Whos Ordering the ECW PPV?

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Lance Storm wins the match by Interference of Waterbury Connecticuts own Paul Walker... (Umm in mean Justin Increadable) :)

Now a touching tribute to the stars of ECW who are watching on PPV in the sky.

Net up we get Tajiri (with Mikey Whipreck) against Little Gudo against SUper Crazy in a tripple threat match.

Little Guido (Nunzio in the WWE) is also poorly used in the WWE. I like Tajiri in this match.
Tijiri has elliminated Litte Guido. Now its Super Crazy and Tajiri.
Super Crazy had a wicked looking moonsault from the balcony onto the FBI below.

The crowd is into this its like ECW never was gone. :) I love it.

I see my buddy we call Faith No More sitting ringside, but unfortunately no hat guy.
Rey Rey gets the win. Nice fact pace match, but not as good as the ones these guys had in the 90's.

This PPV is worth the money so far.
Here comes the WWE guys in, the crowd is not happy.

They are bleeping the F word, but the crowd is changing something else. (You suck...) well you get it.

Now "F U Smackdown" is being yelled.

Nice ECW package showing the history from the ECW Arena.

Out comes JOel Gertner who goes into the Smackdown area and gets his ass kicked (litterally)

Kurt Angle gets on the mic and the crowd start chanting "You suck dic." and Kurt responds, "yeah I do becuase your mother taught me how"

JBL grabs the mic and makes fun of the Internet fans. The crowd starts chating "shut the f*ck up" JBL says he is a wrestling god. JBL says the reason this PPV will sell good is because he is there.

Here comes Rob Van Damn with whistle blower funny man Bill Alfonso. (If you ever want to laugh just talk with Fonzie, he has kept me in stitches many nights)

RVD tells off the Smackdown guys why ECW is great. The bleeped out Rob claiming himself as the whole fuc*ing show"

Rhyno runs in and gores RVD attacking his knee. The lights go out, and come back on, SABU is in the ring!

Its a match! Sabu and Rhyno!
Sabu wins with the help of RVD, and so much action I don't even know how to explain it. :)

Joey Styles admits e loves Rob Van Damn.

Al Snow is back stage with head!

Another video package was shown, more great memories from ECW.

In come in the RAW guys. Joey Styles calles Edge a Wife stealer. (Edge stole Lita from Matt Hardy, in turn Matt Hardy was fired from WWE to avoid them two fighting.)

In comes Chris Benoit and he will be taking on Eddie Guerrero. This again should be a great match, both are fast moving and know lots of amateour holds.
This one is going slower then I expected it, mostly rest holds so far and not much high flying as these two can do.

Gurrero looks like he may have busted his nose. Blood is flowing into his eyes.

Gurroro misses with the frog splash.

Mick Foley is not good on the Mic, again Joey Styles is doing a great job and its great to hear him again.

Benoit wins with the crippler crossface.

Joel Gertner again comes into the WWE box and asks Eric Bishoff for a job, Bishoff tells him hell no.

Out come Mike Awesome (ECW turncoat!) taking on Masato Tanaka.

I hope Awesome gets his ass kicked.
Paul Haymond is out there now, and it looks like he is shooting HARD.

Two words for EDGE, Matt Hardy.

The only reason JBL was champion for a year is because Tripple H didn't want to work on Tuesdays. :)

Good going Paul!

We now see a movie ad for something looks like Triple H is in. Yes an ad on a Pay Per View.

We come back from the movie ad, and out come Bubba Ray and Devon Dudley. (Brothers by seperate mothers) :D after listening to the fans chears out comes Tommy Dreamer (missing by his side is the lovely francene :() and enter the sandman enters with "Enter the Sandman" playing!

After a long intro they are in the ring.

BWO comes out and Kid Cash and AXL Rotton and Balls Mahony come out.

And it looks like hell has broken loose.

Kid cash bowls a strike. :)

This one is crazy. Lots of cheese greater action. :D

Holy cow Tommy Dreamer goes through a FLAMING table.

Great match!
Stone Cold Steve Austin comes out and invites everyone from ECW to come to the ring for a beer bash.

All the ECW stars hop into the ring

Then austin invites all the WWE guys into the ring.

Taz hits the ring.

We got a fight. :)

All the WWE guys are out of the ring

Mick Foley brings Eric Bishoff in to the ring and every ECW guy takes turn kicking the crap out of Bishoff. All of them have in one way or another been screwed by Bishoff. :)

And the ECW guys celebrate iin the ring.

What a great show. Money WELL spent!

As the show ended joey styles yells "ECW Lives" Let hope it is true.

Please Vince don't let this be the last ECW show!!
scott my friend who was at the show on friday said new jack was in philly but couldnt go to the new york show because there is a warrent for his arrest in ny. Also the elminators were supposed to wrestle but, saturn broke his neck like 4 days ago.

Def well worth the money, would have been better without all the wwe ads and thq
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