I'm just counting down the years till I turn 60 in about 4 years and 5 months. Then I can quit working and retire . I can supplement from my Roth IRA and my wife's Roth IRA with my wife's pension and my pension to tide us over, till Social security kicks in at 62 and I'm taking it early. Then wait 5 years and she can collect her full social security at age 67. I just want the luxury of knowing I don't have to do ANYTHING if I don't want to. Been working since 1978 when I turned 16. Would love to be able to spend time with my wife. We only get to see each other about 6 hours a day Mon - Friday and on weekends when I'm off , she's at work. We have been on opposite shifts for most of our married life , since my son was born almost 18 years ago. He is leaving for the Marines in September of this year ,after he graduates high school in June and turns 18 in July. Soon will be empty nesters.