Who is having problems with HDMI with 211/411/622

Sounds like a problem that may have two contributing factors ... both a software bug and a poorly constructed output connector.

I recommend that one should take steps to reduce the stress/weight on the HDMI port, by propping up the cable and resting the weight on some kind of support rather than have it borne by the HDMI connector on the receiver. Use something like a piece of foam just behind the connector so that the pull from the cable is minimized. Or cut a piece of cardboard, punch a hole in it, and run the cable through it, so that the cardboard bears some of the weight (assuming the cardboard is large enough to rest against your shelf). Lots of ways to do this.

And you should do this right away, before problems are experienced.

Many setups have the receivers placed above the TV, resulting in the entire weight of the cable pulling against the receiver's connector.
jynx said:
What switch? I thought these didn't work with some cable/satellite HDMI boxes. I'll have three HDMI outputs when my 211 arrives and only one input on TV. Started looking at new receiver with video switching, but wife's not too happy (existing one's only two years old) and price of some of those are more than a good plasma.

I got the 2 port HDMI switch from monoprice.com, the one with a remote control. Works great, no problems with the 211. The other device connected to it is the Toshiba XA1 HD DVI player which are supposed to be super sensative about HDMI connections, and no problems with it either. :up
Tom Bombadil said:
As to the HDMI problem on the new MPEG4 receivers, I've read many problem reports here, from 211, 411, and 622 owners. Many of them have reported Dish's claims that it is a software problem, but yours and other stories sure don't sound like a software problem.

You'd think that with all of the revisions out there, that they would eventually find and fix the connector problem. Installing a HDMI port isn't exactly rocket science here in 2006. I could understand if they were having problems in 2004.

Any chance you could put up a survey to determine how widespread this issue is with 622 owners/leasers?
Hopefully I am not cursing myself with this posting.

I have used HDMI out on the 211 across multiple displays (3) without a hitch so far. This has been true whether connecting directly to the display, through HDMI switches (Zektor and Meridian) and through my Denon receiver.

Good afternoon,
I have had a VIP 622 receiver operational since March 15th with no problems. I had it hooked up to a Pioneer Elite HD1130 Plasma through the HDMI connection with a awesome picture. For some unknown reason I have lost my picture through the HDMI connection today. l tried swapping out HDMI cables with my dvd player but have had no success. I have also tried a hard reboot by pulling the plug for 5 minutes like tech support from Dish told me to do. I still have NO picture through the HDMI connection. Dish is swapping out VIP 622 boxes for me but my question to you all is whats the new box going to do that the old box can do??? Like I said before is I have not had a problem with this box since installed new back in March. I appreciate everyones help..
Regards Arnier
arnier - do a search for "622 no HDMI" (no quotes) and you'll get a lot of information on this problem. I've been in the thick of it for several months. In my semi-experienced opinion there are probably multiple root causes for the problem: 1) equipment incompatibilities possibly solvable with a SW update from E*; 2) failure of the HDMI connector, evidenced by operation restored (temporarily) by "wiggling the plug" or similar, and; 3) failure of the decoder chip, possibly due to high temperatures. (If I'm measuring the correct chip, I'm seeing surface temps on it routinely as high as 160 deg. F and I contend that's too high for long-term reliability!). There could be other causes of this problem that we have not identified yet, e.g., possible ESD damage through the HDMI connector (?)

Your recent problem is fairly certainly not due to incompatibility. I'm guessing the chip failed. The equipment swap will hopefully give you one with a fully functional HDMI output again, as it did for me, but there's probably nothing in the new box to differentiate it from the old one as far as the other possible root causes go. We're also not sure if any of the current or pending SW upgrades are the answer for any of the incompatibilities. Clearly SW upgrades will NOT solve the other issues we think we have identified.

You've probably noticed that the 622 runs hot. Make sure yours has adequate spacing around it and give it any additional ventilation that you can, like with extra air blowing over it.

Good luck with your new unit and keep us posted. Welcome, BTW...
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Does anyone have the latest news/thories/ poop on the rumors that both HD player formats now available have a nasty little encryption chip built into them that prevents the buyer from receiving "true" HD (1080i, I guess) unless he's using the HDMI port? In other words, if you have an HD set with no HDMI port--like me--you won't get a full HD DVD picture even if you use the component port and even if you have no intention of trying to copy anything, you just wanna watch tv.

I know this was a rumor a while back, even though I found it incredible that the FCC would permist such a thing, but can someone tell me if this was all erroneous bull or that I am indeed out of luck getting the best HD DVD picture with my old HD tv?

jonesbruce91361 said:
Does anyone have the latest news/thories/ poop on the rumors that both HD player formats now available have a nasty little encryption chip built into them that prevents the buyer from receiving "true" HD (1080i, I guess) unless he's using the HDMI port? In other words, if you have an HD set with no HDMI port--like me--you won't get a full HD DVD picture even if you use the component port and even if you have no intention of trying to copy anything, you just wanna watch tv.

I know this was a rumor a while back, even though I found it incredible that the FCC would permist such a thing, but can someone tell me if this was all erroneous bull or that I am indeed out of luck getting the best HD DVD picture with my old HD tv?


Their is a great article on the Crutchfield site about the technology. Check it out. There is also a specific forum that talks about HD DVD right here on this site. BTW....it is true that you are required to use an HDMI port or they downrez the signal. :mad: :mad: :mad:
jonesbruce91361 said:
Hey, how do you create a new thread?
Open the Forum you want it in then click on the "New Topic" button in the left, below the header. (Make sure your title is exactly as you want it - once launched you can't edit the title.)...
I have audio drop outs and also the "handshake" between the tv and the receiver is not consistent. What I mean is that when I change channels, the screen goes haywire as if I am changing to a different input.
kokomogator said:
BTW....it is true that you are required to use an HDMI port or they downrez the signal. :mad: :mad: :mad:

I hate to add to an out of topic reply, but I believe your answer is incorrect (have you tried it personally?.)

Yes, the HD DVD format has an option to downrez the component outputs if the flagging of the DVD requires it.

Most studies have agreed not to set the flag at this time. If Hi-DEf copying of the unprotected analog component output becomes a problem they'll probably activated the flag.

Currently, there's very little consumer hardware that can copy hi-def analog.

Last I herd Disney was a hold-out on wanting to activate the protection flag (but that was a few months ago).

Edit: Did a few minutes of searching... looks like Disney was one of the first studios to NOT activate the down-rez flag (for now).
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Oh My Acheing Wallet!

Thanks, guys for all the help re the HDMI down-rez thing and I apologize if it was a bit off topic, do appreciate the info, though.

I've also heard rumors that only Blu-Ray players are 1080p capable. Again, sorry if this is old news, I've been out of the loop awhile as a member. But as one who bought a ten thousand dollar HD set with no HDMI port and presumably no 1080i capability, I am getty just slightly weary of the light speed of this new technology. I'm especially agrivated by the HDMI news as I just read an excellent article detailing the merits of componenet and the fact that there are actually more inherent flaw possiblilties with HDMI. The bottom line being, there is no such thing as "pure" digital anything, digital just has its own kind of problems--though distinct from analog's there are just as many pitfalls and perhaps worse one. And depending on the equipment used, component can actually be better than digital. The best way to find out, apparently, is the antiquated but highly reliable method of simply plugging and unpluggine DVD players, receivers, etc until you find what works best with your particular setup; there's no easy answer and nothing is foolproof.

Interesting comments, and I share a lot of your observations and concerns. Look at all the 622 HDMI output problems as a good example. FWIW, I am using mine on both HDMI and component. There are subtle differences, but I can't honestly say yet which is "better". That will likely be a matter of content, action level, room conditions, etc., so there will likely never be a universal "best"... (Can you post a link to that article you mentioned?)

I for one still appreciate some of the qualities of old tube equipment, so newer is not necessarily always "better". So many times the output of any system is experienced/interpreted subjectively by the user so we will all find our optimum set-ups based on our own individual standards and, as the French say, "Viva la difference...!"
"I get no sound with my HDI hookup on my 211."

This may sound overly simplistic and may not be your problem at all, but I experienced exactly the same situation with my 211 on my initial hookup. Almost sent it back before I remembered to go to my tv's remote and from there to the menu and pick which sound mode to use. Once I did, things came in loud and clear. Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest to figure.

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