Who should be on the new $10 bill?

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I was not entirely serious with Aretha. Having said that she is pretty high caliber as far as I am concerned. Show some respect young man. Susan B. Anthony has not been on a coin for nearly 25 years. Sacajewea is on one but it is no longer distributed. But rosa would be fine with me. Otherwise grace Hopper is not a bad idea.
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Say what? We're going overseas to non-Americans for our currency?
Lol, apparently I think highly of Aretha. I didn't think her name was out of place.
What you want
(Ooh) Baby, I got
(Ooh) What you need
(Ooh) Do you know I've got it
(Ooh) All I'm askin'
(Ooh) Is for a little respect when you come home (just a little bit)
Hey baby (just a little bit) when you get home
(Just a little bit) mister (just a little bit)

Thank you Otis, for your words..... :)
Lots of good suggestions guys. There are some women on the US Savings bonds, back when they were actually being printed. Now no more, all on line.
I honestly don't care.

I can't remember the last time I touched a $10 bill. I've been cash free since 2005. The only time I have physical money in my possession is when I get it for a Birthday/Christmas gift, or as a thank you for doing computer repair jobs for friends and relatives. And then it goes directly into my wallet until I drive past a bank branch and then I deposit it into my checking or savings accounts at the ATM. The last time I paid for something in cash besides my four haircuts a year, was in 2011 when I bought Sabres playoff tickets from a scalper outside of the Arena.

While I could name all of the people on paper currency, other than Lincoln on the penny, at this point I cannot name any other person on a US coin without looking it up. I haven't handled change since probably 2005. Everything I buy or subscribe to gets paid via plastic.

The idea of physical currency is an outdated concept in my mind.
It should be my Great Great Aunt on my mother's side, Susan B. Anthony. Nah, she's already been on a dollar coin.
The paper had an editorial cartoon with the new $10 bill featuring the 2015 USA Female Soccer team.
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