at all. I'm mostly pleased with the 811 and the HD channels. The darkness issue on the SD channels is occasionally annoying, but there's hope that 266 will fix it.

If 266 doesn't fix it, then I'll start complaining to them rather adamantly.

Charlie isn't the one who can fix these problems. It's the techs who are the ones who are working to resolve the issues. Call Charlie on the carpet and get what? "I apologize for the problems and rest assured that our tech folks are working on a fix for the problems." That'll be about the extent of it.

So, if they can't fix the problems with the 811, I'll probably have no choice but to switch. Until then, I guess I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, because I get everything I want at a price that suits me.

long_time_DNC said:
Charlie isn't the one who can fix these problems. It's the techs who are the ones who are working to resolve the issues. Call Charlie on the carpet and get what? "I apologize for the problems and rest assured that our tech folks are working on a fix for the problems." That'll be about the extent of it.

While talking to one of the engineers that was working on the 811 (had a number of calls with him during the short time I had an 811) the engineering staff DID NOT want to release the 811 but was told by management that they had to release it. Dish was late on everything that they had announced and had nothing to sell for the 2003 holiday season, which was ticking off the retailers. So get the 811 out the door now and we'll fix it later. Now was it Charlie himself that made that decision, who knows, but he needs to take the responsability since it is his company.

Now for the topic of this thread, it's a question that I always wondered about. I know I kept with E* longer then I should have but I was buying into Charlie's lines about being the leader in HD and tune in for the next chat for word on the 921. Between those empty promises and the 811 experience I gave up and left, but I was quick enough that the door didn't even come close to hitting me :p
Hell, I work with Dish and I'm a satisfied customer... and I don't get any special treatment either (actually, I've been trying hard to keep it seperate). And if there's anyone who knows how Dish can bend someone over, it's the Acct's Recievable person for one of their RSP's.

Be that as it may... my bill is half what my cable would be, for the same content/TV solution, with DVR functionality I couldn't get with cable. TV is more 90% more convienient with a DVR than it ever was without. (Give me another tuner for the other 10%)

Why do I stay with Dishnetwork? Because Dish is like the Red Sox, the underdog, always rooted for, never winning, and always make it a good game.. and Direct is like the overpriced Yankees... the bastards.

But I'm always very brand loyal... I drink Pepsi, and Coke isn't allowed in my fridge.
I agree with the underdog analogy. Whenever I have a choice between two companies, I always go with the one in second place. Sounds counter-intuitive but the company playing catch up will usually strive harder to win your business. Conversely, the company in the lead can become complacent and not care about the customer.

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