Who Will Own Rainbow-1 after FCC Rules on Sale of Rainbow DBS Licenses?

WJMorales said:
Have nothing more to say.

I think that would be the most constructive thing youve done so far.

PS youve managed to insult Riffjim again with the both full of hot air comment.
Jl do you also dismiss this option? Your ANALysis of the options was unclear. Isnt the whole poll speculation?

[*]FCC will approve transfer largely due to a partnership agreement (currently being drafted) allowing V* to use a portion of Rainbow-1 for HD. In exchange, V* will provide E* will HD programming and V* and E* will use a portion of Rainbow-1 for spotbeam HD LIL in the top 30 markets.

Any partnership agreement is speculation at this point - and unless it is filed with the FCC their decision will not be made based on such an agreement. Deadline for oppositions is next Tuesday (I suspect E* will file on the last day). Final deadline for reply comments is the Monday following (April 18th).
Your so right, your highness, almighty! Let's all bow to Mr. Vurbano The Great. I just realized how come you consider your post count so great. No doubt it's more bashing and butting in then anything else!
WJMorales said:
Your so right, your highness, almighty! Let's all bow to Mr. Vurbano The Great. I just realized how come you consider your post count so great. No doubt it's more bashing and butting in then anything else!

You may bow:D
Funny Option...

Walter L. said:
I voted for the meteor destruction. I think that VOOM and all its assets were cursed by some of the bashers of this forum and AVS
:eek: :shocked :D :p
Glad to see I was NOT the only one who wanted to see the fireworks display when the meteor destroys the satellite. :D
Am telling you Ver Dude your intelligence is really shining here. Anyways, your dude Riff, posted his ohh so secret post. Flight must have been delayed. Find it! Now you will know what every other poster under a zillion already knows!!!!
WJMorales said:
Am telling you Ver Dude your intelligence is really shining here. Anyways, your dude Riff, posted his ohh so secret post. Flight must have been delayed. Find it! Now you will know what every other poster under a zillion already knows!!!!

Read the thread. Your a little late sherlock http://www.satelliteguys.us/showthread.php?t=62163

Please behave yourself if you post.
This thread started okay, but immediately went downhill the way of so many threads on this forum. Sorry to say. Really detracts from the forum, too.

Can we stay on topic and not on each other? "Can we all get along?" as old Rodney used to say.
Am not late Dude. You Dude Riff is. All this senseless bitching cause someone got their mangina in a bundle. You have nothing constuctive to add to this post. You should try to stick to the theme of this post. Let's talk about Voom! Or did the theme of the post change?
Sad that this thread turned into this. I will delete every post on this one except for the first post. Thank you for your understanding.

what new channels will be on voom

VOOM. FIrst impressions

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