Why am I being told the 722 and 722k are the same thing?

I do not mean this to be harsh....... but.... That's the kind of thinking that loses customers. I understand that you either you won't, or feel you just can not get the customer what they want. But my experience has been, and even just in this thread supported, that it indeed can be done. And there have been numerous installers at the forums that came here and learned something they did not know.
I can't contact my neighbor he is away, but I am quite sure he followed my advice and also just got the 722K he wanted when they came without it. (I will post when I find out)
There are always policies companies have for a good reason, then there are those that is simply because it is better for the company, but not necessarily for the customer. Because the warehouse or the installer wants to lower the stock of a certain model has nothing at all to do with good customer care. There are plenty of people who do not care or even know the difference, and they can get what you want. Why not take care of the discerning customer? There are obviously installers who will go to lengths, and those who don't, as in most any industry.

There must be a disconnect happening somewhere. It's not me not wanting to give someone what they want. It's me not having it and having no way of getting it.

As stated before, technicians do not control what equipment goes into there warehouse, which goes on their van which ends up in your home. Most of the time, we have what we need and what the custy wants. There are also plenty of times where we're stuck with 622's.

The point I was trying to make is it isn't possible for you, a technician, a field manager, a general manager, a customer svc rep, a CSR supervisor, etc, etc, etc to place some code that says, "Install 722k receiver" on to a work order. They can put notes on the account saying you request it, however if in my previously noted scenario where there are none available at the time, you will not get one.
Fair enough, and the fact that you would spend time here to explain says something too. I guess it just seems it can be done, but not through regular channels, as you say.
It's very simple. Just set up an appointment. When the installer calls to say he's coming, ask if he has 722Ks on the truck. If he does, go ahead with the install, if not, cancel the install, rinse and repeat.
Is that when the installer installs a new receiver or a refurbished one,or does it matter?.:confused:

Refurbished receivers might make a little difference, but a lot of the refurbished receivers are brand new with maybe only cosmetic damage. There was still an investment made in the equipment by DISH, it just keeps them from having to make yet another investment in the equipment. Then there's the DISH/LNB/Installation, and of course the promotional pricing.
Is that when the installer installs a new receiver or a refurbished one,or does it matter?.:confused:

It makes no difference. With exception to new installs and retailer sales, DISH generally doesn't pay any attention to whether a unit is new or reman. They pay great attention (with the occasional rare fubar) to whether a receiver looks "good"; whether it's been through never, one or four times. Understand that DISH saves millions by using remanufactured units which function just as reliably as new. The savings is in the fact they don't have to buy a new receiver every time one comes back. If they did, they'd have to raise prices across the board to compensate. If they only installed new at all times, I'm sure the die hard fanatics would be happy with that. But are you and all other subscribers willing to have your bill go up $40-50 a month to subsidize hundreds of thousands of receivers moving around that could have just been remanufactured and a fraction of 1% then have an issue?

It's simple math, those who fight it so hard tend to battle for emotional reasons (usually feelings of entitlement or "being cheated" out of a new receiver), not logical arguments.

Fair enough, and the fact that you would spend time here to explain says something too. I guess it just seems it can be done, but not through regular channels, as you say.

It's more accurate to say it can be done, it can't be done by very many people, and if enough customers b*tch and moan for it that it begins to cost DISH money, they'll put a policy or practice into place that IN FACT prohibits it from happening... Case in point, customers calling in for free credits resulted in DISH issuing a no-credit policy. It was actually an offense that resulted in discipline.

People need to stop crying wolf, or those who are actually about to get eaten by one will suffer too.
YOU MUST REMEMBER with a lease DISH owns the receiver not you
As OSU posted if you want a specific model BUY IT otherwise accept what the owner (DISH) gives you.

what I don't get with that, if dish owns it, and it fails out of manufacturers warranty, dish expects the customer, who doesn't own the equipment, to pay for replacement. Maybe you qualify for an upgrade and can get it free with a contract renewal, but even that's a maybe.
oh, and it's been a while since I've been able to find the upgrade info in the my account section of dish network. Anyone know if it's just gone, changed to call customer service to find out anything? or was it moved somewhere I'm not looking?
If you don't want a refurbished receiver or an older model go to a retailer and ask for the exact replacement. If you go to a retailer you have a little more control. I seriously don't know of one person on this site that has gotten their equipment from their local retailer.
If you don't want a refurbished receiver or an older model go to a retailer and ask for the exact replacement. If you go to a retailer you have a little more control. I seriously don't know of one person on this site that has gotten their equipment from their local retailer.

I did up until I went all HD in 2008. Before that I went through my local retailer. It was the same price as with Dish. I tried to do the same when I upgraded, but at the time the receivers would have cost an additional $100 going through them.
oh, and it's been a while since I've been able to find the upgrade info in the my account section of dish network. Anyone know if it's just gone, changed to call customer service to find out anything? or was it moved somewhere I'm not looking?
You have to call for those options now (actually been this way 6+ months or more).
I did up until I went all HD in 2008. Before that I went through my local retailer. It was the same price as with Dish. I tried to do the same when I upgraded, but at the time the receivers would have cost an additional $100 going through them.

It drives me crazy when Dish makes offers to customers that retailers can't. They give the same rules to all retailers for pricing and then when the customer calls Dish directly they give them a better offer so they don't leave.
It's more accurate to say it can be done, it can't be done by very many people, and if enough customers b*tch and moan for it that it begins to cost DISH money, they'll put a policy or practice into place that IN FACT prohibits it from happening... Case in point, customers calling in for free credits resulted in DISH issuing a no-credit policy. It was actually an offense that resulted in discipline.

People need to stop crying wolf, or those who are actually about to get eaten by one will suffer too.

Wanting a certain receiver that is shown on the Dish site is crying wolf? Really?? You want to take whatever is given to you in life is your business, some people just do not want any confrontation and I understand that. But the OP to me should have done what he did, be reasonable and realize only accepting a new not refurbished receiver probably is just not going to happen, but getting the receiver you want should be (and is) possible. And again I have to BS to your notion that it costs Dish any real money more to provide a 722K instead of a 722 for those customers who know enough to ask for it. Maybe, just maybe the good will keep the customer?
I just pretended to be a new customer and placed an order to a 2-room system with HD/DVR in one room and DVR in second room. It lists the receiver as:

Rcvr 622/722 HD Duo (2TV) DVR

The on-screen 'specs' for the 722k on the website make NO mention of the OTA tuners. Only the product brochure in PDF format does...

If I were ordering online, there's no way to specify that you want this OTA option either.
I suspect the only NEW receivers available today are the ViP211K, ViP722K and the ViP922. And I'm not too sure about the ViP722K.

I'm sure they've stopped production of the ViP922 but no doubt still have some in stock. As to whether they're still manufacturing ViP722Ks, well, that's anybody's guess.
I just pretended to be a new customer and placed an order to a 2-room system with HD/DVR in one room and DVR in second room. It lists the receiver as:

Rcvr 622/722 HD Duo (2TV) DVR

The on-screen 'specs' for the 722k on the website make NO mention of the OTA tuners. Only the product brochure in PDF format does...

If I were ordering online, there's no way to specify that you want this OTA option either.

I pretend to be a new customer. I go to the Dish site, pick technology, HD receivers. I see a 722K there with the description of the OTA module. (and everything else including the 500G hard drive) I don't know, but I would not start out by ordering , I would start out by looking at the packages and then the receivers.
That's exactly my point about if I see it (with description) on the Dish site, and that's what I want, why should I not try to get it.
But my original thought was not really a new subscriber with no knowledge. If someone who knows the difference wants your service and knows he wants the 722K, you are possibly already starting out on the wrong foot with that customer. I don't thing it's too much to try and get the receiver shown on the site that someone has gone to the trouble to know he/she wants.
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...I would start out by looking at the packages and then the receivers.
You're making a big assumption on the technical knowledge of a potential new customer. Yes, a geek or technically-inclined person is likely to look at the receivers and in fact, decide for example, "I want the 722k. Big hard drive, can hook up antenna, etc, etc". Problem is, when they want to place their order, they can't specify that receiver. They simply pick how many rooms, DVR or not, and # of HD sets. Dish picks the receiver they'll get....
Hall I actually agree with you about many (most?) being non technical. Why not make the technical person who does go to the trouble, maybe comes to these forums first, feel good and get him the receiver? If he's picking Dish, he has done his homework, make him happy right away and maybe pick-up some good will, at what I feel has to be little or no cost to Dish.
We've probably debated this to death by now for many.... :)
If most people want the 722k why do the installers stock other receivers? Why not stock what the customers want?

What is a 722 HD Duo DVR? How does it compare to the 722 or 722k?

I'd like to upgrade and was told I'd get the 722HD Duo DVR.

FIOS or Dish?

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