Who is having problems with HDMI with 211/411/622

After reading some of these posts and with the recent upgrade to 409, maybe I will try to hook my HDMI cable back up and see if it works. Can't hurt. Also I was looking at the HDMI splitters that people were recommending and wanted to know if they worked that well. I have both D* and E* and would like to have both recievers going thru a splitter into one HDMI port. I have two on my monitor but wanted to use the 2nd one for my DVD recorder. Thanks
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Sounds like you want to use a switchbox instead of a splitter. Two receivers into an HDMI switchbox then into a TV. If you use a splitter in reverse, both inputs will be combined into the outgoing signal to the TV.
It always passed audio, but did not originally comply with some of the rest of the spec. I believe that changes they made that allowed it to pass DD 5.1 now make it compliant.

Ah, yes...that's what I was misremembering -- the 5.1 thing.

I'm continuing to have HDMI problems after the software downgrade, so it looks like it's probably the port pins acting up.

It's nice to have the built-in HDMI test to see what's going on in real-time, but the info is not terribly easy to parse. With mine, it appears that when the EDID checksum -fails-, it's connected OK... :confused: That threw off my troubleshooting for a while...

At the moment, the determining factor seems to be whether the HDMI test reports that the HDMI port is enabled on the Dish STB side or not (TRUE or FALSE). I dunno what throws it to FALSE, though. When it was on FALSE and I rebooted the Dish, it came back up TRUE, and then I could hit the "Reset HDMI" button and the HDMI (DVI) came through on the TV OK again...
HDMI bad switch problem

I don't know if it they are related but I used the comp. cables supplied with my new 622 for 3 weeks until a week ago. I then switched out my DVD HDMI cable to my 622 and put the comp. cables on the DVD. Things were fine for a day or two then all hell broke loose. I use the receiver to control 2 TV's. I started getting the BSOD and it was always searching for satt. signal. This would only happen on TV/receiver # 2. Then it started on both. Then it moved to receiver TV/Receiver# 1. I would get error messages telling me I had a bad switch on receiver 2. Ran switch test and it showed a bad switch on receiver # 2. I contacted DN support and they were convinced the dish needed to be repointed. I knew this was not the case as I could go to the other TV and get great signal. I scheduled a service call...they would be here in 6 DAYS!! They gave me a credit for a week. After reading this forum, I switched the cables back. I put the comp cables back on the 622. Things cleared up overnight and I have had no issues since. Switch test and satt. signal have both returned to normal. Could these issues be related?
VIP622 vs VIP722 - a scam!

I have had a VIP622 for 12 months. About 10 months ago the HDMI output stopped working on the VIP622.
I contacted DISH Network and explained to the my problem, and they responded to me that it was a "software issue" and that they were "working on it" Over these past 10 months I have contacted DISH Network on a monthly basis to check the status of them "working on it" and every time I get the same response, that it is a known issue and that they are working on it.
I initially bought the VIP622 because of it's HDMI output capabilities, in fact, I chose DISH Network over DirectTV because of the HDMI capabilities of the VIP622.
Now here is what seems odd to me.
DISH Network just released the VIP722, which from all I can tell, and from what all my research points to is that the VIP722 is EXACTLY THE SAME as the VIP622 except for 3 areas.
1. It is black, not silver
2. It has a larger hard drive
3. The HDMI output works
It seems to me like DISH Network is trying to scam all the people who have VIP622s and have problems with them into purchasing a VIP722 and extending their contracts another 18 months.
What a ripoff!

I called them today to try and get them to replace my defective faulty, HDMI-less VIP622 with a functional VIP722 and they outright refused.
I asked them how they could sell me service and equipment that doesn't work and not fix it, and the representative I spoke with (Angela - RFH) repeated the same phrase to me repeatedly.
"We cannot give you the VIP722 for free, you have to pay $199 for it, and you have to extend your contract by 18 months".
I was on the phone for over an hour (20 minutes on hold initially to speak with some one) and I tried to explain to them every way possible that it was their duty to provide me with a functional piece of hardware, which is what I paid for! $250 for a VIP622 with HDMI capabilities.
Without HDMI, the receiver is useless to me.

Long story short, don't waste your time or money with DISH Network or the VIP722. They don't care about their customers and they sell non-functional equipment that they refuse to fix (unless you pay $199 and extend your contract by 18 months)
Long story short, don't waste your time or money with DISH Network or the VIP722. They don't care about their customers and they sell non-functional equipment that they refuse to fix (unless you pay $199 and extend your contract by 18 months)

This is ONE of the reason's I dropped Dish Dontwork. I will never go back to this assinine company. Yet they keep calling me with offers and I keep telling them where to go.

I am with cable and get all HD channels except voom (which is worthless anyway) and Food plus get HBO,CINEMAX, SHO,STARS all local HD plus 10 k internet for less then $120.
They can stick Wildblue too.
This is ONE of the reason's I dropped Dish Dontwork. I will never go back to this assinine company. Yet they keep calling me with offers and I keep telling them where to go.

I am with cable and get all HD channels except voom (which is worthless anyway) and Food plus get HBO,CINEMAX, SHO,STARS all local HD plus 10 k internet for less then $120.
They can stick Wildblue too.

Just received info from my Cable Provider ! 30 NEW HD channel will be arriving to my tv by November 30, 2007.

9 in Sept. the rest by Nov.

GREAT !!!!!
Great Cable company.
Just received info from my Cable Provider ! 30 NEW HD channel will be arriving to my tv by November 30, 2007.

9 in Sept. the rest by Nov.

GREAT !!!!!
Great Cable company.
Take away the premium channels and RSNs, I wonder how many you will REALLY get.
I looked at the Blue ridge site it says they have 16 HD channels .What new HD channels are they adding? I couldn't find it on their site.

On the BRC site in the Quick Links box ,(on the right) You will see" NEW ! Blue Ridge News" in RED
On the BRC site in the Quick Links box ,(on the right) You will see" NEW ! Blue Ridge News" in RED

30 More HD Channels

Blue Ridge Communications to launch 30 more High Definition channels by November 30 th .

Blue Ridge Communications announced today their plan to roll out 30 additional High Definition channels within the next three months.

"This is very exciting news," said General Manager, Mark Masenheimer. "This will give our customers what they have been asking for....more high definition channels." The addition of the 30 HD channels will bring the total number of HD channels to over 45.

By the end of September, subscribers can expect 9 more additional HD channels across of all Blue Ridge's footprint. In addition, 40% of the footprint will have another 21 HD channels added on by the end of November. The remaining areas will receive the additional 21 channels as they upgrade their network.

Some of the early channels to be added are National Geographic, HGTV, A&E, and the Food Network. "We are finalizing agreements with most of the networks. As soon as more agreements become signed, we will announce those channels," said Masenheimer. "We are adding the HD channels that our customers requested. Blue Ridge Communications keeps a record of all channel requests by subscribers and when it comes time to decide what to add, we take those requests very seriously," added Masenheimer.

Blue Ridge Communications will continue to update the HD channel roll out on their website at Home : Blue Ridge Communications
I'm using HDMI on my (owned) 211 just fine. The sound goes in and out but that's an issue with my TV (Westinghouse 32" LCD) not the Dish receiver.

I'm using component video/RCA audio from my (leased) 622 as my TV is currently out of HDMI inputs (one for HD-DVD and one for my upconverting DVD recorder) until I get a receiver--even then I won't bother since the 622 (allegedly) doesn't send 5.1 out via HDMI. However, last time (a few weeks ago) I checked the HDMI output worked fine.

BTW, I use $10 ($20 normal price -- $10 on sale) no name HDMI cables from Fry's. They work fine.
So i've gone through 2 211's with the hdmi not working. I gave up and just used component. I haven't gone through this whole thread but have the recent software upgrades fixed the port at all, because of course thats been their excuse for it not working.
The HDMI outputs on both my 1.5 y.o. 622 and my recently-acquired 211 are both working fine (KOW!). Read back through this thread. Perhaps the issues have evolved over the last 1/75 years or so, but to a very large extent the reported problems are hardware sourced and not a result of SW problems...
So i've gone through 2 211's with the hdmi not working. I gave up and just used component. I haven't gone through this whole thread but have the recent software upgrades fixed the port at all, because of course thats been their excuse for it not working.


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I had a perfectly fine 211 that now gives me a "snowy screen" every 3-4 days since the last software update.
Does anyone have the latest news/thories/ poop on the rumors that both HD player formats now available have a nasty little encryption chip built into them that prevents the buyer from receiving "true" HD (1080i, I guess) unless he's using the HDMI port? In other words, if you have an HD set with no HDMI port--like me--you won't get a full HD DVD picture even if you use the component port and even if you have no intention of trying to copy anything, you just wanna watch tv.

I know this was a rumor a while back, even though I found it incredible that the FCC would permist such a thing, but can someone tell me if this was all erroneous bull or that I am indeed out of luck getting the best HD DVD picture with my old HD tv?


I know that for playback on a PC, the monitor has to support HDCP for the full resolution. If you don't have HDMI or DVI, then you may not get the full resolution.

Smart card mailing schedule

Any reason to buy a Dish receiver?

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