I've been aware of AT&T Uverse "whole home" solution and I don't count it as being a real one either because of the effect or the result of its limitations of bandwidth that diminishes the 4 channel experience into only a TWO HD streams (channels) /I] into each residence experience and we are HD in this house, big time. In other words there is an unacceptable cost or compromise to using Uverse "whole home" solution with HD. However, I do believe Uverse has addresed the limitation in some areas by now providing an additional HD stream for a total of three, but still, the result is a diminished experience and not an enhancement as as many as 4 or even 6 HD streams (channels) are being recorded or viewed in our household at any one time.
My point is that any "whole home" solution has to at least maintain it best bandwidth situation, in Uverse's case it is 4 channel (in SD), and at an appropriate scale for a family household: hubby, wife, and at least 2 kids? Sorry, but when adding HD service a providers' quantity of service decreases by a whopping 50%, leaving at least half the household not able to even watch live the HD channels, let alone record them, it just doesn't meet the standard.
Further, while Uverse does allow for up to 4 SD channels recording at any one time, I don't think Uverse "whole home" solution provides for each of the four channels to be viewed in separate 4 rooms by 4 different people at the same time. Please correct me on that if I have it wrong but that was last I knew of Uverse's solution. While I'm willing to concede that if a provider allows at a minimum of only one tuner per person in a 4 person household for the "whole home" solution, it would meet only the most restrictive notion of such a solution, but it would still have to be considered a diminished one as each individual would not be able to watch one channel while recording another at the same time in a 4 person household, a reasonably sized household, but, yes a one tuner solution could work in some households were there is less demand than others.
Again, I don't think there is any provider out there who provides a true "whole home" solution. Certainly not at the appropriate scale for multi-person households. However, I understand the point you were making and appreciate it.