Why all the PS3 hate?


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Supporting Founder
Oct 11, 2003
Seems there are more then a few folks who really enjoy hating on Sony and the PS3. I would like to pro-offer a few reasons.

1) Price. This is the main reason people are hateing the PS3 right now. The $499 and $599 price tag seems a little too steep for some folks and instead of saving their money for a purchase they are crying fowl (Some of these same folks say they will not buy one till the price comes down). They want the PS3 to fail (its current sales track has it ahead of the XBOX360 in same time frame from the 360's launch in 2006) simply because they cannot afford it. But apparently it keeps selling even with only 1 really good title out right now.

My response to this is get a life. You can not purchase a product that delievers on great build quality for peanuts. You also cannot deliever next gen products like BluRay for peanuts either. Maybe this is why the $299 & $399 XBOX360s had so many build problems. You could read several posts from 360 and M$ fanboys about how the PS3 was going to be riddled with problems. And then when none showed up after the launch that talk died down. Yet you still see new posts about someone's "XBOX360 Just Died" . I guess that extra $200 also went into build quality. I taught my daughters that if you buy cheap you get cheap. At least Sony delivered a solid product that just plain works.

2) BluRay. Oh Boy, this should light some fires. Most 360 and M$ fanboys were lamenting that Sony was shoving BD down the throats of PS3 buyers. That that alone was the reason for the high price. However, Sony's plan was to put BD on the map with the PS3. Sony had a plan and guess what -- it worked! BD is now outselling HD-DVD and has now passed HD-DVD in total discs sold and did this in just 3 months since the launch of the PS3. And for those folks that kept saying that the BD player was going to be awful, many home theater enthusiasts magazines starting with Sound and Vision in February state that the PS3 is one of the best HD players on the market and it is fully fuctioning. I for one have 25 BD movies and counting. And I am salivating on the future titles of Casino, Spiderman 1,2 & 3 and the Pirate movies that I am going to be able to buy in BD that will never show up on HD-DVD. OH, and it is wisper quiet. I am sure if you lock it up in a hermatically sealed box and let it run for hours it will eventually get hot and stop. But then you can let it cool off and reset and it will run.

3) Sony Lied. About what? They didn't deliver in March. They didn't deliver 4 million units at launch. All their games are not in 1080p. There was not two HDMI ports on the PS3. Gee, any other lies guys? They were going to blow away their competition with their graphics and game play. The PS3 was definately superior to the XBOX360 for gaming. Do any of you guys have a life outside of gaming? You really believe everything every manufacturer tells you? Are you the one that goes to buy a new car and believes the MPG on the sticker? Comeon-- Sony had their hitches during the launch. Question is, did they do anything that any other manufacturer does NOT DO to sell their product?

Lets look at what Sony did do. They actually delivered the PS3. Small numbers but now they are delievering to the retailers a consistant level of product. The PS3 actually worked. Did not start any fires, did not damage any discs, did not refuse to work. The PS3 actually played BD movies and did so excellently. The Cell and RSX chips actually worked -- boy I bet that put a damper on alot of you. Resistance:Fall of Man was an A launch title that delievered a 40-man online experiance without lag. And the graphics and game play was pretty good for a launch title. There was actually a 1080p lauch title. Their online service (which was free) worked and it did not fail when everyone started hooking up. The first killer title Motorstorm is coming out 4 months after launch (okay you don't like to race over the desert -- your loss) and now we hear that if you actually tweak a title specifically for the PS3 it will look better and run faster then on the XBOX360 (Oblivion anyone- yes I know, some of those graphics will download later to the 360 -- but not all and the 360 version will never be as fast as the PS3 version).

Yes I guess there is a reason for all the PS3 hateing. A product that actually works and delievers the HD experiance both in games and in movies must be an anomally to those folks who said the product would never work. And in a few months when there will be some killer titles out for the PS3 with graphics that are rich and detailed (Motorstorm, Heavenly Sword, Lair, the BD-Java movies Spiderman series, Pirates series) the PS3 is just going to keep going. The Playstation brand is strong and they only have to convert 20% of their customers to sell 20 million units! I just don't see that as a reason to hate -- but then again I don't. I have a PS3 and think it is a fine product - every bit as good build quality product as the Denon3910 DVD player I have setting under it. And when Mass Effect and Halo 3 come out - well I just might have to get me one of those new production 360s they will be selling then (HDMI, 120 GB drive and quite fan). Hey, I can't help it -- I like to game and I don't care who has the great game, I can always buy the platform and hook up. Gee, now if I can just find enough money for that new DuoCore PC!
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The price tag is certainly steep for a game system, but it's a well-worth the money when you look at the final product, which includes a top-notch BD Player. My biggest complaint about the PS3 is that it only comes with one controller. With my kids coming over this weekend, it looks like I will have to drop another $100+ on additional controllers.:( On a positive note, we'll all get to watch Corpse Bride.:)
Seems there are more then a few folks who really enjoy hating on Sony and the PS3. I would like to pro-offer a few reasons.

1) Price. This is the main reason people are hateing the PS3 right now. The $499 and $599 price tag seems a little too steep for some folks and instead of saving their money they are crying fowl. They want the PS3 to fail (its current sales track has it ahead of the XBOX360 in same time frame from the 360's launch in 2006) simply because they cannot afford it.

Wii yea i think you are on to something here. :up That and when there is more games out. Right now it seems the ps2 is subsidizing the ps3.
Sony is the new Apple. Apple is the old Sony.

The Trollsters used to just LOVE to chide the Cupertino gang at every turn--all FUD, all the time.

The iPod quelched that a bit, it seems.

Now the console and HD disc 'wars' have pitted every PC-centric forked-tongue nerd out in the blogosphere against Sony as "the Enemy."

It's entertaining, if nothing else...
Let me start off by saying I don't hate the PS3 in any way. But I do not like Sony and it has nothing to so with gaming systems, I don't like M$ either in some of the same ways I don't like Sony, but I do happen to own a 360. I have owned pretty much every home console system since the mid 70's including the original PS.

JoeSp, I like your post but you seem to over simplify things a bit in this post
1) Price. This is the main reason people are hateing the PS3 right now. The $499 and $599 price tag seems a little too steep for some folks and instead of saving their money for a purchase they are crying fowl (Some of these same folks say they will not buy one till the price comes down).
I agree with this to some point that the sticker shock is not even making people really look at what the PS3 has built in to it already, but that is a marketing issue, not a price point issue IMO. I have never known Sony's overall marketing to be of high quality. Sure flashy commercials etc, but very little solid info for the much more informed consumer base today, unless they go dig it up themselves.

You can not purchase a product that delievers on great build quality for peanuts. You also cannot deliever next gen products like BluRay for peanuts either. I guess that extra $200 also went into build quality. I taught my daughters that if you buy cheap you get cheap. At least Sony delivered a solid product that just plain works.

I agree a bit here too. But both MS and Sony are guilty of prestige pricing on many of their products and software. Quality honestly is subject to alot of things. I think alot of the public learned on the 360 that the new game systems are not like the ones of old. You can't treat them like crap and put them on carpet, in enclosures etc anymore. I think the PS3 is probably a very solidly engineered device, but I also know they revamped quite a bit after the 360 debacle. Also people have learned how to treat the new systems.

As for buying cheap you get cheap, I can't 100% agree, cause it's subject to many things. Some things it's true for, somethings it's not. But if that is how you feel, I got $100 HDMI cable to sell you. :)

2) BluRay. I for one have 25 BD movies and counting. And I am salivating on the future titles of Casino, Spiderman 1,2 & 3 and the Pirate movies that I am going to be able to buy in BD that will never show up on HD-DVD. OH, and it is wisper quiet. I am sure if you lock it up in a hermatically sealed box and let it run for hours it will eventually get hot and stop. But then you can let it cool off and reset and it will run.
For some those movies might mean alot and will probably sell well, but I am one that could care less about casino, spiderman series or pirates movies. Hey wait, Casino is not exclusive to BD. It's been out on HD-DVD for a while, but apparently some universal movies (cinderalla man is one I have seen, but I know that buena vista has rights on that movie too)are showing up on BD overseas and some BD movies (fifth element and T2) I see are also available in HD-DVD overseas.

As for whisper quiet, yes it is, but so is my 360. I just bought the 360 a few months ago, it's no louder than my friends PS3.
As for going to the extreme of a sealed box to overheat the PS3. I bet I could do it with a simple childrens blanket. :)

3) Sony Lied. About what? They didn't deliver in March. They didn't deliver 4 million units at launch. All their games are not in 1080p. There was not two HDMI ports on the PS3. Gee, any other lies guys? They were going to blow away their competition with their graphics and game play. The PS3 was definately superior to the XBOX360 for gaming. Do any of you guys have a life outside of gaming? You really believe everything every manufacturer tells you? Are you the one that goes to buy a new car and believes the MPG on the sticker? Comeon-- Sony had their hitches during the launch. Question is, did they do anything that any other manufacturer does NOT DO to sell their product?

Again, I believe this comes back to Sony marketing and PR. They both suck and caused alot of consumers grief with late or bad info and some over-hyped info. Not that others don't do it, but the public was looking for them to fail and over analyzed everything. Sometimes saying nothing is better.

Lets look at what Sony did do. They actually delivered the PS3. Small numbers but now they are delievering to the retailers a consistant level of product. The PS3 actually worked. Did not start any fires, did not damage any discs, did not refuse to work. The PS3 actually played BD movies and did so excellently. The Cell and RSX chips actually worked -- boy I bet that put a damper on alot of you. Resistance:Fall of Man was an A launch title that delievered a 40-man online experiance without lag. And the graphics and game play was pretty good for a launch title. There was actually a 1080p lauch title. Their online service (which was free) worked and it did not fail when everyone started hooking up. The first killer title Motorstorm is coming out 4 months after launch (okay you don't like to race over the desert -- your loss) and now we hear that if you actually tweak a title specifically for the PS3 it will look better and run faster then on the XBOX360 (Oblivion anyone- yes I know, some of those graphics will download later to the 360 -- but not all and the 360 version will never be as fast as the PS3 version).

Sony and MS competing is good and you know it. The PS3 might never of come about already if the 360 did not come out. Heck look how long Sony sat on the PSone success. As for HD-DVD and blu-ray. well we can all agree I hope that HD-DVD caused blu-ray to clean up it's act quickly after the inital bad reviews. Both are solid products and each drive each other right now. I don't want the format war to end right away or we'll all have to suffer with sub-quality offerings cause there will be no reason to innovate and take time to do it right on the movies when released on the HD formats.

On the tweaking the cross-platform titles for the console, that just makes logical sense that when a program is modified specifcally for the platform it will run better.
Btw, Motorstorm is probably the one title on the PS3 I can't wait to play on my buddies PS3.

Yeah, there are "fanboys" on both sides, but also alot of people who just like to "argue" or "debate" and that is fine. Plus JoeSp, I know quite a few of them seem to just like to push your and HPMan's buttons. :)
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I taught my daughters that if you buy cheap you get cheap.

Sooo, what you are saying is that a $10 HDMI cable is different than the $100 monster HDMI cable and I should expect better performance out of those? Or perhaps the Monster Cable will last a lifetime while the $10 cable will not?

Gee, now if I can just find enough money for that new DuoCore PC!

You could have had a Core 2 Duo PC for cheaper than your PS3!! Especially when a Core 2 Duo cpu is between $200 and $500 (depending on CPU speed) and a brand new mobo is about $150. If your current pc is within the last couple of years then the old memory and other parts work fine just upgrade the board and CPU.
Awww, another of those good-ol' Sony-shill Joe's silly topics, filled with utter Sony PR crap... let's skip it, way too much straight BS to correct here.
Just wait till next Thanksgiving!

Unless you have money to burn or games are your number one hobby, just wait till next Thanksgiving and I would bet my last dollar that there will be a huge price war between PS3 and the XBOX360. Anyone notice how they are not making as many PC games as they use to?
T2k you are B/S.
Go away scrub.
If you don't like what you see go cry somewhere else..we don't like cry babies.
Is shill a namecall? If not, I'd heretofore like to tap T2k a Microsoft shill, officially.

He's got a track record for baiting and insulting all Microsoft competitors and posters who use their products.

And speaking of shills, an interesting read in the March 2007 EGM about buzz marketing on the blogs, the rise of corporate/marketing firm-paid bloggers (aka 'SHILLS'). I'd love to know the true nature of some posting on this forum...some wouldn't be surprising, I'm sure. Industry insiders are fine, when their helpful and offer insights--but when they hateful and deceitful, they should be ripped to shreds and locked out, IMHO.

The article isn't available online, at


but the description is:

Corporate shills infiltrating message boards and blogs? We go deep undercover to find out who you can trust in the marketing war for your dollars."

I'd love to see this site and some others I frequent adopt a 100% transparency policy w/ threat of permanent banning. The poison of spin and paid antagonizing of consumer posters threatens to ruin these forums to the quick.
I don't hate Sony. I love my PS2. I actually just traded in my fat PS2 for a slim PS2.

I do find it funny watching the Sony "talking heads" continuously shooting themselves in the foot.

The latest being that the European PS3 will not have the same backwards compatibility (read significantly reduced) that the US PS3 has because Sony removed some chips to save money on manufacturing cost.

Sony has always made exaggerated claims, but with the high price of the PS3, people are calling them out on it.
Sony has a way of bringing out the worst in itself, mostly because one part of the company has no clue as to what another part is doing.

Here's a perfect example that's current (but has nothing to do with BD or HD-DVD).

Sony is about to (allegedly) release 3 SACD players for the automotive market. Now, this is something that should have been done in 2000, not 2007. They have not released a pop/rock SACD for two years, and they are not about to. Who will buy these players?

They created a format (SACD), and, like BD, refused to release product in the "competitors" format (DVD-A), and by doing so divided the market and eventually killed it. They used their enormous clout to induce Capitol/EMI to release Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" in SACD, when every other Capitol/EMI 5.1 HiRez release before and after was released on DVD-Audio. Yet Sony wanted this prized title for their format.

They spent a lot of money subsudizing UMG to release their 2004 5.1 titles in the SACD format, including the stipulation that titles issued by UMG on SACD could not be released in DVD-A for 90 days after the SACD was released, even though UMG had previously released titles in both formats at the same time.

They then spent a ton of money getting a sampler SACD included with every copy of Rolling Stone magazine (late 2003). They got press for SACD, they got press for 5.1 music, they got press for HiRez. Then, after that whole effort that cost them millions (I would guess), they went and virtually abandoned the format! In 2004 through 2006, they released around 10 pop/rock SACDs total.

The SACD format was a great format. However, the hardware side, the software side, the marketing side, and the accounting side of SONY were not together at all concerning this format, and as such it has now faded into a "niche" format that will surely fade away in a few years.

This is but one example. The same thing may happen with BD. It may not. People are more tuned into things they see as opposed to things they hear. However, much of the same planning strategy that was used on SACD is being used on BD.

No Sony manufactured BD player does SACD, except the PS3. No other manufacturer's BD player does SACD. The inconsistency is amazing.

There are other examples, but this one is fresh in my mind.

The PS3 was first heralded as "the saviour of SACD". It was then presented as the "gateway to BD". It seems that these people pointing out the capabilities of the PS3 fail to forget that while it does in fact do SACD and BD, it's main purpose is to play games.

This fact was learned quickly, when at the time it was released, it was quickly surpassed in sales by a video game system that is, well, just a video game system. The Wii.
I hate the PS3 because of BluRay. Sony was in talks to finalize a unified format in early 2005, but pulled out when their egos told them they could bludgeon the market into accepting BluRay by making it a forced upgrade with every PS3.

They then used that same argument to convince Disney and Fox to back them exclusively instead of supporting both formats like Warner Bros. and Paramount....

THAT'S why I hate PS3. Of course, they give me plenty to cackle over when they keep losing exclusives and can't even beat the PS2 in sales, or even the Wii or XBox360....
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Well, that's one way of looking at it. But I've read that Disney wanted regional coding, and that the prospect of watermarking and BD+ security down the road also helped tip the scales for some studios.

And you could also look at it that Toshiba declined to compromise. I doubt we'll ever know the full story on that one.

No one is forced to buy a PS3. When you buy an Accord with heated seats, do you complain that you have to accept the sun roof also? You make a choice, do I want it as it comes, or not?
Not to start a flame war, but I think video games are cool but are habit forming.
They could possibly turn the most active person into a couch potatoe quickly with the mental challenge they present you with.

Ps3 audio ?

What the hell are you doing Sony????? Blu-Ray player price

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