Come on guys...let us put on our big boy pants. Any entity that commercially profits from the retransmission of copyrighted works, without permission and/or payment to the copyright holder, is committing a theft of service...plain and & white...end of discussion...period! The broadcasters, the government, the law, and good ole common sense all agree. So this idiocy about why Aereo should be permitted to steal intellectual property is just as asinine has I started a thread stating why I should be legally be entitled to create a virtual sofa and invite 'paying guests' (wink, wink--nudge, nudge) to watch Cable TV (USA, TNT, ESPN, HBO, etc.) on my virtual sofa across a private virtual network. Hell, it's an encrypted virtual network and these people are basically 'seated in my living room watching television' thanks to technology, right? Wrong! It's thievery! And it's why AEREO is going to be bankrupted soon.
Elsewhere, the FCC is proposing new Internet traffic rules that would permit companies to pay folks like (Comcast, A&T, Verizon, etc.) for faster/preferred delivery. It's about time! I'm tired of freeloaders (yes, freeloaders and bandwidth suckers) like Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Youtube and others paying a mere pittance while regular customers foot an disproportionate percentage of the network infrastructure bills...especially the regular folks who use the Internet to check email, pay bills and browse a few website while Joe Blow is streaming video 24x7. It's time for Netflix (and Joe Blow too) to pay their fair share.
You're free to disagree, if you wish, but that would not make me wrong nor you right. Anyway, AEREO should not and will not win this case.