Why did you leave cable for dish??

We left cable for E* back in September, 1998. We had recently moved from the Portland/Vancouver DMA to Seattle & the channels available on TCI (at the time) were considerably less in Seattle. We tried digital cable for a couple of weeks because Sci-Fi & HGTV were only available on digital in Seattle, where they were in the expanded basic in Portland/Vancouver. The digital cable went from bad to worse. We returned the digital cable, kept basic cable for locals, called E* & never regretted it. As soon as locals were available on E*, we dropped cable TV (still have Comcast broadband internet).
I was pretty much forced to leave Comcast. First my internet connection was going down for hours at a time at least every other day. They kept saying it was a problem in the area, sent several techs to my house and never could get it fixed. So I dumped the Internet portion and went with 6mb DSL from AT&T/Yahoo. I'm very happy with them.

Then my cable TV started to go bad. A bunch of channels wouldn't come in at all. They sent many techs over to my house, replaced splitters, ran new cable from the pole 3 different times, re-wired the cable inside my house, then finally fixed something out at the pole and it worked again. Then a few weeks later the same problem came back. The did everything all over again and finally fixed something at the pole. Then a few weeks later it went bad again. And it was happening to my neighbor too but they would never let use join our cases so we each had to have different techs come out and explain the whole thing.

Of course in the mean time they also managed to screw up my bill and I ended up losing my huge satellite discount that I got when I came back from Voom.

The good part was I made about $100 in on-time guarantees and another 2 months of service credits. The bad part was my cable didn't work right for a few months and they refused to give me one on-time guarantee because they claimed the appointment wasn't in their system.

I knew they would never get it fixed so I moved to Dish and the 622 HD DVR.

My neighbor is still with them and still having problems and it's been a few months since I switched. In fact the line guys were back out in my yard yesterday re-stringing cable between the poles.

When it worked I was very happy with them. It's just that it didn't work that much.
I left Dish, went with cable for a while, they were as crappy as they were 5 years ago, we are talking Mediacom. Two HD DVR's and 4 digital boxes and internet that was as slow as dialup and not even Premium channels was $160 a month. I have 5 HDTV's and 1 SDTV and they would only let me have 2 HD boxes. The picture quality was terrible and they locked the HD at 720P MAX Compression. The EPG was close to Dish's, missed the caller ID though.

Now, 4 HD Boxes, 1 HD DVR and 1SD DVR and the everything pack for $132 a month and Sprint 5MB DSL for $39 dollars. Yep, I laid out a grand for extra 211's and a 522 but now I have HD when camping...
Only reason I left cable for dish was that I was getting $30 a month off the bill, but now its time to go back to cable and get a better deal.
I left Adelphia for Dish because of several reason:

Lack of HD channels (they got better but still a third of dish)
constant ghosting (their signal sucks)
support (the guy came out and said it's because we have two cables coming into the house, I swear that was the most retarded statement ever, needless to say he never fixed the signal issue.)
price (about 30-40 bux more than dish with east & west movies but less hd)

oh and my favorite was durring the last hurricane they service was out for 30 days, yet tried to charge me.
Was with Time Warner and had about 8 HD channels and a DVR that didn't seem to hold more than 20hrs SD. Left almost a year ago for Dish and never looked back. Now I have almost 30 HD channels and paying just about the same. Also had a tech out 9 times, yes 9 times to fix a problem with crackling sound. Finally I asked the tech to check the connection at the pole and whoola... he fixed the connection and no more crackle. However, it did take him 2 months to fix. He was there just about weekly and we were on a first name basis, no kidding...
I never had cable.. Went straight to dish... :) I remember doing my first dish install back in 94' (I was like twelve at the time) It was a ghetto Directv install at my parents house when D* started to be hot at the time.. They had primestar before and switched to D* when primestar busted. I had D* untill I got deployed to Iraq, then I came back and went with dish.. I have been with dish ever sence.
I left Cableone because they didn't want my money.
I told them I'd pay more money if they would offer OLN for the NHL games this season, and they basically said SNOWBALL in HELL...ect..
OK so I guess I understand that, Comcast vs Cableone.....
So I asked them to offer me the NHL Center Ice package and they again refered to that snowball again... so in Baseball its 3 strikes your out, but in Hockey a TWO goal lead is harder to overcome, so I came onboard with Dish Network after spending several thousand dollars on a kick butt Entertainment set up.

Thank You Dish Network for Listening to your paying customers.
When I moved to the trailer park where I still live today in 95 there was only Tele Media cable and I paid for their basic cable channels like 49.99 a month for the basic cable - 25 channels.

I went with Primestar that same year because it was way cheaper and then we had a bad Ice storm in Jan of 97 that fried my Primestar box and the repair guy told me of Dishnetwork. I went to see it at the dealership and I also watched Directv. Our cable had just cut off the Upn station from Houston so I couldn't watch Star trek Voyager. Dish has the superstations and the east /west coast networks so I went with Dish. I ended up with more channels and paid less than I was paying than the cable company or Primestar.

I tired TWC when it came out here in the park back in 2002 and it still didn't impress me as the low price was temporary and the digital stations blocked and pixelated and the analog tier was crappy in reception. So I cut them off and restarted my Dish account . It only took a week to decide this.

I had Directv for a year in 2003 along with Dish just to see the difference and I stayed with Dish as they were cheaper and still had better picture quality. I will be with Dish 10 years on 1/18/2007. Still the best price and programming for my money.

Even with all the bugs and problems I still like Dish better than anything else I have seen out there. They are always on the cutting edge of technology but they seem to lack the follow through in getting it to work as well as it should.

I have 3 dish accounts now : 1 for my parents - they pay the bill to me. 2 for my aunt in Arkansas - she pays the bill to me. 3 one for me- I pay the bill. All on credit card auto pay. I take care of all the receivers and dish problems and handle all the billing etc. They are older and they are scared of technology. But they sure love the dvr and being able to watch their favorite shows when ever they want to.

Heres to another 10 years with Dish. I just hope I won't see 10 more years of price hikes and NO real ala carte.
My COx Cable has a Dump Dish promo for a year.

$30 for the top 180 with the Free HD Pack (Disc HD TNTHD, ESPN HD, InHD 1, InHD2, UnHD, and HBO HD for $4 more).

Thats $34 a Month with there HD DVR only $14.90 a month more. Cable is a lot cheaper under this promo, plus its 100% all DIgital now with the Digital Simulcast being rolled out).

All for a year.

Thats about $40 a month less.

I still have the Dish Family pack and DIsh HD while I am deciding which to stay with. Hummmm Hard to decide.
I started out with Direct in the spring of 98 then switched to Dish in the spring of 2000... I kept Dish till I moved to northern IL in the summer of 2001... Once me and my wife got married and we moved into our apt we had out of sight errrrrrrrr I mean Insight cable for about two months... We dumped Insight after two months of hell... We had everything pretty much that Insight offered, but the only problem was about half of the digital cable channels never worked... Insight blamed the apt owner and the apt owner blamed Insight... After 2 months of daily calls I had enough of the missing channel crap and took everything back to Insight... We canceled Insight on a Saturday morning, and by that Saturday afternoon we had Dish installed and have been for the most part happy eversince... CC
I had comcast in Royal Oak when I was there - switched to DISH in 2000 because it had both HBO AND Showtime HD. Directv at that time only had HBO. I originally decided to switch to Satellite because one Fall Saturday, I purchased the College Football Gameday package from Comcast - I saw the first game and the rest were blacked out. I called and they said no prob -we'll fix it. I had to go somewhere and when I got back - no channels. So I called back - no one is here that can fix this after 4 pm on saturday - sorry. So I voted with my feet and never looked back.

When will the $200 off HD expire?

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