Why can't DISH just KISS, you get what you pay for!


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Apr 15, 2009
Bronze...$40, includes locals
Silver.....$55, includes locals
Gold......$70, includes locals

Add DVR for $5
Add HD for $5

Additional Leased HD recievers for $5

Premium packages, priced $10, $15, $20, $25, etc... No discount if you have more than 1, unless they want to cut you a break if you sign up for a year committment to more than 1. Say you want HBO and Showtime, it would be $25 a month... If you sign up for a year committment, they knock off $5 a month.
What if we live somewhere that does not have locals?
What about the AEP that includes Gold plus Premium for one price?
What about add-ons such as RSN's, Superstations,National PBS, etc.
What if we live somewhere that does not have locals?
Directv does this, and I believe they word it like "Locals included at no extra cost." So in one sense, everybody pays for all the locals, whether you have them available or not. I personally wouldn't mind this, and it would take away a lot of confusion. But E* would have to start showing the true price, and stop hiding the locals with an extra charge, and then saying they are cheaper.
Directv no local is $5 less not 3. Withdirect its $5 every box after first with phone or not($15 normal 4 room). Dish you can have 4 rooms for $5 with phone and no phone same if you get the right csr.
I have said this before and again that DISH should use the KISS method and KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID! Eliminate the excess made up fees , Simplify the programming packs and clear up the general confusion. It looks like they are "trying " to do this, but as usual they screwed it up and made it more confusing.

They already started by eliminating the hd enabling fee that went up to a high of $7.00 then back down to $5.00 and then eliminated. They also have tried to show their fees as discounts to the subs. For example if you keep your phone /ethernet line connected you see this on your bill : "YOU SAVED $5.00 " instead of $ 5.00 charge if you don't. Now there is also the higher priced lease /additional receiver fees if you have hd receivers at $7.00 vs $5.00 for sd receivers. This is stupid. It discourages subs from going all hd because it is higher . Why not keep them all $5.00 like the competition does?

But the one stupid fee that DISH charges that DIRECTV doesn't and it is killing them; THE DVR FEE- PER DVR RECEIVER; $5.98. DIRECTV charges one fee per account. THis encourages their subs to have multiple dvrs at $5.00 extra for the lease /additional receiver fee. DISH charges per dvr receiver ,which causes DISH subs to not upgrade to more than one dvr per account whether they want it to or not, due to the high made up fees. This also limits sales of the Echostar dvrs that DISH uses . Think of all the dvrs they could sell if there was no excess dvr fees? ONE Fee per account would at least keep them even with the competition. DISH also charges more for pay per views than DIRECTV on both live and pre recorded on their portion of the hard drive. For sd pay per views they charge $4.99 , for hd $5.99 , for pre recorded pay per views $6.99.

DISH should return to their roots . THey need to return to AMERICAN csrs here at home for customer service agents. THey need to eiminate the dvr fee or limit it to per account. GET a good advertising agency and pay to put out some good advertisments. Rolling the hd pack + platinum pack all in one for $10.00 is a good start . As long as this isn't a prelude to a future price increase in 6 months. I would hate to think that DISH is doing the discount only to trap subs into the combined hd pack , and then go up to say $15.00 next February. That would be a new low even for them . And finally DISH needs to settle the Damn TIVO lawsuit and pay to license the software and be done with the indecision. Wall street hates indecision and uncertainty and having this ongoing lawsuit hanging over their heads of DISH and the dvr subs , is not helping their reputation or their prospects for new subs or their stock holders.
Directv no local is $5 less not 3. Withdirect its $5 every box after first with phone or not($15 normal 4 room). Dish you can have 4 rooms for $5 with phone and no phone same if you get the right csr.

Sorry, but you are mistaken - DirecTV no locals is $3 less, NOT 5, & has been for quite some time.
Funny, you have those that want to pay for only what you want and Dish is trying to do that as much as they can and they get slammed for all the "add on" fees. Can't please everyone.
Funny, you have those that want to pay for only what you want and Dish is trying to do that as much as they can and they get slammed for all the "add on" fees. Can't please everyone.

I never really found the packages all that confusing myself. The billing notations are what confuse people. The extra DVR fees are pure profit for E*. I don't see them giving that up even though D* has an advantage with their single fee.
I never really found the packages all that confusing myself. The billing notations are what confuse people. The extra DVR fees are pure profit for E*. I don't see them giving that up even though D* has an advantage with their single fee.
Really? So the DVRs don't cost dish more to purchase or manufacture than a standard 322?? If you are selling receivers that way than I need to purchase some from you!! Also they need to put all that money away to pay for all their lawsuits from Tivo (and eventually will probably need to pay a per receiver licensing fee to Tivo as well)
It is not confusing to me, I sub to AEP and superstations, with 3 508's and one 625. No DVR service fee for AEP. If I ever decide to go HD it is 10.00 extra for the HD Gold. My bill would be less than 140.00 if it was not for the taxes FL charges.
I quite frankly think it's a bit simpler than before. More line item, easier to follow. Less gray area.
If everything were kept simple, there would be about 70% unemployment, because most people are employed just to do things like change the name from "AT200" to "Classic Silver".

For those who remember the books and TV show "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy", when Earth is evacuated, the doers and thinkers and sent in one ship, and the other ship has "marketing consultants, hairdressers, telephone sanitizers, etc.".
we all complain about things complicated. So when a consumer business tries to uncomplicate something, people complain. They think there are hidden costs. Or they believe their choices are being limited.
Folks ,we can't have it both ways.
Examples? Sure. Cricket Wirelss. All fees and charges contained in the monthly price. What thay advertise for their packages for is the price.
People got upset because the fees were'nt itemized on their bills. .
Anyone out there remember
People Express? This airline was no frills. Every seat was one fare. No meals served on board. Passengers paid for all snacks and beverages on board in cash.
Passengers disliked it. The carrier went out of business.
I flew that airline many times. Loved it. You go the airport get your boarding pass, carry your own luggage to the gate and they stowed it for you. You got on the plane and went to point B. Simple.
It is unfortunate that we say we want simple but when we get simple we whine about something else.
Once again, ya can't have it both ways.
heres how to keep it simple. sell only one package. and make it the "plethora" package. where its contains everything. aep+hd+plat+locals+all internationals etc. then the packages wont be confusing.
heres how to keep it simple. sell only one package. and make it the "plethora" package. where its contains everything. aep+hd+plat+locals+all internationals etc. then the packages wont be confusing.

COmmercial opens with news sounder music oin background..
Announcer with intent "bulletin type" tone in his voice speaks.

"This is Dish Network with an important announcement".
Then a quick cut to a cork popping from a champaigne bottle with celebrastion music.
"Introducing Dish Network's new (Sound of kettle drum roll & symbol crashing) "sh*t load" package".
Yes, now you can have every channel Dish Network offers for one price. And if you act now dish Network will offer a special permanent discount of $25 per month for as long as you remain a Dish Network customer.
It is that simple".
Ok cut to announcer giving out Dish's phone number
Announcer: "And now we return you to your regularly scheduled programming".
Disclamer follows(C'mon every commercial has a disclaimer)..... Commercial fades to black.
This was an attempt at humor. It probablt would have been funnier if one could see and hear it..
Oh well. I tried.
All kidding aside. Point well taken.
Dish could pioneer simple.
They could start by getting rid of the fees. Or simply add them to the price of the programming and that's that. People do not like fees. They do not care to be nickel and dimed to death.
As a consumer when I am quoted the price ,to me an amount is an amount. I don't want to see additional charges on my bill. Especially ones that were not explained to me CLEARLY.
One other thing. Dish could get rid of "fine print". No one hates fine print more than I do. Or maybe that's a lie. Who knows.
Charlie?!!!!! (knock knock knock) Are ya hearin' this?!!!!!!

End of Spot.
IF you look at DIRECTV and see how they did their programming it is very simple in the way it is layed out and makes sense to just about anyone.

Family pack
Choice pack
Choice Extra pack
1) with dvr
2) with hd
3) with hd dvr
Premier pack

Add hd to any account for $10.00- extra hd pack $4.99.
Add dvr to any account for $6.00- one fee per account- with dvr no fees.
Lease /additional receiver fees all $5.00 - no matter whether sd or hd receivers.

No confusing metallic names , no Turbo blow hd, no weird way to get your advantage with dvr by starting with classic silver pack + a 250 gold bonus pack + turbo gold hd= what used to be top 250 with dvr fee and locals included. NO made up extra fees for not having your phone connected. No excess money for hd leases vs sd lease , all for SAME price $5.00. Easy to pick plans that lay out everything in black and white. Pretty simple and guess what ? It is working and DIRECTV is slaughtering DISH with their easy up front, easy to understand programming placks with NO HIDDEN FEES. DISH needs to simplify everything they do and eliminate the excess fees and yes I mean the extra dvr fees PER DVR receiver. They are at a competitive disadvantage against DIRECTV with the dvr fee alone, but the extra fees for the phone line just pisses people off. Follow what the competition is doing and copy it DISH. Once you accomplish all of this advertise it and pay a good advertising agency to spread the word with comedy. COMEDY sells , just like SEX sells. Come up with some new original funny and if you like throw some sex in . THe commercials you have today are so early 1990s. JOIN the 21st century CHARLIE.

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